>- Even people with no knowledge of electricity know that this is true.
There are electronic exceptions that uninformed individuals do not know about. Electricity has rules and leaving the other factors out gives the wrong answer.
I am perfectly willing and able to touch 1000 volts using a properly rated resistance and would do so un-harmed.
** Another diversionary tactic. You just made my point, inadvertently. I'm not talking about exceptions, and you know it. I'm talking about normal circumstances.
>- the most informative Zapper Comparison Charts available
Very biased.
** Yes, biased in favor of the truth, which does not make the other zappers, including the ParaZapper look very good. That's for sure.
You fail to mention several short comings of your product,
** Your use of negatives and double negatives is starting to stick out like a sore thumb. I like to stay positive. That's the secret to a healthy life and to overcoming incurable diseases, by the way.
** By the way where do you talk about the shortcomings of your zapper on your site? Nowhere, I believe. Or perhaps I missed it on some technical page in small print. You're like the pot calling the kettle black. The ParaZapper's shortcomings will not go unnamed -- the use of a 9-volt battery with all its attendant problems (outlined on my site) and the lack of a stabilized wave (a terminal flaw in all other zappers except The Ultimate Zapper) being two of the most prominent. You completely avoid addressing these very important issues and a host of other questions that I have been posing and very specific comments I have been making in this thread. Avoidance and evasion seem to be your strong points. But you can't fool everyone with this kind approach. For those who follow the thread closely they will know exactly what I mean.
yet you nit pick about the competition.
** Nit pick? You call talking about a Super Stabilized wave, the frequency and the duty cycle and other basics nit picking? I don't think readers of this forum will have to go too far to figure all this one out.
>- No zapper comes close
Because you have not looked well enough.
** That's the point. I have looked well enough. That's why I developed the best zapper in the world. Did I miss something? Where's your Super Stabilized wave?
>- I have never found your name anywhere
Really? And I quote from your site "The use of copper footpads was introduced by David Etheredge in the spring of 2003."
** Well, well. David, it was not announced anywhere that David Etheredge was the name of the ParaZapper's developer. How was anyone to know? I would surely have said so if I had known. Now that I know, I and everyone else, we can call you by your real name, not your corporate name, which is what I will do from now on, David. You are no longer ParaZapper. I was never The Ultimate Zapper. That's the name of my zapper, not my name. I don't hide my name, I don't hide behind the name of my zapper and I'm not afraid to use my name when I post to this site.
>- ** You must be hiding these items on your site
(the MX-2 and AV-2 definitely exceed your product.)
Yes, they were only offered to those who needed the extra power.
** Your tactics are very revealing. You talk about zappers sold from your site that are as effective as The Ultimate Zapper but you hide them from view. Then you talk as though I should have known about them all along, in a deprecating and berating fashion. I find this very manipulating, both of me and of others who follow these matters with interest. Incidentally, when I examined what little information you provide on your site about the MX it is very apparent that it is inferior to The Ultimate Zapper, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, for very specific reasons.
There is not any need for many users to spend over a hundred dollars for a zapper. We have many customers that have had excellent results from the cheap little $65 zapper.
** Many users may get good results for certain ailments with inexpensive zappers. But the results may not be long lasting in many cases. If you want the best results, especially for very serious illnesses, you cannot do better than The Ultimate Zapper. Read the testimonials on my site for the most remarkable stories from Ultimate Zapper users that I have ever seen.
>- These 2 factors alone
Actually, not all is published, nor does it need to be.
>- I state on my site 16 volts is too high
I guess your limited electronics knowlege did not provide you with the answers needed to correctly compensate for the higher voltage.
** Compensate for the higher voltage? I don't need to compensate for higher voltage because 10.5 volts is optimum. Both you and Arthur Doerksen of the Auto-Zap parade your "professional" credentials as though they had come down from heaven above engraved in stone tablets. I am very educated in electronics, although I do not have your formal credentials. If "professional" credentials supposedly set you both apart, and presumably, therefore, place both of you above the rest, the lack thereof did not prevent a so-called non-professional, myself, from developing The Ultimate Zapper which is clearly superior to any other zapper that has ever been produced, including the Auto-Zap and the ParaZapper. So much for the importance of credentials in the zapper business. Oh, by the way, Dr.
Hulda Clark , the inventor of the original zapper is not an electrical engineer. She is a researcher.
This is where an education in electronics and biomedical engineering comes into play. Anytime that a change is made in a circuit or device, other things may need to be changed to balance the resulting output. The advanced products that we offered have compensation circuits to provide the signals needed for best results. Sorry, but it appears that you just guessed at your circuit and that can cause problems.
