I’ve had hsv 2 genital herpes now for about 20 years. When I got my first outbreak in my teens, I had no other symptoms other than the stinging sensation when I urinated. I wouldn’t know I had a sore. As the years passed my outbreak symptoms remained the same. One day in my early with burning sensations in my limbs, hands, And feet. My diet at the time was terrible, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell. Etc. I went to the doctor and he said it’s a benign condition and couldn’t come up with a clear conclusion. As the years passed I became vegan and ate healthier and exercised, I felt healthier I guess. I enter a new relationship, and hear about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. So to protect my partner I started taking it. I felt very ill while on it, along with dmso. It was giving me palpitations, I had floaters in my eyes, always felt off. So saw a naturopath who put me on some immune boosting pills and I felt a little better. During this time he gets some of my vaginal secretions on his hands and thinks it’s a good idea to wipe his hands on my hair. I didn’t think anything of it, but later on in the month I started getting blisters in my scalp. I was always lethargic. Doctors told me herpes is only on the face or genitals. One day my boyfriend bought me a salad from jack in the box, expecting me to pick the chicken and whatever else off of it that I wasn’t going to eat, after the salad I started wheezing In my lungs. I felt sick, not food poisoning sick, but something is wrong with my body sick. I stopped taking peroxide and I just tried improving my diet and suffering at the same time. A few years pass and one day I have a cold sore inside my nostril. I freak out. I went to a doctor who didn’t test it, but just said yes I see a cold sore.. ok.. in 8 years that cold sore spread from one nostril to the other. Both nostrils red and swollen, to present day the herpes has traveled on its own outside of my nostrils and into my ear canals, which right now they have traveled from my ears to the back side of my ear lobes on both sides. I’m itching and suffering. Not on suppressive therapy. Years ago I saw a thread on here about a type of herpes that’s hard to treat. My current boyfriend has been blood tested for hsv and came back positive for hsv1 that apparently spread from my nose to his. Acupuncture has helped me somewhat. B ut I need something stronger... please help!!!And just for reference if I have a genital sore my nose will barely or not at all bother me. My nose ALWAYS itches, especially after whatever I eat. And it doesn’t go away. Right now virus is behind my ears and my nose feels NORMAL. I have also had an episode of shingles 2 years ago.
I am really sorry to hear about your wife's situation, the herpes simplex virus can be a tricky one and when it reoccurs like this it can really put stress on every aspect of life.
The first thing for your wife to do is to pay attention to her health and try to pinpoint what might be putting a strain on her immune system (her body's natural defence system against germs, viruses and disease). Once you have identified this, try to counteract the problems whereever possible. Learning to prevent or remedy these triggers is key to controlling the outbreaks.
There is a good article on this here: How to Reduce Herpes Outbreaks
Taking supplements such as vitamins, minerals and antiviral herbs is the next step that I would recommend to getting her body back into control. Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Zinc and Lysine should be a part of her daily routine, along with the herbs Olive Leaf, Andrographis and Echinacea (in a standardized form). These herbs are both antiviral and immune boosting and will work along with her immune system to deactivate the virus.
To help with the physical pain, a bath of Epsom Salts and an application of Dynamiclear should work like a charm. Dynamiclear will also help to reduce the virus population on contact, so can be really helpful for long term success.
Best of luck, dakota1010. I hope your wife is feeling much better (and outbreak free) very soon.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Yes, it is really common for people not to realize that cold sores are actually a form of the Herpes simplex virus (the same virus that causes genital herpes).
The way the herpes virus works is that, once infected, it resides in the nerves and tissues until it is activated. Once active, the herpes virus travels the nerve pathways to the skin and this is when you normally see a flare-up of symptoms, otherwise known as a cold sore or "outbreak".
Once the virus reaches this active stage there are certain remedies and creams that can help give you relief, the most effective topical cold sore solution that I have found in my clinical experience in dealing with this virus is Dynamiclear. I have seen the difference first hand that this product can make so have no hesitation in recommending it. It is fast acting, all natural and side effect free. For most people, it works instantaneously. The product also comes with a 6 month money back guarantee which allows a fair trial period to assess the results.
However, prevention is always better than cure. The herpes virus is greatly connected to the state of your immune system which is why cold sores tend to surface when you are feeling run down, stressed or recovering from the flu, etc. Sunlight can also cause an activation of cold sores because of the trauma to the skin caused by the intense UV rays from the sun.
Being sun smart and taking good care of yourself can do wonders to boost your immune system and therefore keep cold sores away, e.g..
The herbs Andrographis, Olive Leaf and Echinacea increase the body's ability to fight off the herpes virus so can be useful if outbreaks occur regularly. Olive leaf also reduces viral shedding, a huge advantage for people interested in reducing the chance of transmission of the herpes virus.
Diet can also play a part in helping to reduce outbreaks. Lysine, Vitamin C, Zinc and Bioflavonoids have been proven to help stop cold sores developing and can also reduce the associated symptoms (such as itching, tingling and redness).
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Colloidal Silver works well. Not the drug store CS.
Usually you can tell when a sore is about to come out by a sensitivity to the area on the lip. This is the best time to put 5% CS on it. Usually it will not become a full fledged sore.
Just keep it moist with CS throughout the day.
Hi nicegirl and mayjune1,
This is an interesting theory but I am not so sure that this would work in practice.
If interested, you can read the full details of the patent application here.
An application can be made to patent any idea that you like, but this does not determine whether the idea is safe or effective.
Since this patent dates back to 2005 and has been tested in only 1 case study by the inventor himself I would say that it is lacking sufficient evidence to support the theory.
Good luck and if you are interested in looking into this further you may like to contact the patent holder directly.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
I am very sorry but I specialize in Herpes Support and Information.
This forum is specifically related to herpes questions and you may find more assistance in a forum specific to the condition you are researching.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Hi mime412,
I am very sorry that you are going through this right now. Rest assured that although there can be ups and downs with herpes (for most people the majority of this is emotional stress) there are excellent avenues for support and you are never, ever alone in this.
In regards to how and who you contracted the virus from this is very tricky, particularly since these two most recent encounters were both within a very short time of each other.
Here are a few possibilities to consider:
mime412, to help you through this time and to give you more understanding of this virus try visiting this website: Herpes-Coldsores.com There is a Support Forum here that can be of great help.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Hi there,
The topic of this forum is actually regarding the herpes virus, but I will try to help you however I can.
I would recommend that you visit a "Deep Tissue" Masseur in your area to help you resolve the problem.
Applying Arnica or warm Castor Oil every night may help to dramatically releive the muscle problem, depending on the underlying cause.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
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