I cannot believe I found someone battling what appears to be the same thing I’ve battled for at least 4-5 yrs. I would like to know if you have Fur babies as well, dogs or cats? I have both. I’ve had issues with fleas, and tapeworms In my home due to helping a local organization foster many kittens as well. I’ve been to so many doctors/ specialists that will not take the time needed to help me, and just like everyone else they push you off and Quickly label you delusional. It’s amazing how my “ Delusions” are identical to so many out there. I used to be cute, and it’s WRECKED my face. Have you noticed a mucus type substance over the affected areas? It becomes an extremely hard glue like substance, and it can build up thick very fast. Can make the skin have a shiny appearance. After soaking or hit shower, sometimes some areas will start to dissolve and you can scrap with tweezers easily and it looks almost snot like. But will start to harden up again fast. Under these areas on the face I’ve pulled out translucent thread like worms, or it’s a part of the parasite (?) I’ve seen tapeworm looking eggs, flatworms with arrowhead shape at one one, pointy at other. And tiny segmented like worm/ larva, as well as flat oval shaped trematodes. Working in some areas on my face I’ve pulled out clots that I Thought was a worm but then breaks apart into several tiny cyst like clusters. ( eggs?) The scary part is when I pull off a scabbed area from these things, I do not bleed normally. It’s dark like old blood, and clots come out instantly that you see right away, and pick up with tweezers. I was diagnosed with Vasculitis, but was told my scars don’t look typical ( go figure) I’m scarred head to toe. I took my own samples From my body to my local vet and fibbed that it was from my dog. They said it looked like a type of tapeworm. And yet the Medical field continues to let me down. I was severely anemic last year, blood level was a dangerous 6, & had 2 blood transfusions. I went from 150 lbs to 102 and on the verge of death. I went through a short period of things not being as bad then it has exploded again as if it lays dormant in me. I hope you have the attention you are needed from doctors. Please share if they find out what it is.
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