It might be for real but it does not have THC in it. If it did, they couldn't sell and ship it interstate.
In Washington State where medical hemp oil is legal I buy one fluid ounce for $30 at retail. Even here you have to be careful because there are shysters who want an "up front" cost when you walk in the door and that is not required.
I have a medical authorization letter for hemp oil with THC from my oncologist/MD which is required for its purchase.
Hemp oil is really being fraudulently promoted on both the Internet as well as Cure Zone. You have to be really careful in what you are buying.
Here is a hemp oil (no THC) that I have purchased from Amazon that I use along with my THC variety:
Here's an article by Dr. Weil on the benefits of non-THC hemp oil - which you can buy for about $12 for 24 ounces:
Here's the study that got me going on hemp oil - with THC:
I am taking six drops of the THC hemp oil three times a day along with one tablespoon of the non-THC hemp oil. I have multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer) and will post my progress as soon as lab tests tell me how it is working for me.
Thank you for the direction to the group. I did find them after I made this post but they seem to be more oriented to the smoked variety which I want to avoid. I'm looking specifically for hemp oil solutions and will get some locally and begin my experimentation within the next few days.
Also in searching this out I have found that you can legally purchase hemp oil without the THC in it and have seen excellent testimonials on that alone. I have some of that on order but do wish to get the oil that includes the THC.
"There are some other good things you can do. High doses of C has to be done via IV or using liposomal vitamin C, also would add curcumin - also encapsulated [liposomal ] If you need or want the recipes for both please contact me and will provide them to you."
Where is the documentation/testimonials that this has worked for multiple myeloma?
Thanks. I have used Curcumin in the past with no noticeable improvements.
I haven't stood idly by. I do believe that hemp oil with or without THC is my best route.
If you search the Internet regarding hemp oil your will find that it is a significant cancer fighter.
As I said - have used curcumin without any benefits.
It is easy to go off in different directions at the same time which produces confusing or no results. I have made up my mind to get hemp oil as it has many benefits besides a potential cancer cure. I will be seeing my oncologist tomorrow and will get a prescription for the kind with THC. My state (Washington) allows medical marijuana when you have a prescription from a doctor and purchase it in a medical marijuana shop which are locally established.
Will eventually follow up to share my results.
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