I did a comprehensive comparison showing a long list of the symptoms blamed on so-called "adrenal fatigue" are also caused by malnutrition/starvation, just more evidence that prolonged under-eating is what "AF" really is.
Even the originator of the "adrenal fatigue" theory, Dr. J. Wilson, lists a form of under-eating as a predisposing factor of the symptoms he blames on "AF":
It's no coincidence either that when I looked back at people's original posts in the AF support section and polled others, almost everyone who knew how much they ate were under-eating.
If you've been diagnosed by some alternative practitioner with so-called "adrenal fatigue", or seem to have most of the symptoms listed on websites promoting "AF", your adrenal glands aren't causing your problems. Your symptoms are most likely being caused by calorie-skimping.
A chart on how many calories you should be averaging: