Safe to extract wisdom teeth with Jaw/TMJ falling out?
Recently after a NUCCA doctor pushed to hard, my jaw cavitation symptoms worsened, I became neurologically dysfunctional for a while (sphenobasilar issue) and then after light sucking the next day my jaw fell out of the joint and since then I would wake up to catch my jaw falling in my sleep.
Lots of teeth grinding ever since and even chewing or opening mouth for dental work causes more headaches/neurological dysfunction. Electrosensitivity has gotten worse (I have Lyme).
Basically it is the bowling ball syndrome but even more complicated.
Now I just found out I have 2 more jaw cavitations on my left side at the wisdom teeth sites, using a Cavitat machine (probably caused by the NUCCA doctor as this does not show on Panorama X-ray, indicating a new infection?).
Is it safe to remove these cavitations and wisdom teeth while still having the above TMJ issues? My muscles/joints are still very weak.
I am having trouble finding someone locally in Toronto to fix this TMJ/cranial issue. I just started seeing a CranialSacral Therapist but not sure if she can help with the jaw issue.
If anyone has recommendations even outside of Canada please let me know.