Hi Janie,
You said “I agree with his anti-gay views, and some of his other controversial views.“
You certainly have the right, as does Pat, to think whatever you wish about gay people but that in no way gives you the right to have your religious beliefs become the law of the land and be used to prevent gay people from having the same rights and privileges as us all.
You said “Pat Robertson is not afraid to speak his mind, and he stands by what he says which is more than I can say for a lot of people in the spotlight. To top it off he's Christian and he is not afraid of the gospel.”
What strength does it truly take to just speak if no wisdom comes out of his mouth when he opens it? It seems like year after year he makes these statements that are so devoid of any compassion for anyone and that just seems so opposed to the principals of Christianity.
You said “I truly think you are unaware of what it means to be a Christians. Here is what we're about: We are dynamic. We engage in life. We follow Christ to the best of our ability, and we spread the gospel, and maintain moral standards. We don't just do quiet sit-ins where we pray for someone we think is doing wrong. {We do that}and we also TAKE ACTION. Jesus overthrew the dove sellers and money exchangers in the synagogue saying don't turn the house of God into a thieve's den. He was upset, and He took action. He did it deliberately, and He didn't apologize for it. Do you see what I'm getting at. All of being a Christian is not sugar-coated words to appease the condemned: It is tough love, brutal honesty about their eternal destination, it is telling the person of a Savior who loves them, but who will also punish sin! Lol”
No I think I understand very well and I think many Christians would disagree with the characterization you just made of them. The idea that Christians all see their lives in the same way or their relationship to God as you do is absolutely false. I think it would be perfectly ok if Pat turned over the tables of money changers that had set up in his church but that is not the same as advocating the murder of a man (Hugo Chavez) just because he disagrees with his politics. Do you truly think that this sort of blood lust is what Jesus would engage in? It seems to me that Robertson is a lot more concerned with his wallet and political agenda then with being a role model of a compassionate, moral person for those who look to him for guidance. Saying that it’s alright to kill a political rival is saying to all the young Christians that watch him, its alright to kill someone who’s beliefs differ from yours. Is that your idea of being a strong Christian and a good model of a man? I think for a man of his age to still have such a profound lack of wisdom, compassion for someone who is on their death bed and tack in the words he speaks, is some what amazing to me. You would think he would have learned something from all his experiences in life. It’s very easy to say it’s the judgment of God when something happens to someone you dislike but when it happens to you then it’s the devil. If God chose to judge someone by an act on earth, do you know who would know? Just God alone! If Robertson has a massive heart attack next week, will he say that God judged him as well? Would he then change all his political views because God showed him that he was displeased? Of course he wouldn’t. I may be only in my 20’s but if such a thing were to happen I would have more compassion for Robertson then he shows to others. I don’t think anyone can say that Jesus would sanction kicking someone when they’re down.
P.S. I’m still waiting ;)