Cure and remedy for mites
Suffered many years with mites that were living in my hair, clothes and on my body. Multiplying by the thousands all the time. I didn't know what to do. But I finally found some remedies that actually worked to get it under control.
1. Martins permithrin for live stock. It kills all types of little insect infestation including fleas, spiders, centipides, ticks, flys and mites. The one for livestock is safer to use more prolifically except for around cats its dangerous to cats. But if no cats are around get large spray bottles with the diluted perthithrin even add some lavender and cedar oil to it and spray the entire house down car down clothing floors etx for many.months. it will actually kill the large amounts of the nests and even spray yourself down and other family member too as evrryone probably has them. Shower it off. Do this daily for a while until it feels they are almost gone.
buy the cedar laundry additive from cedar bug free and their products for the home bug spray by the gallon the original forumla DOES WORK for mites on the body and the house and all clothing must be sprayed with permithrin bedding too and washed frequently. If you have many mites and many clothing its best to bag it up and take it to the dump after it sprayed to work with less fabrics.
It might work for scabies too, I dont know I havent had scabies but I wouldnt be surprised if it does.
2. Cedar oil kills mites and the cedar bug free brand and or other cedar products for mites will also work. Laundry additives, spraying the oil all over the body and especially when feeling them through out the day keep a small spray bottle of perm and cedar to spray yourself and car and clothes so you don't transer the mites to friends and not fair. Very challenging thing to deal with especially if people dont know whats got on them before its too late.
3. If you do have animals spray them with the cedar permith spray as prescribed om bottle or if you do have cats just go all cedar oil style and even spray the animals the mites get on everything.
Good luck.
Ive got it about under control but its almost impossible to totally eradicate entirely after a heavy infestation. Persistance is key. Diligance. When I feel them in my bedding I just spray the bedding down almost everyday and it helps a lot too. And my clothes too. 90% better than ever been