** I guessed at nothing, and the only problems that have resulted have come from competitors who are unhappy about the success of The Ultimate Zapper. Ask the thousands of customers who are very happy with the often amazing results they have obtained with The Ultimate Zapper and ask their opinions about the importance of erudition when it results only in the development of an inferior device.
** It appears clear that the serious guessing in this thread comes from you, David, and it is outright irresponsible and dangerous, in my opinion. I am referring to your guessing about serious illnesses, incurable diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn's disease, which I referred to earlier in the thread and which you have completely ignored, which does not surprise me in the least. You talk about the importance of knowledge in the zapper field but your understanding of the broader field of chronic illness is so minimal that you sound absolutely ridiculous when you stand on the podium and pontificate about it, brandishing your "professional" credentials to distract people from questioning critically what you are saying. It would be better for you and others for you not to say anything at all than to mislead and manipulate people in the way you do. Chronic illness is an area, incidently, where I also have no formal credentials. This did not prevent me from overcoming two of the most serious incurable disease known to man, Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn's disease. Perhaps you would like to chastise me on my lack of professional credentials in this area and question how I could possibly make such a fantastic recovery without formal training and without any background in medicine? Surely this must be impossible or, at least, grossly exaggerated.
** The same mind that applied itself to such an undertaking was the same mind that invented The Ultimate Zapper. If it impossible for a "rank amateur" to overcome two monstrous, incurable diseases, to come back from paralysis and near-death, is it impossible for such a person to undertake the relatively less onerous task of inventing the best zapper in the world? Surely the former task was much more difficult to accomplish than the latter. I think that those who know how to read the lines and who know how to read between the lines will get my point quite easily. Others who have an ax to grind and who know the answers beforehand will not be as understanding or as forgiving. This includes the competition and the closed-minded. Are "professional" credentials really that important or are knowledge and understanding not far more important? How can a "rank amateur" with virtually no money do what the medical profession has proved incapable of doing with their billions of dollars? How can a self-educated "rank amateur" understand zapper fundamentals so well that he invented the best zapper on the planet? The former was far more difficult than the latter, believe me. The former is studiously ignored by the medical profession. The latter is an affront to the "professionals" in the zapper field, understandably.
Not trying to bash it, but a knowlege of electronics can make a definite difference. I don't get how you feel that you can make a superior product without knowing what you are doing.
** You have just made my point. And I thank you for that. I obviously know what I am doing otherwise I would not have been able to create The Ultimate Zapper, the most advanced zapper available. Your unfortunate definition of someone who knows what he is doing is someone in the field who has "professional" qualifications. My definition of someone who knows what he is doing is a person who shows by his actions that he knows what he is doing regardless of his formal "professional" qualifications. Knowledge, understanding and intuition are the important things. If The Ultimate Zapper had not been hugely successful these past 11 years, as attested to by the thousands of satisfied users, I would not be here discussing these matters today. If I had not known what I was doing there would never have been an Ultimate Zapper. If I had not known what I was doing through the 7 years of my recovery from Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn's disease I would have been dead long ago. My story goes far beyond "professional" qualifications. I bring far more to the table than mere qualifications and technical knowledge.
>- ** I do not see anywhere on your site where you have compared 2,000 Hertz with 2,500 Hertz
I only did a comparative study under the microscope of the amount of time to kill all bacteria living in a broth media. The times were the same, not difference. I did not publish it because I considered it "not important" There is nothing significant between the frequencies.
** There is, from the results of my lab experiments, a small difference in favor of 2,000 Hertz. Which is why I chose 2,000 Hertz.
>- ** They are all battery-powered zappers without a stabilized wave. Same old, same old.
Wrong, being battery powered does not mean that the voltage output is not stabilized.
** I didn't say that. You're completely distorting my statement. What I said was that they are all battery powered AND they all lack a stabilized wave. Anyone in the zapper field knows that voltage is not related to wave stabilization.
Again, this is either your misconception or lack of understanding of electronics.
** Wrong. This is your total lack of understanding of what I was saying.
As an example, battery powered zapper that outputs 10.5 volts stabilized can be easily built to run on 3 alkaline AAA batteries (4 if using NiCad or NiMh).
** Of course it can. Anyone knows that. That's completely beside the point I was making. Excuse the pun but you seem to be on your own wavelength.
>- "I first heard of using the
Hulda Clark parasite zapper to cure diseases from Wayne Green of magazine publishing fame." >- Did I read the word "cure" here or do I need to see the eye doctor or am I making things up?
