I take Valerian root too - it will probably help some, as honeysucklerose suggested. It's a potent relaxer, and it'll help you breathe a little easier. It'll look like this:
Also, if you can attribute your anxiety to a specific event, you'd do very well at a HOLISTIC counselor (they often have them at holistic wellness centres, although you may not find the right counselor for you right away), trying EFT (emotional freedom technique) and doing yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation, done three times a week for a year, is very powerful. The Valerian will get you by while you look for a long-term solution.
For instance, when you feel stress coming on if you can take some Valerian right away (but don't overdo the Valerian by taking more than the bottle says, because too much can actually have the reverse effect and make you jittery) and then lie down with your hands on your belly button and breath deeply for 10 minutes. Or meditate once you learn how. The most important thing is to catch your body right away so it'll be easier to calm yourself down. Accept your feelings of anxiety, acknowledge them, and then move on - think positivity how you can improve your situation or what you're grateful for or think of something that makes you happy. Or clear your mind nd don't think of anything at all. I like to listen to a CD or mp3 of positive affirmations (look up Louise L. Hay CD's for positive affirmations) when I'm trying to relax. Listen to these CDs EVERY NIGHT as you sleep too (and keep listening to them even once you feel better, because sometimes we can slip back into our old thought patterns). If you don't like a certain affirmation CD, you can try another once. See what works for you. Just be open and accepting of change in your life, and be willing to try something new.
You CAN beat this! :) Please keep us updated on how you do, we're all rooting for you!