It is not about more or less
Sugar in a complex or simple carb. The issue here is how quickly the body breaks it down along with the type and amount of sugar. Hopefully I am making sense here.
Sugar is immediate
Sugar to the body. It cause the blood glucose to skyrocket immediately and causes the pancreas to release excessive insulin which cause a strain on the pancreas over time. As far as candida is concerned candida eats it like it is thanksgiving when this happens.
Complex carbs ( even though they have sugar content) break down much more slowly and steadily giving the body a slow and steady stream of glucose that the body can burn up as energy thus this keep the blood glucose from going nuts. This means that there is only a small rise in glucose in the blood and this does not help out candida.
Unfortunately ,as I said ealier, there is NO way to avoid sugar. Even broccoli has a sugar content. The idea here is to eat the lower sugar content foods. So in other words a tomato has more sugars ( even though they are natural and complex) there is still more of it. So depending on your candida severity , you might want to avoid. Carrots are another higher sugar veggie. I once drank carrot juice and it really did a number on me.
Think of it this way, the body can only use so much sugar at a time. If you take too much at one time the unused portion will be left floating around in your blood. Whether it is simple or complex does not matter.
As far as candida, simple sugars not only cause a blood sugar spike, but they also directly feed the candida as soon as they hit your stomach. Complex do NOT, they need to be broken down first by the body, which happens too slowly for candida to really benefit from.
Carbs also turn into glucose eventually. But the right carbs do so very slowly. Broccoli is a carb. It has a carb value. All foods have a carb value and all foods will eventually be broken down into sugar. Some more than others.
White potatoes are a carb, but due to their fact that are very high in carbs and we eat them cooked which cooks away most of structure, they break down very quickly. So quickly in fact that pretty much equate to eating sugar. SO in this case the cooking down of the potato creates an all starch food. Possibly eating a raw potato would be different, much different. But I am not sure you would want to do that. Carrots, same thing, cooked they become starchy and they are already sweet to begin with. A cooked carrot will quickly become sugar in the body.
A carb that has a high carb value and a low sugar content indicates it breaks down very slowly.
Take the grain buckwheat for instance. It has a carb value of 20 g per serving , but less that 1 g of sugar. I eat buckwheat everyday with no trouble whatsoever. It has a high carb value but it takes so long to break down that the body can use up the sugar as it is broken down.
I was concerned intitially about buckwheat and the carb value. After purchasing a blood glucose meter I found that my blood sugar only rose 10 points higher than it did eating no buckwheat. My blood sugar never gets above 130 , which is low for after eating a meal. So since I have no symptoms from eating it and I confirmed no blood sugar spike by testing my glucose, it is safe.
As a matter of fact, many on the candida diet have issues with hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar) for numerous reasons. First, the diet is so low in carbs and sugars and second the candida steals sugars that the body needs for fuel.
By eating foods that break down slowly you feed yourself and make it hard for candida to eat.
To sum it all up, basically you want to read about blood glusoce foods, diabetic diets etc. It is basically a strict diabetic diet that we are all following in an effort to feed our body but not feed the candida.
If you look up the diet exchange info for diabetics , that will help you.
Also look up candida diet, but watch out for those who say you can eat fruit. Fruit is a no no. It contains sugar and it feeds candida. Watch out for "unsweetened yogurt". Yogurt is made from milk that contains an enormous amount of sugar. Worse yet many cannot break down the sugar to digest it, so it goes 100% to the candida. Those of us that suffer from candida make our own yogurt. We do this so that we can ferment it longer. The longer it is fermented the less sugar remains. The bacteria eats all the sugar and multiplies. And it is the bacteria we want NOT the sugar. Store bought yogurt is bad. Lacks in bacteria quality and loaded with sugar. What you can do is get Stoneyfield Organic plain yogurt, bring it home and ferment it for another 24 hours after adding some yogurt culture. This does make the yogurt very tart. Tart=more bacteria.