Yes, I am re-iterating someone elses statement. And that is exactly what was said. I did not and do not claim cures. However, Wayne Green did feel and claim that the zapper could cure. I did hear about the use of the zapper as a cure from Wayne Green. That is how I introduce the topic.
** The fact that you do so leads one to believe that you are also leaning in this direction. Otherwise you would not have written the page in this way. I think that's fairly obvious.
>- still use the word "cure" on your site.
Yes, but not claiming a cure, but only referring to a statement from someone else.
** This is to avoid taking responsibility. You stand up front, in sentence #1, and point your finger over there saying "He said it, I didn't." This all all so transparent. Just stand up and take responsibility. It's easy. If you can't, then don't go to all the trouble of putting things in other people's mouths for them to say on your behalf and then deny it's you saying it. Uh, I'm just quoting somebody else.
I also use it to refer to a book "
The Cure For All Diseases " and a couple of other books with similar titles. This is not a problem. I have discussed this with the FTC and the FDA. The FTC has thoroughly review my site on several occasions and this did request a couple of changes that we made without hesitation.
>- provides results that are superior to any other zapper in the world.
Sorry, but this is only hype.
** Sorry. It's the truth. I have enough reports back from people who have used so many other zappers that show this to be incontrovertibly true.
You do not know what results other zappers have achieved.
** I'm afraid I have a very good idea of what they achieve and don't achieve because of all the reports I have received back these past 11 years.
You are only looking at what you think they do. There is no comparison by any independant 3rd party that says this.
** That's true, technically speaking, unless you discount the 3rd parties in the form of testimonials, which I do not discount. If your argument were to be accepted then you are in absolutely no position to refute my statements about The Ultimate Zapper being the best zapper in the world. You only know what you think it does, not what it actually does. Your problem is that you want it both ways.
If it comes from you, without substantiation, it is only marketing hype.
** Says you (conveniently ignoring all the scientific evidence on my site and all the unsolicited testimonials). Your site comes from you, complete with unsubstantiated statements galore, including the claim of having hundreds of testimonials which, by your own admission, on the other hand, are worthless. Using the same yardstick you are judging me by you have just placed all your statements on your site in the very same category as you place mine. You can't have it both ways, David. We're both in the hall of mirrors. I look awful but you look great, according to your looking glass.
It may be your opinion, but I have been on these forums for several years and not one person has stated that other than you.
** I'm not exactly sure what statement you are referring to here (the original statement seems to be missing from the thread and I can't follow it), but I guess it's about time you didn't have everything to yourself anymore. You must be quite put out by it all after having had such a good run. But, fortunately for you, I don't have much more time to devote to all this. I have my book to finish, so many orders coming through, so much email to take care of, so many phone calls to make and all the site work to attend to on my 20-megabyte site (unlike your site I am constantly updating and revising the 37 pages of my site, many of which run to over 50 book pages) that my time is very precious. 12 hours a day 7 days a week are the norm for me. I haven't taken a day off in over 6 years. Because of all the demands on my time I will have to give you a reprieve shortly, for a while anyway. But don't misunderstand my absence.
I have heard some pretty strong claims about some other zappers but nothing like that about the UZ.
** It's about time you heard them here. They have been on my site for years. The results people obtain with my zapper back up those statements completely.
>- Would you publish their emails if they stated my zapper was only somewhat superior?
Actually, yes I would consider publishing comparative evaluations between zappers. I am not selling zappers for use on humans or animals so I do not have any competitive reason not to do this.
** The Ultimate Zapper is marketed as a plant growth stimulator. My disclaimer page makes this very clear.
>- Again, logically, why would they write you?
Because we have asked them. We asked our customers what other zappers that they have used and which one they prefer. We have had 4 replies that preferred another zapper over the CCa. NONE of these preferred the UZ. We have sent out several thousand customer surveys and recieved some very interesting feedback.
** This is a marketing oriented survey. It is statistically self-serving and not scientific at all, of course. I never conduct marketing exercises. My energy is devoted to helping people.
** I have not solicited a single testimonial from a single customer in 11 years. This approach creates credibility for my testimonial archive and that's the whole point to my site -- my credibility and the credibility of the whole site. Eliciting responses from customers is not my way of doing things and I would suspect the motives of anyone who did business this way. I would also question the validity of the results obtained in this way. As I said earlier yours is essentially a commercial site. I think that this survey or yours proves my point amply. It is typical of the market apprach in all other fields.
>- Totally false and misleading.
