Hi there, just wanted to come back here one final time with good news.
I'm cured of all
parasites and have been for over a year now. I had it all-- crawling skin, scalp, liver/thyroid issues, ENDLESS DEBILITATING fatigue, hair loss, hormonal imbalance, vision problems, candida, allergies, hirsutism, and waaay more that i cant even list and i'm all or mostly cured (and still progressing).
for so long i would scroll through this website, trying diets and supplements and obsessing over trying to cure myself, but I've finally cured myself. I tried so many alternative treatments, including acupuncture! but nothing had worked for me. What finally cured me was some special supplement pills with garlic in em (two weeks on those, only listing them because they might have had something to do with it, but honestly i think they were a placebo, because i really only felt better physically when i tried the next part of my healing), and (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART) realizing that emotions were the root of my illnesses. my anger and resentments that i had left unattended for years were clogging my liver. my thyroid shut down because i wasnt using my voice and having good boundaries with others. I was constantly feeling like a victim and like parasitic people were latching on to me. I had real physical symptoms of all the illnesses i mentioned; was formally diagnosed and even had whacked out lab results, visible parasites, but at the end of the day, the roots were all emotional. unattended trauma and stress can destroy your immune system and leave you susceptible to just about anything, but please remember that the body and mind can heal from anything as well. instead of supressing my physical symptoms, i began to sit with them patiently. what was my mind and heart trying to tell me? what was going on in my life at the time that had nothing to do with my illness? Reiki helps with this too. Im not saying i have the miracle for everyone, but i just wanted to share that this worked for me ( and is still working), and i genuinely thought my illnesses were going to consume my life forever. healing is possible! good luck!