Our guest on The Best Years in Life Radio Show for March 6th is Rose Cherrix, who has had quite the journey fighting the system for the sake of her son, who has battled Hodgkins without dangerous mainstream drugs and radiation treatments. Her family's fight led to the passage of the law known as Abraham's Law (named after her son) in 2007.
To find out more, including how to listen in and/or chat and our upcoming schedule of guests, click HERE.
I noticed this lump about two years ago, and I brushed it off. Each day I get more and more concerned, but of course the Internet makes everyone paranoid when it comes to being diseased. Every thing I search always leads to some form of cancer. So anyways this lump is small and round and whenever I touch it, it feels sore. The left side of my neck is always really tight which is how I found the lump while rubbing my neck to relax the muscle. I am only eighteen and I feel extremely fatigued all the time. I just feel as though I am dragging myself around. Someone please give me some sort of answer, being clueless makes me livid....seriously.
*~***Background Info***~*
I have Scoliosis, and I had it surgically corrected when I was Eleven years old. My upper spine is fused so that is immobile. My back is constantly popping and crackling. I mention this because my Gram says that maybe I have a pinched nerve it my neck.
Just trying to provide as much information as possible because Cancer is not something I would love to have....)^;
A lump can be a number of things. Cancer is unlikely though being that it has not grown significantly in two years and if it were a lymphoma you would have multiple swollen nodes throughout the body.
Some possibilities could be a blocked lymph node, a cyst, an underlying bone spur, muscle pushing through a tear, etc.
Scoliosis is actually very easy to fix if they had not already done the spinal fusion. All you can do now is support the bones, cartilage tendons and ligaments. The primary nutrient for this is silica, followed by vitamin C.
(NaturalNews) Cassandra Callender, of Windsor Locks, Conn., was diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma when she was 17 years old. Shortly after the diagnosis in September 2014, she refused chemotherapy, and decided to look into alternative treatments to protect her body from long-term effects such as organ damage and infertility.
However, the state of Connecticut forced her into getting treatment against her own and her mother's will. Her doctors said she would likely die without chemotherapy, and reported her case as child abuse to the Connecticut's Department of Children and Families (DCF), who took her case to the state Superior Court.
After doctors stated that Cassandra needed the treatment, which has an 80 to 95 percent success rate, the court ruled that she was too young to decide about her own health, and forced her into getting chemotherapy. At first, Cassandra and her mother complied with the decision and went through with the treatment. After receiving two rounds of chemotherapy, however, Cassandra ran away from home, refusing any further treatment.
Unfortunately, the court intervened again, and Cassandra was removed from her mother's home, allowing the DCF to take temporary custody and make all decisions regarding Cassandra's medical treatments. She was forcibly hospitalized, and underwent a grueling five months of chemotherapy.
Cassandra fully understood what she was facing, and what the consequences of her decision could have had on her life.
"Words cannot describe what my life has become over the last few months," she wrote in a column for The Courant. "Horrifying seems like an understatement. What I have been going through is traumatizing. Never did it cross my mind that one day I would be diagnosed with cancer.
"Whether I live 17 years or 100 years should not be anyone's choice but mine. How long is a person actually supposed to live, and why? Who determines that? I care about the quality of my life, not just the quantity."
However, the court ruled that she was a minor, and the DCF stated that it was their duty to act, since there was a chance she could die if the decision were left up to her and her mother.
"When experts — such as the several physicians involved in this case — tell us with certainty that a child will die as a result of leaving a decision up to a parent, then the Department has a responsibility to take action," DCF said in a statement.
After five months of forced chemotherapy, Cassandra went into remission. However, though the state forbade her to look into alternative treatments because the chemotherapy would give her an 85 percent chance of survival, her cancer has now come back.
"Here is my '85% chance' of life after chemo," she wrote in a Facebook post. "Unfortunately I didn't make the 85%, I fell into the 15%."
