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Re: Cooked Asparagus For Cancer

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Elijah Views: 34,226
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Re: Cooked Asparagus For Cancer

I was sick urinary tract infection. Started looking up foam in pee, and it led me to the cooked asparagus information. I purchased 3 small cans, and ground up one in a kitchen unit. It looked like baby food. I ate four tablespoons full, and it had an immediate effect! I felt so much better, I took three more tablespoons full.

The next morning, my UT infection was clearly moving into recovery. I began with four more tablespoons in the AM, and drank 3 in a glass of water. It was amazing!
Took some at noon. Ate some more at dinner, before going to bed. That night I was not up and down all night! It was the first half-way peaceful night I had in a long time. Maybe up only twice the whole night long.

The next day, I whipped up a new batch, and stated with seven more tablespoons. As soon as you take the asparagus, it has an almost immediate, calming effect. You look forward to getting it into your mouth, and you could care less what it tastes like or what it smells like on the way out. By now I was convinced I had found what my body was seeking so that I could get well! I ate a tablespoon full of the puree of asparagus, three or four times that day, plus 4 tablelspoons more just before bed.

By the fourth day, it was totally amazing. Got up and made a new batch, and took the four tablespoons full again. Then I drank some gatorade and after that, a cup of coffee. Wasn't too long, and it was back to the bathroom to pee again, but this time I looked and there was no foam! I knew by that how much better my kidney's were working! No discomfort. No problems. No slow flowing stream. I was definitely getting well!

Day five. All good reports.

Day six. Somewhere inside of me, I kind of got a message to skip taking any of the asparagus in the AM. I had eaten about 5 or 6 cans, by then, and I didn't want to overdo it. Missed lunch. Usually I would be worn out and hardly able to do anything at all, but not now! Didn't eat till after 7PM, and I was previously going almost right to sleep, if I didn't eat at 5PM sharp. Now, energy to burn. No drag, no sag, no more problems. Mixed up a new batch after eating fried chicken for dinner. Wow, was it good! I would recommend the asparagus puree to anyone who is suffering from a UT infection, or any other illness. It's like getting a new lease on life. All the tingling in my legs stopped. All my low energy problems vanished. All my pee problems went away, rather promptly. I plan to keep on taking it for about 4 months, as recommended, and then I'll stop.

You've go to try the asparagus puree if you have almost any type of illiness. I think it needs to be taken more than twice a day, however. Twice a day was too little for me, but when I started taking a lot of it, I did enter into a clear case of recovery, and I would readily recommend asparagus puree because it works.


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