September 28th
This is the day I set for myself to examine the results of my 'look on the bright side' experiment.
I must say that the month unfolded entirely differently than I had expected.
But that's life, isn't it?
Not only were my experiences and circumstances quite different, in some ways, than ever before...but I handled them differently...always with this experiment in optimism in the back of my mind.
Somehow my perception of 'the bright side' turned out to be entirely new...different than I ever would have guessed.
It seemed as though I 'forgot' to be up-beat, but I didn' was as though I was learning what is better, as I went along. No more 'Miss Pollyanna' as I once (possibly) was, I became more 'Mrs. Practical, Observant, and Competant' than ever before, while actually being more hopeful, and creative.
It's as though, by saying out loud that I want to be, and will be optimistic, I allowed myself to explore more of who I really am.
Does that make any sense?
Perhaps I released a restriction of some kind. Maybe I was less compelled to act and react in the 'same old' ways.
One thing for sure, I did a lot of joyous work on long-time projects that had stumped me. The ideas fair flowed! I think I may have the snarls beaten.
Now to put new plans into action, slowly and carefully, but surely.
I think I have turned a page.
Feels good!