you will notice i dont butt heads with him on the subject, nor do i call him deceived on his own forum, nor do i preach contrary to him on his own forum. i dont do it to moreless, either. i respect their turf. this much is clear, though - if i contended with MH, my post would remain and not be hidden by a moderator, as will moreless's! but if the tables were turned, all that syrupy talk on his forum would surely turn to bile. moreless and his sidekick have hidden posts before, as i recall.
i cant deny my own experience with cs. i believe MH is telling the truth as he knows it. he will never do the study and self experimentation i had already done before i came here, and i probably never would have if this were not the case. cs is not necessary. it is a trick, a shortcut. but it works. it works like a miracle! and i am of the opinion there is more to it than what mh knows. but that doesnt change or effect his message or its validity one bit. i also treat CS with a certain amount of caution because of MH. i do not recommend daily supplementation with it. its ability to heal through catalyzing oxygen and correcting dna and save lives through its ability to effect pathogens that have overtaken a body is undeniable in my experience. but CS does not obey nature and it has no place and is not needed in a CORRECT lifestyle. without the proper background in obeying nature, cs is no better than any other antibiotic, except that one can do it themselves. there is a reason for that, and i think its important.
if i were to be pressed for my current opinion, i would say that MH's info is based upon old info about silver compounds. i have tried to confirm this, but he is not interested in discussing it. and why should he? people have a hard enough time understanding him without considering any possible exceptions to the rule. and people have an uncanny propensity for abusing almost anything. silver is no exception to that rule.
moreless is just plain wrong in a very basic way. he is treating symptoms, not causes. so what if he is convinced he is right? MH IS right. moreless IS wrong. and therein lies the choice. one can never arrive at the truth from a position of error. moreless is a perfect example of a little knowledge can be dangerous. everyone knows pH is important. that is where moreless's knowledge begins and ends. MH is lightyears ahead of him in understanding health and the proper state of the human body. moreless can have the chemistry. man cannot do what nature does, and thats a fact.
i have no problem with any protocol which helps heal a person. but i think it must be used as a means to an end. in a proper lifestyle, there is no need for any supplementation. there is no lack of silver, no lack of calcium. the body can acquire or manufacture what it needs from nature alone. anything else will eventually cause its own problems. or, as the good book says, the lord created man upright, but he has sought out many devices. the further away from the garden, the further away from health. thats a fact that is manifest worldwide wherever one looks.
addendum: you said "but its clear you disagree with MH on at least one major subject, so i don't think you should slam others for disagreeing with him on another." cs is NOT a major disagreement. i totally agree with MH on the subject of metals and rocks. he is emphatic, i am not. i am open to the possibility that i am making a big fat mistake. i have no evidence of that and i dont lean that way, but i dont rule it out. it may take years or decades to give me the evidence to decide for sure. but to this point, all of my research and all of my experience says that CS works as advertised and that it is eliminated from the body in short order with no lingering effects.
moreless, on the other hand, simply chooses not to believe MH. it appears to me that this is because he is at odds with what moreless teaches, not because moreless has considered MH's position. this is acceptable, like i said, as a choice, in which case moreless has no right to denegrate another for their choice. he was just fine where he was at in his own little corner. the tale was told in his reaction - to paraphrase billy S., moreless doth prostest too much, methinks.
btw, i think there is a lot more to UT than MH's teachings would imply, but i have decided to leave it alone, for now anyway. it is an interesting study, though. there are much more important things for me to deal with.
lifelong supplementation is just not right - glycos, hormones, insulin, thyroxin, vitamins, minerals, probiotics - those are all money pits and dead ends. the environment is everything and most people have too much of everything and create their own imbalances with their diet, et al. that allows everything else to go wrong.