i´m interested in learning a very slow & long breathing (dry version / not under water) for medicinal purposes.
my goal is to reach 1 breath per 1 - 3.minutes, so i´d be grateful for any idea or suitable method to reach my goal without suffocation
i ´d like to try learning this: "REGENESIS" https://www.scribd.com/document/18114563/Regenesis-1
regenesis is a wonderful healing techniques, introduced by a great Mr. Rasmusson http://www.houseofhealinghands.com/RasmussonBob/rasmussonb.html
i think his name shouldn´t be forgotten so quickly.
thanks for any tips!
I found this amazing free app on the App store, it's called Epic Breath from Help You Rock Software. If you don't have a ipod, iphone or ipad you can also listen to it online here http://www.totalauthenticity.com/EpicBreath/EpicBreathCleanse.mp3
All you have to do is lay down on your back and follow the breathing instructions. (Pics of the 2 positions below)
"Many say the Breath Cleanse has them vibrating from head to toe. Others testify that the experience led them to the most tangible experience of spiritual energy inside their body. Over 10,000 have experienced this phenomenal breathing experience.
There is an incredibly powerful tool we have that very few of us completely acknowledge and utilize. It is our breath. Without it, we cannot live, and when we really become aware of it…we come alive.
Our breath carries with it much more than oxygen, it carries the elements of life, of energy, and of health.
Epic Breathing is a technique that fills the body with so much oxygen and chi (energy) that you may find yourself feeling weightless, revived, and for many who come with asthma or other chronic ailments, including broken bones – healed.
In Tibet, there are monks who sit in the icy snow, wrapped with a wet towel, and through a meditative breath practice they are able to not only remain warm, but are able to dry the towels. The same technique they use, Tumo Breath, is at the core of Epic Breathing. This is ancient wisdom with modern results."
More info here http://www.totalauthenticity.com/epicbreath/
Pics from the app Epic Breath
i don't believe in any "extra vitamins" approaches because this way of thinking participates damagingly in the toxic neurotic fear of scarcity/neurotic fear of fasting cultivated by the obese food-addicted society.... besides according to the Natural Hygienists being actually always superfluous and kind of toxic and dangerous - taking vitamins that is. Besides participating in industries that manufacture/transport materials damaging the earth. Creating plastic bottles full of vitamins we don't need... very radical I know but these are things I almost never have even said before and thank you for hearing them if it is ok I hope so.
Generally though I really appreciate getting a response and don't want to be rejecting, I just have to oppose thinking that is kind of about stuffing the body full of this and that. Please forgive me I have had a lotof trauma myself having been bullied into eating/practically force-fed; and also having recently lost a friend; she died because doctors force-fed her when she had cancer and her body was clearly signaling it could not tolerate food. If only people knew about fasting and accepted it, she would still be living.
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