Good Molly,
A question...
You in any pain?
Because, if you are, that is so all-consuming that no one can be expected to even remember to put on underwear before leaving the house!
Try making dinner when you have a toothache - it's an impossibility!
You got windows to your interior?
I don't.
How do you know exactly which protocols you need, minute-by-minute, and don't?
How do you know when enough is enough, and it's time to let the body do its wondrous magic in all the areas you haven't yet studied...or have never even heard about?
The brain is a very nice instrument, and we wouldn't want to even try to do without it...but, as much as we hate to admit the fact, the brain is NOT in charge.
For want of a better word, 'intuition' is.
Intuition takes all the stress out of 'improving'. Intuition takes us where we have chosen to go...even when circumstances seem to lead us on a wandering path.
Gad, I want to get eloquent here, but my intuition says, 'Molly already knows. She's just being a bit strict and judgemental with herself. Thinks she's supposed to. That's her loyalty to all of us. She doesn't want to disappoint us by being two-faced and not walking her talk.'
You absolutely are 'turning a corner', dear friend. You even tell us out loud in your're thinking about meditation. (Where did you say that?)
We all are. We want to know more, do more, and we want to find out 'how'. The world doesn't seem to tell us. We have to figure it out for ourselves.
We haven't yet understood all of our 'gifts'...that we only have to say it once, and all of our powers, our strengths, are now on duty, focussed entirely upon taking us exactly where we want to go.
We think we are just little specks in the Universe. Wrong. We are the Universe. As without, so within. There is no such thing as a 'part' of energy. Energy can't be divided.
Our brains can work parttime, or misfire. Our minds can focus on this or that. Our understanding can be limited. Even our experience and memory can fade. But our energy belongs to the whole. Once we form a good intention, it is never lost...we become the center of our being...even if we never put it into words again.
Our intentions are who we really are. It is our capability to form intention that gives us life...else we are only lumps of matter, inanimate.
But we don't always notice the 'signs'. We think we see no proofs. We sometimes don't trust our eyes.
Oh dear, I did get 'eloquent'. Shoot!
All I wanted to say is that you couldn't stop being our own good Molly, if you tried.
No more could you forget your intention to be wonderfully well and vibrant and long-lived. Inside you already are...just as your works of art already exist within...a well-spring of possibilities.
Forget the doubts, they don't count for anything.