I have to say I agree again!It is the bankers and they are going to create anther Depression soon! Its what Ron Paul has been saying about for years. All the borrowing and lowering of rates and driving the American dollar to the ground is going to create a huge mess and soon!
I think its true that she didn't make the connection. I do wish she understood what we were saying. I am for legitamite programs but sadly there are few.It was hard for me to get out what I was really/thinking in a way descibed my position. Oh well! I figured I was wasting my time but I still kept on replying. I too have been through the poverty times. When we were first married we qualified for food stamps. We were too proud to accept. I was 19 and he was 21 and we had a baby and were living on just his paycheck which was $10 an hour and he didn't want me to work. Our rent took half our income and were weren't in a big apartment. We made it somehow. Ramen noodle style! =) 11 years later I can see how those years really shaped us.We know it can happen with out gov. programs but if you do need them its a great thing to have.
Thanks for your input. I have read quet a bit of your writings and they are so good. There needs to be more voices out there speaking out. Thanks for the forum!