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    Multiple Sclerosis / Amalgam replacement   RN SUCCESS dyingprism   11 y  5,700  C

    Multiple Sclerosis / Amalgam replacement


    I recently had an Amalgam filling placed into one of my upper wisdom teeth. It was around April 2013. The dentist didn't give any options or ask, I've already had 5 other Amalgams in my mouth.

    Long story short I received the clinical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis two to three weeks after the filling was placed. After doing several things to help manage my disease both from the doctor of medicine as well as forums here, I finally decided it's time to take on what I saw as the most challenging/perplexing: chelation/mercury removal from mouth.

    Around this same time, I was having difficulties flossing something out of the wisdom tooth that had the filling put in and I wasn't smart enough to realize that black piece of popcorn was a mercury filling. It was popping out of the tooth and stuck under my gum overlapping it.

    I went to the same dentist that put it (and all my old fillings) in. He immediately cleaned it up, and me being aware of the possibility of mercury causing this disease asked for a ceramic (or whatever) white filling placed instead. The dentist concurred and even mentioned many health professionals recommend removing fillings containing mercury once a person has an auto-immune disorder.

    Ever since this filling was removed and fixed up, I have gotten even better. I was already 90% recovered from the attacks, but a week after the filling was replaced I've gotten all of my nerve coordination and senses back, I'm able to type at my original speed, I can play musical instruments just as proficient as before. I'm wondering if the inflammation they found on MRI's in my brain were due solely to the mercury from that filling and possibly not even MS.
  • IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Published recent article states...   #185190   4 y  554  C

    New lower prices!
    Hulda Clark Cleanses

    IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Published recent article states that Covid-19 virus works by inducing porphyria, that is by affecting heme pathway

    Medical scientist explains that Covid-19 virus hijacks the porphyrin-heme biosynthesis pathway. See his note at the bottom also.

    There are some good interviews to learn about porphyria at yt:

    See "Ask the professor" here

    And interview about it here:

    Maybe the most relevant right now is called "the major hidden factor weakening the immune system".
    It's about how hidden porphyria is actually a common illness and how it affects the immune system here:

    Or you can check that professor's site:
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    Frequent nighttime urination and cold / flu like s...   #260857   5 y  1,486  C

    Frequent nighttime urination and cold / flu like symptoms after amalgam removal?

    Hello curezone. My soulmate has had her many (8 - 11) mercury fillings removed and she has been feeling She has been almost in a very sedative and relaxed, fatigued state and she is having troubles communicating to anyone. Along side that, she is having to frequently urinate and been having cold like symptoms. She actually caught a cold but the feeling has mildly persisted even after a week, that's why i am calling it cold like symptoms. We joke that she is like a potato, but after about 5 - 7 days of her like this I am beginning to be very concerned. She is also having brain fog. She was watching a 12 second clip on loop for 10 minutes straight, and didn't even realize that much time had passed/ Can anyone give me any pointers, links, some guidance? Please ask me for more information. I will do my best to provide.
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    Convince me to not kill myself   #4254   6 y  2,073  C

    Convince me to not kill myself

    I'm just so distraught over my teeth and health problems. Why go on living? Me memory is so bad, that can't even remember to buy the herbs I should take, so what's the point?

    If anyone knows the best biologic dentist in the southeast USA, let me know.
  • Methacrylate free bonding agent?   FW1   6 y  458  C

    Methacrylate free bonding agent?

    I am considering having my Amalgams replaced with Admira Fushion, which seems to one of the few composites with the no iffy substances or metals (with the exception of BHT) in it. However, all of the glues i have found contain methacrylates in some form (BPA, Bis-GMA etc) and i was wondering if any of you folks knew of a product that is a little bit less toxic?

    I have also heard of using bee propolis as a filling/sealant but i cant find much information about it - is something like this viable? Where would i go to learn more? Because it sounds like an ideal solution to the crappy toxic dentistry we all have to put up with in this day and age.
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    Dentist wants to do 2 root canals!   #4254   6 y  1,802  C

    Dentist wants to do 2 root canals!

    I finally have health insurance and made it to a dentist. They want to do two root canals and I refused them becauseive read about remineralization here. The cavity isn't in the gums but it is in the tooth past the enamel. What can I do?

    I can't take anymore amalgams, I'm already ADHD, and the root canal top will have ceramic (aluminum and barium etc...) and the bottom will be more composite (plastic and other horrible stuff).

    Who is the real expert holistic/biologic dentist in the southeast? Or in all of America?
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    Iridiology help please. Iris darkening and Brown s...   Bellaadell   7 y  4,645  C

    Iridiology help please. Iris darkening and Brown spots

    I have notice my blue eyes are getting darker, the ring about my pupil who uses to be light green now is darker green almost hazzel, and i am getting some Brown spots and Brown pigmentations.