Cassandra, now 18, is legally old enough to take matters into her own hands, and told The Associated Press that she is "moving forward with alternative treatments."
The DCF recently released a statement saying that it sympathizes with Casandra, and wishes the best for her and her family.
"From the beginning, the department has been guided by the medical experts' judgement about what would be in Cassandra's best interest," the statement said. "Cassandra's health and well-being remain in the forefront of our thoughts and our hopes for her full recovery."
Cassandra has now set up a GoFundMe page to help accumulate the funds for alternative cancer treatments, and in order to hire an attorney to fight her case.
While Big Pharma wants us to believe that conventional cancer treatments are the only way to survive cancer, alternative treatments can be far more effective. If you want to learn more regarding the truth about cancer, and how conventional cancer treatments can do more harm than good, watch the powerful, life-changing series "The Truth about Cancer" here.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053816_Cassandra_Callender_forced_chemotherapy_cancer_treatment.html#ixzz473J1vwsh
Have the doctors given you an estimate of the time they believe he has remaining?
There are several things you might do, even on a very limited budget - but much depends on how much time is available for natural and alternative items to work.
The ozone suggestion is a very good one, particularly to help eliminate the cancer if there is not much time thought to be remaining. However, there are many other things which you should also do to make sure the cancer is eliminated and does not return. Examples include:
Eating the flaxseed/cottage cheese combo which is an integral part of the Budwig Diet protocol. Note: be sure to use small curd cottage cheese to come closer to the original flaxseed/quark combination Budwig used. If you are a bit of a do-it-yourself type, you can also make your own healthy quark cheese at home with a bit of effort. See:
Eat lots of raw minced garlic and lots of hot peppers - either cayenne or habanero. In addition to being cancer fighters, garlic is a great natural pathogen destroyer which should also help a bit with the cholesterol and cayenne peppers are wonderful for the heart.
Eat a mostly raw, mostly vegetable diet and be sure to include lots of cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables such as brocolli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. See:
One extremely healthy way to get plenty of vegetable is juicing them - and juiced vegetables are key components of many successful natural cancer protocols, most notably the Gerson protocol.
Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread/bleached flour and fast foods, junk foods, micro-waved foods, processed meat products and processed foods in general.
Take lots of the common kitchen spice turmeric, which contains the cancer fighting adaptogen curcumin. Curcumin is also a very good natural anti-inflammatory and should help with swelling issues. Note: curcumin is not absorbed very well, but you can increase absorption by also taking coconut milk and/or black pepper along with it.
One vital supplement to include is milk thistle, which is essential for maintaining good liver health - and regardless of what you do, virtually any successful cancer fighting protocol will result in increased toxic load on the liver due to die-off.
Regularly do coffee enemas - once or more per day. Coffee enemas will help open up the bile ducts so that toxins can be processed and eliminated more efficiently. They will also greatly increase glutathione production and thus help the body's natural immune system fight the cancer. As an added benefit, coffee enemas help relieve pain (they have commonly been used in battlefield situations for wounded soldiers).
Parsley, chlorella, cilantro, dandelion root and apple pectin all help bind and eliminate toxins, especially heavy metals.
Get daily sunshine if you live in the right climate, and regardless of what climate you live in try to get plenty of indirect sunlight in the eyes daily. In 1959. Jane C Wright, directing cancer research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Center in New York City, instructed fifteen cancer patients to stay outdoors as much as possible that summer in natural sunlight without wearing their glasses, and particularly without sunglasses. By that Autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had gotten better. It was discovered that the one patient that didn’t have good results had not fully understood the instructions - while she had not worn sunglasses, she had continued to wear her prescription glasses. This blocking of UV into her eyes was enough to stop the benefits enjoyed by the other fourteen.
Find dark grapes (preferably organic) which have seeds and eat plenty of the grapes, seeds and all. Grapeseed extract is a known immune booster, antioxidant and cancer fighter. One alternative cancer cure (the Johanna Brandt grape cure) calls for fasting and then consuming nothing but grapes.
