Good morning.
The amended flush you discussing is the flush i now regulerly use. Think i started using it after my 3rd flush. for the second drink I use the same amount of grapefruit/OO mixture as the first drink the night before, (not 1/2 a cup/dose). works fine for me.
Since you have already opened the bile ducts the evening before, the second drink is more of a "straight through" kinda experience. The reason i started doing this is because i was slow to get stones, first and second flush only produced 50 stones in total. sometimes i lie down for 20-30 mins after, then have a BM. sometimes i don't & it's really is quick, litrally BM straight through.
Commonly called the Turbo Flush.
Congratulations! 200 stones on your first flush! That is a roaring success! seriously well done mate.
re 3rd drink of grapefruit/OO; must say i don't know about that, but for your first flush i would not. 200 stones is an excellent start, you should be satisfied with that. You cannot get them all out quickly, doesn;t matter how "hard" you flush. i have flushed 8 times this year, mostly the Turbo flush, and only after the 8th flush have i started feeling any benefits. I estimate i have at least 5 more to go, but prob another 8.
from what i've read the "average" person needs to get out about 2,000 stones before they are stone free. 3 flushes in a row with zero stones indicates you have got them all out.
My pleasure Cityman. The only people we can speak to about these things is the people here on curezone. The office is....not ideal, LOL. Personally i feel really encouraged when people big-up my efforts, so its only fair i do the same to others, especially the first flush.
300 on the first
i have done 8 and i counted about 750 in total, which is cool, but i have some way to go......
Re humaworm. Small world! I have my first consignment in the post too.
But i don't know what to do first. kidney cleanse, parasite cleanse? prolly the humaworm, but my mind is not made up yet. I need to do them all as i'm all bunged-up inside.
re Diet: i have had a great diet for 6 months now, and it has made only a slight difference....i am very bunged-up inside indeed.
Good luck, Sunshine
All this "cup's" stuff is the American way. In England we use 125ml of Olive oil and 125ml of grapefruit juice (or lemon)
I usually add a little bit extra of grapefruit juice, if there is a surplus...just for luck
I use the same qtty night drink and morning turbo drink.
God save the Queen.