No disrespect Qwer, but just because a simpler process worked for her doesn't mean that the case was not serious.
I have relieved many of my symptoms with the same type of items with an additional anti-fungal. And I know that my condition was serious as it was developed in conjuction with well over a decade of undiagnosed gluten-intolerance, which resulted in several other very 'serious' health consequences including a deteriation of my vision over the past decade.
Granted my body is still healing, and everything is not just as it was, but I have gotten the candida under control. My chronic thrush is gone, and my vision has been greatly restored, from 20/100 to 20/40 in my strongest eye since I started my cleansing process.
And yes, I have done
parasite cleanses, bowel cleanses, and
Liver Flushes that I know have helped, but I didn't get rid of my candida symptoms until using these 3 things in combination.
Basically, it is just not fair to be so dismissive of someone else's success because it sounds 'too easy'. Reminds me a lot of my doctor's reaction to my vision improvement. Vision and candida...nahhhh!