Some people consider silver a heavy metal that can accumulate to dangerous levels in the body. I sell a colloidal silver maker but I don't recommend people drink CS on a regular basis, only when they get food poisoning. I mostly use it on the skin to prevent or treat infections. 8 ounces of 5ppm C.S. is 16 times the RDA for silver. Doing this for any more than a week causes a dangerous buildup of this metal in your body to toxic levels. I had a client who got overdosed with silver (40x times normal blood level) from taking 2 tablespoons nightly for 4-5 months which is why I recommend therapeutic dosages only for a few weeks.
you completely forgot about squatting. Appendicitis is a disease of westernized countries, virtually unknown in the developing world. The reason is that the cecum was designed to be squeezed empty by the right thigh, in the squatting position. On a sitting toilet, it is physically impossible to compress the cecum. The back-pressure can also overwhelm the ileocecal valve, whose purpose is to protect the small intestine from fecal contamination. Barium enema exams and intestinal surgeries routinely show the leakage of wastes into the small intestine. Crohn's Disease develops in the area soiled by this toxic backwash.
Despite all the straining, the cecum never gets evacuated. Residual wastes adhere to the colon wall, increasing the risk of cancer and inflammation (including appendicitis.)
After doing a coffee enema last night (doing them daily for a few weeks now - for elevated liver panels) my appendix is very inflamed. This is the first enema where I felt a lot of discomfort in the appendix area almost immediately and the full 2 qts was emptied in about 1 minute. This is highly unusual.
The pain is just about to the point where I want to go to the ER to make sure it's not too severe.
My question is... could my enema have caused a plugged appendix or even ruptured it?
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