If you live in the right climate and location where oleander plants are growing, and you can find some which have not been treated with pesticides, you can make your own extremely effective oleander extract at home for just pennies. See:
If you don't have access to oleander plants, you might consider joining the non-commercial Yahoo Oleandersoup group where there are members who may be willing to send you fresh clippings.
Oleander is a very powerful cancer-fighter and immune booster. especially when combined with an overall anti-cancer lifestyle and other key cancer fighting and immune boosting items, and it is a centerpiece the natural anti-cancer protocol I suggest:
You may find much helpful information by taking a look at the protocol and see much more than the other items listed here. Given your limited budget, if you send me a private message with your email address I will also send you a free copy of my eBook "Cancer's Natural Enemy".
Finally, a good positive attitude can go a long, long way. Believe that you can beat cancer and your chances of beating it are better. Late stage cancers have been beaten many times and have been beaten when the budget is limited.
All the best to you and your husband,
After reading your story I'm thinking maybe the Marshall Protocol will help your husband. It's a way to kill parasites/bacteria and allow your inate immune system to work to kill cancer, etc.
Here's a video explaining it.
Here's the knowledge base. You can search lymphoma there.
Also, James on "The Truth in Medicine" says ozone cures cancer. It's expensive, BUT you can get used ones cheap on craigslist.
I hope your faith is strong. We're not our bodies and this life is just a dream. I pray for you to find peace whatever happens. Sending you both love. [[[[hugs]]]]
Only for people with autoimmune diseases caused by bacterial take over of the hormone D receptors. MP is for very ill people.
Healthy people enjoy the sun;-))
That's true about the sun being a good healer for most people, but MP is for people whose body's are overcome by bacteria, virus' and microbes that block the hormone D receptors (VDR or vitamin D receptors) and allow virus' to take over immune cells. (I call it hormone D because that's what it is.)
Cell receptors are like key holes and when certain things fit in them it's said they have an 'affinity' for that receptor. Well, bacteria has a higher affinity to those receptors than hormone D, but it doesn't fit in, so it blocks them from being turned on and becoming active by hormone D. People become flooded with "vitamin D"- a feel-good immune supressing steroid hormone.
Hormone D is a steroid hormone, so people feel better taking it, but it doesn't help them get well, it actually keeps them sick.
Marshall figured out that benicar, olmesartin, turns on the D receptors allowing transcription of 913 genes, and the immune systems to work, killing bacteria and virus', ultimately bringing the body back to homeostasis.
Stage IV Cancer Patient Produces Records To Show Bone Lesion Resolved in 90 Days
At this point I am tired of trying not to feel tired, you know, of all the online people who cliam they can cure cancer.
First, I hate that word "cure." People throw it around like Kleenex and for all that it is used, how many people show up with their medical records to show even bone lesion regressions? Nobody? Everybody has a cure. Nobody has a patient with medical records....? ok I think I get it!
Get this.... people die from this disease and when they come to me they are so confused and pulled in 19 different directions... They have tried Budwig, Gerson, Clark. Even when given a clear protocol in writing they start reading the disinfo. and hype and their they go, chasing a dozen rabbits afraid of their own shadow but never of the cancer that will kill them. they die fearing everything but cancer.
How do you spot hype? Well, when someone claims to have cured cancer, the type of cancer is huge. They all can manifest different pathways to generate energy. Folice acid, tyrosene kinase, hormones, not just lactic acid. So, when someone says that a product cures cancer they are usually quoting someone else or are referring to "A SINGLE CASE."
So, when someone says something "cures all cancers." It's hype, it's a theory, and it's dangerous.
It's Put UP or Shut Up!
It's also quite funny to note how much money people are making off of you poor cancer patients. You guys are pulled in so many directions and chase your tail in so many directions. I have lost so much respect for many "healers" when clients retain me and I get to watch some of you guys work. I am like the fly on the wall! I am in the shadows.
