Energized Water and Mind Control | |
So, I decided to look this subject up again yesterday and I copied out the article below last night and, for some strange and unknown reason, the second half of the first article came up missing on Water as Medicine. You know, the paragraph about Energized Water flushing the system of Heavy Metals. Like Mercury, for instance. You know, the Heavy Metal that they started using in the sixties in child immunizations and which they still use in them to this day. Funny thing, that hey. You ever see the Giligan's Island Episode where he picked up a Radio Signal through his teeth? You know, silver fillings. Get the picture. They shot that mercury into our veins and that mercury made its way into our craniums where, assuredly, alot of it lodged and is still there to this day and, one very obvious reason that you would do that would be if you wanted to turn someones' head into a radio that receives Signals from a Theta Wave Transmitter. You know, that little backgound hum that people starting reporting in the 90's. So, why don't we see if anyone out there that uses energized water also hears the background hum. What is Structured Water? Water is not one solid mass of liquid, but it actually consists of layers. When these layers slide by each other, such as when the waters are shaken, the surfaces of the layers are susceptible to absorbing an electro -magnetic force or energy. Whenever water is turbulent, it is affected by magnetic forces. These magnetic forces are either manmade or from the earth's natural magnetic field. In nature, this occurs whenever water flows over rocks. Water can move around sharp bends or over elevations and depressions in the river or stream bed. These natural occurrences do cause water to be "structured." The molecules in water, under the influence of "structuring, become either positively or negatively charged. The result is the water's natural repulsion or attraction is greatly enhanced. The positive charge is the optimum situation we are seeking. When this occurrence happens, an increased number of molecules "stick together" and cause "liquid crystal chains." These crystal chains cause a drastic change in the composition of the affected water. The "structured" water then becomes quite different from normal tap water we have at our disposal today. That "structured" water is then much more like "natural water" as you find it in a pristine natural environment. There are benefits associated with "structured" water because it then becomes the way we should expect our own body's' healthy water content to be. What does this mean, simply, our body does not have to make stressful and energy-burning transformations in the structure of the "unnatural water" for our bodies to assimilate and utilize the water. Unnatural water takes energy from our body and natural "structured" water gives energy to our body. Energized water for bathing, drinking, cooking, cleaning, watering our plants and cleaning our structures, even on the outside, have shown many people to enjoy considerable detoxification of the heavy metals and toxins in their bodies. After all, our bodies were made to "heal" themselves. |
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