I apologize if I can't always answer a certain person's questions in a single post. I have a full time career as a scientist and research & develoment manager for a fortune 100 company. I run 30 - 40 miles per week, most of which I squeeze in at lunch time on a 5 mile course with 630 ft (63 stories) total elevation over 5 miles. My total commute time is 1-1/2 hours round trip. I'm in front of as computer for much of the day, but I do not sit down. I have a stand-up desk. http://www.runnersworld.com/health/sitting-is-the-new-smoking-even-for-runners Since I always eat lunch, I eat while standing at my desk. I usually go on a long run on the weekends, particularly most recently, because I'm training to run two back-to-back marathons a week apart in August in an attempt to re-qualify for the Boston Marathon at the age of 55.
I belong to a CrossFit box, so I try to get in at least 3 WODs per week. The regional competitions are underway now. In case anyone is interested you can watch them at http://games.crossfit.com/. Once the regionals are completed, the national and international competitions will take place for the purpose of crowning the World's Fittest Male and the World's Fittest Female.
Like many (not ALL) CrossFitters, I follow a diet that is free of added sugars, free of processed foods, free of gluten, free of grains, free of added salt, free of starchy root vegetables and free of refined vegetable oils. Yes, that's correct, I'm Paleo and have 16% body fat by the caliper method, down from 23%. My waist size is 31" and I'm 6'-0" tall, 168 pounds. All of these numbers are in the "ideal" range. If anyone cares to provide me with a list of the names of the "Paleo Gurus" ALL of whom are thought by one person to be "chubby", I'd be happy to provide a list of 1,000 Paleo CrossFitters, for every one Paleo Guru that is proven to be "chubby".
I have two motorcycles that I enjoy customizing and riding with my current wife/high school sweetheart. I have four grown children, one of which attends graduate school in Paris. I have two living parents, each of which are approaching 80 yrs in age. All of these people are given a share of my time along with my friends. I'm a DIY'r, have built a house and am renovating one now, all in my spare time. I rarely take my cars in for repair as I prefer to do my own work.
Since we are exposed to EMF's during most of the day, I sleep on a conductive fabric to which I've attached a wire leading to a grounding rod in the ground outside. The grounded sheet creates a condition of neutral charge on the body, just as it would do if I were sleeping on the ground, like our very ancient ancestors. Using a voltmeter, when using my laptop, I measure charges as high as 8 -12 VAC on my body. Lying in bed ungrounded, the charge is 2 - 4 VAC, just because of the electrons flowing through the wiring in the house. The closer to an outlet, appliance or switch, the higher the exposure. When on the grounded fabric, the charge drops to a negligible amount, 0.009 VAC or less. Do I know if there's any benefit to sleeping grounded? I have no idea, but the theory makes sense, and it doesn't cost anything to do it. There is a Forum on Curezone about "Earthing". Why Earthing? I say 'why not'?
Twenty years ago, long before I went Paleo, I was diagnosed with Candidiasis. My Dermatologist was a mainstream MD and when he said that I had Candidiasis, I thought he was nuts. But I kept an open mind, followed only the tests and protocols that made sense to me, and eventually re-balanced. Back then, no-one talked about probiotics and the only probiotic that I could get, had to be ordered through a pharmacy. Now, probiotics are everywhere, some good, some not so good, and the Human Microbiome Project is using DNA sequencing to study the enormous commensal bacteria colony inhabiting the human host. The intestinal colony is now considered to be the largest, most complex organ in the human body, and is now being connected to a host of diseases.
Having also been a Psoriasis sufferer and learning that there's a known relationship between Liver Function and Psoriasis, I studied the Clarke Liver Flush protocol and used that to not only clear my skin conditions, but also to boost my Liver's ability to support my desire to run. Thanks Curezone! Step change improvements in my running pace occurred, as I was documenting results. If one uses the philosophy that such protocols are bogus because it is one person's attempt to capitalize on the sicknesses of others, then the Clarke Liver Flush does not qualify. Epsom Salts, Grapefruit Juice and Olive Oil is all that's needed for one flush.
Modern medicine is still in its very, very early infancy, and relative to man's existence on this planet, it might as well be considered embryonic. There's a lot more about human health that is unknown than there is known, and that will still be the case 1,000 years ago, should this planet still be able to sustain life. If an ND or MD comes up with a new and different theory about illness or a new approach to improving health, mainstream medicine can dismiss the theory all it wants, but in many cases mainstream medicine is unable to disprove new theories and practices. The way I see it, many of these ND's/MD's may be ahead of their time. Are some capitalizing on the illnesses of others for financial gain? Yes, of course. So does mainstream medicine operate for financial gain and so do the pharmaceutical companies. Caveat Emptor. That's why Curezone is so great, we can all share our experiences and make more informed decisions.
So what is the point of all of these ramblings?
First is that there's not enough time in the day of a healthy active person to be sitting in front of a computer waiting to respond to the next debate post. I have a life, and I don't live it on Curezone, and don't particularly care to debate with anyone who is clearly not going to move off of a position. One such position is that Everyone with symptoms associated with AF or Candidiasis, really doesn't have anything wrong with them that might affect their GI tract, digestive system, overall health, adrenal glands, or anything else for that matter. These people have been misdiagnosed and are starving and therefore should eat more carbohydrates to be healed. It's as though it's indisputable and there's no other possible health issue that can be associated with the symptoms except for starvation or malnutrition. If that's the case, it was true 1,000 years ago and will be true 1,000 years from now, and there is no other possible cause or cure. Even though the sum total of all states of health, including old age can affect virtually every single cell in the human body, the Adrenal Gland, for example is spared, and its function is not affected. At one time, I'll bet it was belived by the medical community, that you either had diabetes or you didn't have diabetes, but we now know that not to be true. There's pre-diabetes, diabetes type 2 and diabetes type 1, all of which are different states of insulin resistance.
The other point of these ramblings is to let you know more about who I am, what I do, and some of what I believe. Most importantly, I believe in being open minded. When you're a scientist, you have to be, because as I said, we have not even remotely reached the end of discovery. It is endless. Some of the medical practices of 50 years ago, that were considered mainstream by the medical community, would be considered outrageous by today's standards. But the reverse also hold true. Some of the theories of 50 or 100 or even thousands of years ago that were considered outrageous, are now becoming mainstream. Every year we hear about a number of foods, or herbs or plants that have medicinal powers, but 150 years ago, you were a witch doctor for even suggesting such nonsense. Being open minded means that I would not dismiss malnutrition as a contributing factor to any disease. In fact malnutrition is, and always has been a contributor to disease and health issues. But malnutition is not always the cause and sometimes can be a symptom of disease. It most certainly is not the only cause for all of the symptoms of disease.
In summary, some might think I'm slow to respond and skipping over questions, but the reality is that sitting in in front of this laptop does not makeup any significant part of my day. There are just too many more productive and healthy things to be done. Also, during what little time I might spend here, I prefer to spend it productively, whenever possible.
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