Bob Marshall told a dying Leukemia patient, a 17 y.o. female patient. (Getting blood transfusions just to stay alive another week. ) He told she was sitting on the fence and was about to basically blow it, if she didn't start following his nutritional regime. I mean she was already taking 200 pills from him. Really Bob? He represented his protocol as a cure, told her she needed to eat something different other than the coconut milk smoothies with hemp and slippery elm protein. She was getting pure organic diet with two smoothies per day.
Some type of Quinoa was it Bob? She's dead now huh? 17 year old girl Bob!!!! It was her fault eh? Larry!!! She was spending almost 1000 k/ month on minerals from you Larry! Can you give her father just a tiny rebate...maybe ten dollars even? No! Not a dime huh? It was their fault too, didn't start soon enough, didn't buy enough liquid minerals?
Larry from ESSENCE OF LIFE, quit charging so much for your damn liquid cesium.... I don't care who you are friends with anymore. I am getting sick of you! Liquid mInerals my foot! Every cancer patient should become their own distributer, buy the minerals in bulk and instead of spending 1000k a month, mix your own minerals at 60 dollars a month and not 1000 dollars!!! Really? There is nothing special about it! How do you get liquid cesium? You dissolve a 1/3 tsp in glass of water of pure cesium chloride. Now you have liquid!
As the body count grows, as I watch people die clinging to the cancer tutor protocols.... yeh.....I cry when people die swerving off the path they should be on. Hey thanks guys. Thanks so much for Susan, Lila, Betty, Edward, Melissa, and such. All were your clients, I couldn't get them to focus on actual blood and cellular oxygen they were to worried about a dozen other herbs that were miserably under dosed.
Instead of repeating other peoples claims, other peoples research, maybe you healer guys who are taking peoples lives into your hands, should finance a little research of your own and while you are all at it.... show me one damn cancer patient you have regressed, produce the records.It's time for this all to stop! No more deaths!
After seeing regressions using pro oxidant and heavy minerals that are actually dosed correctly and supported correctly I have had enough of this.
I am giving all the puported experts out there one month to produce records or I am getting a legal team together and getting all you frauds off the internet. Mickael Verentes, Vincent, and all the rest of you guys. Your time is limitted put up or shut up. People are dying on your protocols. How do I know? Hell, the moderator of cancercured is dead.... the biggest fan of cannibus in that forum is dead.... dead, dead, dead! Your whole forum is dying and there is Vincent telling people how bad ozone is. How much for your retreat? What's the matter. Can't make money off of ozone? Phd My Foot! Your days are numbered. You see I have an actual health care licensure and can actually do something about your B.S. You see! THAT'S MY JOB!
All I got to say is this.... when it comes to cancer.... know your enemy... do the research. Attacking a disease by how it breathes and eats should be pretty simple concept you would think. But not when you go online to "cure your cancer."
Here is the proof that so many others cannot produce. I have more but you get the picture.
This is the latest woman to do something not one of you can do... not Vincent, Not Webster Kerr, Not Earthclinic, not Michael Verentes, not one of you guys will remove bone lesions in 90 days like this woman did. So go away. I am tired of watching your people die!
At some point all you internet healers become a menace to mankind when your therapies take money and do very little good for your client. I have actually turned clients away with money because I felt it was too late to help them.
Overnight Cure For Cancer? Really? I am going to be sick....
This disease has taken the closest, kindest, neatest people from my life... it will take even more before we are done. All of us should be sharing and caring, not competing. But I can't learn from you healers if you don't produce a medical record.
Show me medical records of any bone regression, major metastatic regression in a late stage patient and I will post the story on my website.... I will promote you on my website.
BTW which I never do. Even this lady's story isn't on my website. So please have your "cured" clients call me with their medical records.
Bret Peirce (licensed nurse and founder)
American Cancer Advocates
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