Hi FF,
I do not disagree with your line of thinking !
But the whole point to this thread of posts is that "IF" you will read thru those links, Trapper has Claimed he has cured his Candida several times, but it just keeps comming back and haunting him !
"IF" he Really had cured himself, then "WHY" is he still having problems with the same problem ?
And then for him to continuely tell others what they need to do to solve the same problems and he has not been able to solve his own ???????????????
It does lead to Cause one with Common Sense to wonder "WHAT" else he may be mis-informed in ?
Do you know how most people become Decieved by someone ?
When you want to Decieve someone and mis-lead them , the Best way to do it is to tell them a lot of Truths, but add a Few "Lie" in , here and there and most people can be mis-lead with False info !
It is not the Truths which Trapper and his "GOD" are telling, but the Few "False" bits of info which may Cause the most Harm to people !
Now "IF" the listener is aware of this and is able to sort the Good from the False, then this person has some Common Sense and may not be mis-lead by this problem which is going on with those who I am making reference to !
And because he went on a Big Rant Complaining and Belly Acheing about my posts which I "ONLY" made because I was asked, and he did not like what mis-info I suggested his "GOD" was spilling out about everything that he does not "SELL" is Poison for a person to eat or use, His "Rants" just got out of Hand in my consideration and someone needed to make some Corrections !!
And "IF" you will look and consider some on curezone have just made it a Big Social Club and even tho they may share some Good info once in a while, most of what these people share is something they either "Read" or "Heard" or "Saw" someone else talk about, and they do not have the Foggiest idea anything about the subject themself !
"IF" the shoe fits then wear it, is what I say to those who may read this post !
More people have gotten into serious trouble by learning a little bit about something and then letting it go to their head and the next thing you know they are the local Expert, yet unable to solve their own problems !
You decide "IF" this may be the case in this instance ?
I have "NEVER" Claimed that I know it all, but I have Claimed that "IF" you have a problem which you can not solve with the current ideas which you may hold dear to yourself, that just maybe you have False info and this may be "WHY" you are unable to solve your own problems !
Smile Tis your choice.