We have had a large garden, and bought a raw vegetable juicer, and when my husband started on the raw juices, he said it had helped him as far as having more frequent bowel movements- several a day. However, I couldn't get him convinced to take the Cascara until just the past few days, and he's been amazed at how much more he has been eliminating with it. I'm curious to see if that is going to make a difference now in what parasites he may see...cracks me up that he wasn't going to look...curiousity got the best of him :)
When my 76 year old dad had the interest in starting Barefoot's dewormer, I told him what I had been learning about the "steps" and the importance of having the colon working good first.
With the "daddy" parasites I've been expelling..I couldn't imagine having killed the beasts, and have them not being expelled because of the colon not doing it's job like it was meant to do.