How can you sit and make a boldface statement about something that you have never looked at or evaluated? You are talking out the wrong end in this respect and it is nothing but pure arrogance on your part.
** I have no idea what you're talking about here. The string statement you are referring to has been deleted and there is no way of my knowing what the heck you're talking about.
>- MS is a state of toxicity cause by metals (most often dental mercury) and/or chemicals.
Hmmmm, how strange. I will have to call and tell some of the people that I know who have MS and let them know that they don't have it because they do not have any metal toxicities. They will be glad to hear that. Of course, now they will have to find out just what illness that they do have.
** Wow, you just showed your TOTAL ignorance in spades here. First you didn't even read my statement carefully, which has been typical of all your responses all the way through this string. MAY I REPEAT. MS...toxicity caused by metals and/or chemicals. Let me repeat that once more time for the hearing impaired. METALS AND/OR CHEMICALS. There is not one single case of MS I have seen in the past 11 years, and I have seen thousands, that was not traceable to an obvious metal and/or chemical toxin or toxins. This is not "strange". It's a fact. And it's an obvious fact. You talk with such authority and you know so little. And then you talk about the "arrogance" of others in the same breath. You address absolutely none of the serious points I make about MS in this string and on my site. The danger is that if you do so you will be a goner, for sure. You have NO IDEA what you're talking about. Which is why you have to pretend you do, although you could admit that you are not competent in this area, which would be the truth. Instead you avoid the issues dealt with here and pretend to take the high ground of "authority" which you are most assuredly not. You pretend to be the elder statesman of this forum dispensing wisdom. Only the gullible will be drawn in by you. I am not among them. You have to refer to "some people that I know who have MS". I know THOUSANDS of people with MS. I was paralyzed with MS in 1989. The fact is that you know virtually nothing about MS, that you show absolutely no respect for my recovery from MS, that you show absolutely no respect for my knowledge of the subject from the inside (unlike you who are looking from the outside -- you have to talk to others who have MS) and you show absolutely no respect for the work that I do with people who have MS and have been doing for the past 11 years. Not to mention Crohn's disease and other serious and incurable diseases.
** All other zapper matters aside, this issue more than any other issue has shown me your true colors. This has been adequate compensation for me for the time and energy I have devoted to this forum these past 3 days.
>- having overcome two incurable diseases,
I do not doubt your claim here,
** Thanks for this condescending statement. My recovery is not a claim, it's a fact.
but I will submit that it is possible that you overcame them despite using the UZ. Your enthusiasm is great and is appreciated but sorry, I am not convinced.
** I love being patronized. I don't need you to appreciate my enthusiasm, thanks. As I state on my site The Ultimate Zapper was part of my recovery at the end stage of MS and Crohn's disease. Whether or you are convinced or not is totally irrelevant to me.
As I stated before, I am willing not only for technical comparison but also a double blind results comparison and a quality comparison. As you have stated, you are not. That convinces me and probably most everyone else reading this that you are only offering hype that will fail on further inspection.
** The Ultimate Zapper has passed the inspection of thousands of users for the past 11 years. Do you think they need your approval? Do you think I need your approval?
** You know when you talk about arrogance you should look at yourself in the mirror. You're such a know-it-all you have it all figured out ahead of time. In case you and others missed it, this is your way out. If your zapper shows up OK in specs and testing then you can claim victory. If you take specs and testing as the measure of a superior zapper The Ultimate Zapper beats yours, hand down, before the start. Just look at the front page of my site and at the comparison charts. But specs don't tell even the most important part of the story, as I pointed out earlier in the string.
** How the heck do you know what "everyone else reading this" will be convinced of? Are you a mind reader? I have no idea what people are thinking. If you had the best zapper in the world I imagine you'd be telling people about it. Then someone would come along and say, hey David, what's with all the hype, and you'd probably reply, well it's a fact. And that's what I am replying to you and everyone else. My zapper is the best zapper in the world for the very clear reasons stated on the front page of my site. To agree to get involved in an undertaking such as this is fruitless from the point of view I presented yesterday in this string, which is crystal clear. You are trying to fight your way out of the paper bag you have found yourself in since I entered the fray here.
** Even if I agreed to this proposition, which I do not because of the reasons stated very clearly in this forum these last 3 days, I would never entrust this to you. You are far from objective and you don't engender trust. This is obvious not only from your statements but also from your tone. To entrust such a matter to you and to others I do not know without personal contact with the whole process would be utter folly on my part. I would never fall for such an obvious trap.
