Re: Glaxony, about diluting the Lugol's for Mesentery Painting..
Hey Uuuuuu :),
Did you do something else at the same time?
This is why I ask:
What stood out to me the most in your post is the comment that your *legs and feet* became warm and tingly..
With me, the results have been consistently *upper*, toward the respiratory/cranial areas, which has been entirely consistent with the direction of energy channels in the acupuncture model of the body. Something's very different with the warmth heading down, here.
Was the initial tenderness of the painted spot less the second time you tried this?
Did you use something other than Lugol's? Some other form of Iodine?
One thing is for sure- If something's happening that you don't like, maybe you shouldn't do it. I'm one of those folks who likes to err on the side of caution.
IMO don't try to push your body. It may not want to go there right now.. That's up to you.
Thanks for posting :).
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :)