Have the doctors given you an estimate of the time they believe he has remaining?
There are several things you might do, even on a very limited budget - but much depends on how much time is available for natural and alternative items to work.
The ozone suggestion is a very good one, particularly to help eliminate the cancer if there is not much time thought to be remaining. However, there are many other things which you should also do to make sure the cancer is eliminated and does not return. Examples include:
Eating the flaxseed/cottage cheese combo which is an integral part of the Budwig Diet protocol. Note: be sure to use small curd cottage cheese to come closer to the original flaxseed/quark combination Budwig used. If you are a bit of a do-it-yourself type, you can also make your own healthy quark cheese at home with a bit of effort. See:
Eat lots of raw minced garlic and lots of hot peppers - either cayenne or habanero. In addition to being cancer fighters, garlic is a great natural pathogen destroyer which should also help a bit with the cholesterol and cayenne peppers are wonderful for the heart.
Eat a mostly raw, mostly vegetable diet and be sure to include lots of cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables such as brocolli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. See:
One extremely healthy way to get plenty of vegetable is juicing them - and juiced vegetables are key components of many successful natural cancer protocols, most notably the Gerson protocol.
Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread/bleached flour and fast foods, junk foods, micro-waved foods, processed meat products and processed foods in general.
Take lots of the common kitchen spice turmeric, which contains the cancer fighting adaptogen curcumin. Curcumin is also a very good natural anti-inflammatory and should help with swelling issues. Note: curcumin is not absorbed very well, but you can increase absorption by also taking coconut milk and/or black pepper along with it.
One vital supplement to include is milk thistle, which is essential for maintaining good liver health - and regardless of what you do, virtually any successful cancer fighting protocol will result in increased toxic load on the liver due to die-off.
Regularly do coffee enemas - once or more per day. Coffee enemas will help open up the bile ducts so that toxins can be processed and eliminated more efficiently. They will also greatly increase glutathione production and thus help the body's natural immune system fight the cancer. As an added benefit, coffee enemas help relieve pain (they have commonly been used in battlefield situations for wounded soldiers).
Parsley, chlorella, cilantro, dandelion root and apple pectin all help bind and eliminate toxins, especially heavy metals.
Get daily sunshine if you live in the right climate, and regardless of what climate you live in try to get plenty of indirect sunlight in the eyes daily. In 1959. Jane C Wright, directing cancer research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Center in New York City, instructed fifteen cancer patients to stay outdoors as much as possible that summer in natural sunlight without wearing their glasses, and particularly without sunglasses. By that Autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had gotten better. It was discovered that the one patient that didn’t have good results had not fully understood the instructions - while she had not worn sunglasses, she had continued to wear her prescription glasses. This blocking of UV into her eyes was enough to stop the benefits enjoyed by the other fourteen.
Find dark grapes (preferably organic) which have seeds and eat plenty of the grapes, seeds and all. Grapeseed extract is a known immune booster, antioxidant and cancer fighter. One alternative cancer cure (the Johanna Brandt grape cure) calls for fasting and then consuming nothing but grapes.
If you live in the right climate and location where oleander plants are growing, and you can find some which have not been treated with pesticides, you can make your own extremely effective oleander extract at home for just pennies. See:
If you don't have access to oleander plants, you might consider joining the non-commercial Yahoo Oleandersoup group where there are members who may be willing to send you fresh clippings.
Oleander is a very powerful cancer-fighter and immune booster. especially when combined with an overall anti-cancer lifestyle and other key cancer fighting and immune boosting items, and it is a centerpiece the natural anti-cancer protocol I suggest:
You may find much helpful information by taking a look at the protocol and see much more than the other items listed here. Given your limited budget, if you send me a private message with your email address I will also send you a free copy of my eBook "Cancer's Natural Enemy".
Finally, a good positive attitude can go a long, long way. Believe that you can beat cancer and your chances of beating it are better. Late stage cancers have been beaten many times and have been beaten when the budget is limited.
All the best to you and your husband,
After reading your story I'm thinking maybe the Marshall Protocol will help your husband. It's a way to kill parasites/bacteria and allow your inate immune system to work to kill cancer, etc.
Here's a video explaining it.
Here's the knowledge base. You can search lymphoma there.
Also, James on "The Truth in Medicine" says ozone cures cancer. It's expensive, BUT you can get used ones cheap on craigslist.
I hope your faith is strong. We're not our bodies and this life is just a dream. I pray for you to find peace whatever happens. Sending you both love. [[[[hugs]]]]
Only for people with autoimmune diseases caused by bacterial take over of the hormone D receptors. MP is for very ill people.
Healthy people enjoy the sun;-))
That's true about the sun being a good healer for most people, but MP is for people whose body's are overcome by bacteria, virus' and microbes that block the hormone D receptors (VDR or vitamin D receptors) and allow virus' to take over immune cells. (I call it hormone D because that's what it is.)
Cell receptors are like key holes and when certain things fit in them it's said they have an 'affinity' for that receptor. Well, bacteria has a higher affinity to those receptors than hormone D, but it doesn't fit in, so it blocks them from being turned on and becoming active by hormone D. People become flooded with "vitamin D"- a feel-good immune supressing steroid hormone.
Hormone D is a steroid hormone, so people feel better taking it, but it doesn't help them get well, it actually keeps them sick.
Marshall figured out that benicar, olmesartin, turns on the D receptors allowing transcription of 913 genes, and the immune systems to work, killing bacteria and virus', ultimately bringing the body back to homeostasis.
Trevor Marshall is often mis-identified as a biochemist, while in reality he is an electrical engineer with a somewhat shady background. See:
As one article skeptical of Marshall noted, his views that people should avoid vitamin D and avoid sunlight run counter to the overwhelming bulk of qualified opinion. None of his theories about vitamin D have been proven in vitro, and especially not in vivo. Sometimes a lone wolf who turns out to be against the overwhelming tide of opinions and evidence to the contrary is correct, but I don't think Marshall is such a wolf.
Convincing people about Vitamin D dangers is vitally important to attract people to Marshall's highly controversial protocol, and thus vitally important to the profits he and his fellow board members with vested interests in the protocol depend on. It is Marshall and his group who have authored numerous articles and papers against Vitamin D and in support of his protocol. Proper scrutiny reveals them to be self-serving articles where they cherry-picked and misrepresented studies and facts to support their premise about vitamin D and thus their protocol.
To put is succinctly, most things you see which support the Marshall protocol originate from Marshall and his group and boil down to much more salesmanship than science.
For more on Marshall, his protocol and his cohorts:
Bacteriality.com is a Marshall Protocol shill site