I'm really confused as to where I got this virus from. There is this one guy that I really love says he doesn't have it but I think he does. I had sex with him a two days before I went and experimented something. I'm young so someone told me about a place to go to have some fun. They said check it out so I went by myself. They said it was a swingers club. Not knowing what that was at the time I went! I went inside and I met this married couple. They treated me pretty fairly and then before I knew it I was in there with them, doing something I thought I would never do. I then realized I had too much to drink. Then I left with a guilty feeling in my gut. While engaging in to sex with them, I noticed when he penetrated me it really hurt. I thought maybe he was just big but he wasn't that big for it to hurt. While driving home I noticed that I was still hurting. It was still hurting the next day. Well I decided to shaved that Monday(2 days later) because I was expecting to meet with my friend that I care for. Our realtionship is kind of strange because he comes in and out of my life. Well we didn't see each other that day but I saw he that Thursday. I was still in pain down there and I saw the cuts but thought it was razor cuts from shaving to fast. Well we had sex and when I looked at his penis it had a sore on it that looked kind infected. It was on the shaft. Well the pain didnt go away for two weeks so I decided to go see a doctor. When they looked at it she said it looked like herpes. Then I got the results and they were positive. When I told him he really didn't say anything. Then he asked me was I sleeping with anyone else. I told he yes. Then I asked he and he said he had oral sex. Then I asked he about the sore and he said it was from a chaffe when he was beating off. Now he's mad and saying that he the victim but he also says he doesn't have it. I just want to know what you guys think. Help please. Also, can anyone tell me where I can go to some clinical trials. Thanks!