What a reaction, that sounds awful! I agree, copper is very tricky. I pondered many a day if I was too low or too high. I worried that I may be biounavailable. Finally I resolved that for me, it was doing whatever my calcium was doing. Since my calcium was definitely low, and only improved with additional calcium, not with magnesium or vitamin D supplementation, then I presumed that my copper was the same. For me, it was a correct assumption, as my symptoms improve with copper supplementation, and worsen when I am low or getting too many copper antagonists. I have wondered if my reactions were a result of copper being pulled out of storage, but when I began to show signs of eye inflammations(conjunctivitis) in my right eye I felt pretty sure that the copper was low, not biounavailable.
What all were you taking right before the downward spiral began? You had mentioned copper in an earlier post. I believe you had tried a half tablet then. Had you increased the dosage? It is possible that your copper is biounavailable as you know from acu-cell. You are doing the right thing to just take a break. If the problem is stored, unavailable copper, then you will have to find a very gentle way to remove it from storage so your body can use it.
I have been lucky not to get many indented scars. So I can't say the best way to help those. My skin does like the jojoba. It is very light, but effective.
I haven't considered mites, but I have considered that my last eruption could have been from microbial overgrowth. I have been using goldenseal/echinacea for a little over a week now, and I have gotten immediate results in both my sinuses and my skin. I ordered some Candida Clear from Now with oregano and caprylic acid which I should be getting today, and plan to add it to the program immediately. I'm guessing that the bacteria ran to the surface of my skin when I started the Pau D'arco and overdosed on citric/vitamin C a few weeks ago, and it has prospered there. But now they are almost all gone. So I'm fairly certain that some type of microbe was involved. I will be continuing this cleanse until my skin is clear, my tongue is clear, and my abdominal bloat is gone for at least one full week. I'm switching up herbs to keep it effective. It is going so well, that a small blackhead that I have had for months finally dried up and came out. I could have shouted! Also, my vision in my right eye(my weaker eye) is responding very well to the elimination of the microbes, whatever they are. I'm sure some are yeast, and reducing them has always seemed to help with my right eye. I wonder at times if the yeast may be why I am so low in copper and that my right side seems the most affected.
I have tried to keep my vitamin C low(200-300mg/day) to prevent reactions, and I have doubled my borage capsules, but only 3 times a week. GLA is suppose to keep candida from tranforming to its fungal form, so I figured that would be helpful about now. If you do try the smell minerals, please let me know how they work for you. It might be the closest we will get to an Acu-cell analysis. I hope your endo can be of help to you, mine never were. Something must be done to help you with your skin thinning.
Perhaps you can locate a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor or a naturopath, someone who will treat the whole body, before you result to the smell minerals. After all, it could be a missing vitamin, instead of a mineral, or an overgrowth of a bacteria and that would change everything. For the same money you could figure out the problem, and buy the medicines needed to treat it. Just a thought.
Good luck, and keep me posted.