I am sorry that your Mother passed at such a young age. My aunt, whom I loved dearly, had suffered many mini-strokes due to her diabetes and was in a home for the last four years of her life, in and out of reality quite a bit.
So, you may have inherited a predisposition toward diabetes (ultimately), but you have control of your habits which will help you tremendously, if you can change the eating patterns and you seem keen to do this. I also was prediabetic with my first son, but not my second. The first fellow had a real decade of drinking too much which has eased off considerably this year. This would seem to be similar to my own addiction to
Sugar but which came out in a different way. Since my flirting with AV's diet, my
Sugar cravings have dropped considerably.
I think that you will find a veritable treasure trove of information in AV's books -- the Recipe book is loaded with information that is not in his first book.
AV is not a proponent of fruit for anyone. For diabetics, he feels that 'no more than 4 - 7
ounces of fruit, depending on a person's size, once every 2 - 3 days. ...high-carbohydrate fruit should always be eaten with a raw fat(raw cream, raw coconut cream, unsalted raw butter, avocado or a combination of unsalted raw butter and no-salt added raw cheese.)" He feels that too much fruit causes over emotionality due to the blood-protein and blood-fat levels and
Sugar levels which result.
On the unheated honey, AV says the raw, "unheated honey contains an insulin-like substance that is produced by bees when collecting nectar. That insulin-like substance converts 90% of the carbohydrate in nectar into enzymes that help digest, assimilate and utilize protein. Unheated honey is a wonderful sweet food that helps digest all types of meat.
The insulin-like substance begins detrimental alteration at 93 degrees and is detroyed at 100 degrees. Diabetics, hypoglycemics and some infants cannot utilize honey if the insulin-like sustance is destroyed. Honey that is heated above 104 degrees F is a radical sugar that often causes slow deterioration of membranes in the body." This honey is a creamy texture, not clear. It must be RAW, unheated honey.
He also says that pasteurized milk causes diabetes while raw dairy reverses it. Raw milk causes me no problems.
You will find a recommended eating schedule for those with glycemic problems, including diabetes.
He is also against a lot of carbs.
The main problem is finding the food. Can you get your hands on raw milk? free-range eggs, raw, unfiltered honey? I think that you will have to try the honey to see what happens.
I have no labelled illnesses and I have not been to a doctor for 16 years, other than an emergency visit a couple of years ago. So, I do not have the various numbers that I would like to have to gauge where I am on the various scales. I am in the process of weaving my own tapestry of food which will allow me to live without guilt and be able to tackle everything that I want to tackle for a long time.
When I do raw and use some of the various recipes that I have, I feel guilt-free when I eat -- especially when I am enjoying my raw ice cream! We both like eating raw but like it in meal form, rather than an apple here, some nuts there -- this is fine for through the day because we have our noses to the grindstone, but in the evening, we like a meal. We do like the lighter feeling and more energy but I am rebelling in the kitchen! That is the crux of my own problem; how do I get back into the kitchen?
That being said, it is tough to change a lifetime of eating meat. I do the reading, etc., and as the Barefoot Herbalist says, it is necessary for the person to read about the changes that they are implementing because this allows the brain to educate the cells; this gives intention and the cells prepare for the changes. My husband does not have this preparation going into these changes and so really just follows directions. Hence, we don't last long. One can push a peanut up the hill with one's nose only so long. But, I get moments of discipline and we are trying the Warrior Way at the moment. However, I will be putting AV's work into the Warrior Way.