Dear Nicole,
I had all the classic symptoms going back over 10 years when I look back at it. I was over prescribed
Antibiotics to the point that I would break out in skin rashes after about three days on any antibiotic. Before I knew about candida I just interpreted it as an allergy. I had chronic annoying symptoms like acne, dandruff and about every 6 months to a year I would have a thrush like skin outbreak that I treated with topical steroids before I knew they were so bad for me.
I even went on the atkins diet while I was taking accutane. Man my body must have been so acidic!
The thing that triggered my search that eventually led me to candida is that I went on a three day mono-fruitarian fast for my acne. For three days I only ate apples and did enemas every night. By the end of the fast I felt and looked great. Unfortunately I didn't know anything about how to break a fast properly and went off of the fast by eating a huge meal that was not proper as far as food mixing and took no probiotics. Boom I had the worst skin flare up ever. I had a thrush like rash that was painful and itchy all around my crotch area, my face, my butt. My scalp had open sores. I felt like a leper.
Over a period of about 5 days I self-diagnosed that it was candida and made myself worse by treating it will all kinds of natural and topical antifungals (coconut oil, caprylic acid, garlic etc.). It created a pretty brutal die off reaction. That sent me to a naturopath who diagnosed it as candida related to a toxic mold environmental condition. He started treating me with tons of liquid herbs and supplements. I stopped staying at my parents house which is where I was when I got sick and over about a period of a month and $10,000 in liquid herbs and supplements (over 60 pills a day). My symptoms went away.
Then circumstances brought me back to stay with my parents and I had another flare up. This time I found moreless' posts and when I saw his and others approach to fixing your body ecology or Ph rather than trying to kill or starve candida. The approach made so much sense. Candida overgrowth is your bodies natural reaction to being too acidic. If you do not do something to akalize your body then all your anti-candida efforts are actually battling your bodies natural attempts to reduce its acidity. That is why I feel that you will never get free from this problem without addressing your body Ph. Help your body to reduce the acidity and it will call off the candida troops and the normal balance of intestinal flora will return.
As far as urine therapy goes, I feel it has really accelerated my healing. Because the method to akalize your body is basically to ingest lots of minerals, you are going to shed alot of excess minerals in your urine. Your body has worked hard to make those minerals in a form that it could use, so it made sense to me to reuse the excess instead. Of course I had the same terrible preconceived notions about Urine Therapy. But after reading all the information, and I especially remember reading a post about someone who felt Urine Therapy had freed him from being a slave to expensive natural therapies. I remember walking through the aisles of my local natural foods market, being desperately ill, and being totally overwhelmed by an aisles and aisle of supplements that I knew nothing about. That and my 5 figure bill at the naturopath made Urine Therapy very attractive to me. Also the solution was really an answer to prayer and it just made sense to me that God would have provided all the means that I would need to heal myself with very little help from man (mineral rich foods and urine therapy).
So that's my story. I am quite sure that I had candida but if you know more than I do perhaps you can see something in my story that make candida not the likely culprit. Either way I am so grateful to be health again and I thank God for leading me to curezone and thank moreless and everyone else who posts such good information here and invests their time, minds and hearts so selflessly.
God Bless and Guide you on your way to better health Nicole,