** You want to dominate this forum. That much is abundantly clear. You think that the force of your opinions and having been here for a number of years is sufficient to do that. It is not sufficient. You are no authority on anything although you would have others believe that you are. You are an emperor without clothes. You make a damn fool of yourself every time you talk about serious illness. Better for you not to say anything. But its too late now. The cat is out of the bag. You have dethroned yourself with own words which show your utter ignorance. The flag of your "professional" credentials cannot save you.
** You knew from the start that this was a perfect set-up because I'm overseas and I would never think of taking this on from such a distance, in any case. I would never consider getting on a plane and abandoning my life here for such an exercise, just to satisfy you. No sane person would think of doing so if they were in my position. Of course, you knew this in advance.
** Now you can go ahead and conveniently co-opt the tacit approval of those nameless readers who read this forum, without any evidence of their support, of course. I see that you speak on their behalf, as though they were your constituents. You carry the self-assurance of knowing their minds and hearts in advance. This is your forum.
Also, as another point, 98 to 99 percent of zapper users do not have MS or similar illness. Most of them use zappers to reduce the presence of
parasites in their body to avoid possible problems associated with parasites. They do not need electroporation, only a good clean square wave of reasonable frequency. They do not need expensive equipment, they need results, which they get. If the needed something stronger, then I would upgrade them.
** I disagree with you completely. First of all, my customers do not need upgrading. They already have the best zapper available. Secondly, you just shot yourself in the foot. Electroporation is invaluable. In typical fashion you dismiss it, as you do the other serious matters on my site, with the stoke of a pen, conveniently, because my zapper produces a powerful electroporation effect. Then you claim that I don't know what I'm doing. And when I show that I obviously do, it's obviously unimportant. What a manipulator you are. The fact that you have passively acknowledged that The Ultimate Zapper produces electroporation while quickly dismissing its importance without discussion shows that you will go to almost any length to try to eliminate any sign of importance emanating from the Ultimate Zapper, while unwittingly admitting its effectiveness at the same time.
Your claims that yours is the best, at best is conjecture, and without proof. That makes it hype.
** It looks like you have either not read the front page of my site or you have read it and have decided to use whatever means it takes to diminish its importance. There is ample proof on the front page of my site regarding its superiority. One feature alone, the Super Stabilized square wave, makes it superior to all other zappers. You have NEVER, not once, refuted the importance of this feature because IT IS IRREFUTABLE. Stabilizing the square wave makes it superior and Dr. Richard Lloyd's zapper testing corroborated this fact. All of which you do not want to hear, of course, because it brings a real "authority" into the picture. You call these facts hype because, frankly, there's nothing else you can do. You're the elder statesman of this forum and things are not looking so good for you anymore. So you have to fall back on your "professional" credentials, thrown an impossible "testing" gauntlet on the table, the refusal of which MUST show you're right and I'm wrong, de facto. Then you fall back on the "hype" word in protracted attempt to knock this fiction into people's heads. Of course these is no commercial intent in all this. You're just dedicated to science.
Only a person who had tried every zapper in the world and had no personal or financial interest could make that claim with any validity. Even then, that is only one persons opinion and does not make it so.
** Dr. Richard Lloyd tried the best, apparently. Which you conveniently ignore. That's one of your well-honed tactics. Use a few catch-phrase insults and ignore any facts that disprove your position. I call it selective intelligence. You don't have to try every zapper in the world to know this as a fact. All you have to do is have enough common sense to be able to evaluate the feed-back and the testimonials of 11 years and the proof on the front page of my site, including Dr. Lloyd, electroporation, dowsers, and so much more. And read a bit between the lines on forums like this and on the zapper websites. There is no other zapper site in the world that provides all the documentation that my site does. Certainly not the ParaZapper site. Oh, I forgot. You have to talk to your lawyer about everything. What about all the other zapper makers who don't use that excuse for what they do on their websites?
Finally, if your customers were so concerned,
** Who said they're concerned? Why should they be concerned? Their lives don't revolve around my concerns. They have their own lives to worry about.
where are all the posts from them?
** I see that some of them have indeed posted here over the years, even recently. Sorry to disappoint you.
** I bid you adieu for the moment, David. I have some things to take care of now. You mentioned early on that you didn't have the time to devote to this discourse. Your actions have belied your words. It is I who no longer have time to devote time to it. But I mean what I say.
** Let the reading public draw their own conclusions. The Ultimate Zapper has proved to be the most effective zapper in the world over a period of 11 years without the maker using this forum as a pulpit and a marketing tool. Whatever you say about The Ultimate Zapper on this forum or anywhere else will not change that fact one iota for the thousands of people who have benefited from using it.
Ken Presner