What can I do other than the SWF each day, I can taste salt in my skin, I've tried smoothe move in the am but I get terrible cramps and it's unpredidcitable when I need a tolite run. Is there anything that will not cause cramps and help me eliminate early and quickly.
So I guess you can say that I have been using ACV instead of the lemon, and Wheat Germ instead of the syrup. HOWEVER~ the quantities so far have been very different I think also than what is typical. I have only had 1/2 TBSP. of the oil so far throughout the whole fast.. I also haven't had that many drinks with the cayenne and ACV... But other than water, those are the only things I have ingested (besides supplements, etc.) I am losing weight which is a big part of why I am doing this fast. And I am really thankful about that.
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The MC should not be undertaken prior to reading the book The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs AND all of the FAQ's. In some people fasting may promote formation and/or growth of intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones. Flush your liver before and after every fast to prevent possible problems!
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