    I made the terrible mistake of getting my lips inyected with silicone many years ago, after a few reconstructive suregeries still they cant take out all the silicone as is mixed with my flesh. I have 5 Amalgams fillings that i want to replace but my dentist says is not need for it and i cant find any dentist who knows how to take them out without creating more damage.

    The fillings and silicon on lip i had them for more than 20 years ago, and my eyes are only getting darker and with Brown spots in the Last couple of years.
    I have a cyst on my left ovary as well.
    I am a heavy smoker for more than 20 years. Not sure if nicotine is causing my dark iris spots and the darkening.

    I really want to become healthier and get my light blue eyes back.

    Please can someone give me advice and opinión on what could be causing my iris darkening and which kind of detox i need?
    I uploaded a picture of my left iris (the one who has darkened more). And will try to insert the eye picture here.
    Thanks so much.


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    Remove amalgams yourself?   Suzee1   16 y  5,404

    Remove amalgams yourself?


    I was diagnosed with mercury poisoning over a year ago. Long story so I'll skip that, but dentistry related.

    Anyway, I would like to have 3 Amalgam molars removed now because although I have been generally well after doing chelation with a doctor and maintianing a good diet/cleanse routine, I do have recurring bouts of heavy metal illness that will lay me in bed for days on end. Meaning.. many projects never get finished, it's real hard to work when your head hurts.

    I have serious issues with plastics, I have swollen lymph glands for 18 months now on one side of my neck.

    I returned this morning from a visit to a dentist, appt I made to have 2 of the teeth extracted. She refused to extract them. She isn't the dentist I like, he is on vacaction this week.

    My head really hurts and my lymph glands too are getting more swollen as time goes by. I am sure this all related to the metal in my mouth./ My teeth and head felt really good when they were chelating me routinely. So it's the metal for sure. I can no longer afford the doc.

    Does anyone know of a reliable way to loosen the Amalgams and make them pop out on their own? I really need to lose the metal. I am considering getting a dremel drill and doing the job myself if I cannot find a dentist whio will do the right thing for me without fear of ADA recommendations to leave poisoned and sick people sick.

    I need this done soon, yesterday, and the only biological dentist in my area will make me wait months only to find out he probably won't pull the teeth either. One of these teeth really hurts today, my eye is closed as I type from the migraine along with it. There's nothing wrong with the tooth according to xrays, but xrays don't show the pain that the mercury causes to my jaw.

    Chelation does cure that pain. But I cannot do chelation forever. And replacing the Amalgam with composite stands a good chance of increasing the load on my already stressed out lymph glands.
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    Good dentist in Mexico?   sancho260   14 y  8,981

    Good dentist in Mexico?

    I live in UK, me & my husband need to get rid of a root canal & probably need tooth extraction as we have some very large Amalgam fillings; so probably need cavitation cleaning as well as Amalgam removals. We want dentist who use safest material ( eg non metal & non radioactive filling)

    As the good dentists in UK are very expensive, we want to go Mexico instead.

    Any good mexico dentists you recommend?

    Many thanks for your infos
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    Recommendations on dentists in Dallas, TX to remov...   indigoaura   13 y  2,418  C

    Recommendations on dentists in Dallas, TX to remove amalgams

    Can someone please recommend a dentist who is willing to do this on a cash basis - no insurance? This is the trouble I'm having. Also that is affordable. I have 2 HUGE Amalgams and 2 small ones.

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    Dentist in Mexico.   #70842   18 y  1,631

    Dentist in Mexico.

    I'm planning on getting my Amalgam removed and will probably end up going to a dentist in mexico because I don't have the funds to get bent over by american doctors. There seems to be a few biological doc's in T.J. Has anyone here had any experience with any of them? Any recomendations?
    This dentist was recomended
    Has anybody gone to him?
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    Dr Virgilio Solorio...pls some feedback ..   Totolina   13 y  4,465  C

    Dr Virgilio Solorio...pls some feedback ..

    I have an appointment w/ Dr Solorio in about a month and I am really nervous about it.....I need to replace about 5 silver fillings....
    I picked him from Dr Clark's website and we exchanged several emails....I am not very familiar about the protocol but I remember I read few posts where people say that some supplements must be taken before the Amalgam removal...however I asked him about this and he did not mention anything..I do not know if it's because his busy or what ....
    I understood that biodentists consult with you about all this protocol before and after...if this it's true ..mine did not
    SO pls pls pls If someone had been treated by him...pls tell me something..... give me some feedback..

    Thank you
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