it's me again. I decided to give this a seperate post because it's something that has kept me busy lately. Long story short:
I've been using iodine lately (started it 3 months ago) where I first used nascent iodine. Had some weird symptoms in the beginning such as coughing up alot of pleghm and stuff. Then I gave iodoral a go, but had some weird frontal sinus pressures (and pressure behind the eyes). Yet, I did feel better when it came to having more energy and stuff (so it definitely did do me some good). However, the dizziness was unbearable (but I was also a bit sick during that time).
There is just 1 thing I cannot get over it, that's the insane tight feeling in my throat. As if something is stuck there, but it just won't go away. I think it started when I had a multivitamin that contained 150mcg of iodide (whilst I have never used anything like that, maybe I was sooo deficient that such a tiny amount would give me a slight feeling as if something was stuck in my throat). Whenever I would supplement with nascent iodine, I coughed and coughed and coughed for 2 weeks (couldn't reaaly sleep). Yet, 2 weeks later, it really cleared up the congestion in my nose, because I don't have trouble breathing through it anymore. As of now, my mucus (which is almost non-existent < or at least not as noticable as before) is also very clear contrary to the beginning where it had weird colors.
The tight throat feeling wasn't so big when I started using 50mg of iodoral but I stopped that because of the dizziness-effect I felt. I do take every co-nutriënt at the given doses (that many other posts have described) but for some reason, the tight feeling in my throat is getting worse lately. I am not even using iodoral anymore, just 1.8mg of nascent iodine until I get another potassium iodide solution. Basically I haven't used iodoral in a month, yet I do think that my throat feeling is getting worse (in the past 2 weeks it came back like crazy). What is my body telling my? I have done different (blood)tests including Anti-TPO tests, which came out good if u ask me (I'll post em to show the values):
Bloodtest 1 (september 2016, after being on iodoral for approx 3-4 weeks, have used some nascent iodine too before that):
TSH 7.5 mU/l range is between 0.3 and 4.2
FT4 16 pmol/l range is between 12 and 22
I always had cold hands (and still have so, which would indicate I'm kind of hypo, yet the doctor told me the results were fine)
Bloodtest 2 (december 2016, stopped iodoral shortly after bloodtest 1 because of the dizziness, but I took it every now and then. Took nascent iodine more consistently):
TSH 6.3 mU/l range is between 0.3 and 4.2
FT4 15 pmol/l range is between 12 and 22
The TSH did go down the 2nd time, I think I read somewhere that TSH goes up temporarily (up to 6 months and can go up to higher values) because the iodine is kicking in?
Bloodtest 3 (also december 2016, was an Anti-TPO test to rule out Hashimoto's):
<28 kU/l (should not exceed 60).
So I think the results seem pretty clear but this throat is killing me, my biggest concern is that may come out to be a goiter? I don't even want to think about that. Can anyone help me out plz, I feel kinda f... up (sorry I just genuinely hate to be going through this right now, but then again: I'm sure I'm not the only one and many people may even have had worse experiences)
- Main indicator that also seems wrong is that I hear noise escaping from my throat, somewhat like a rattle/gurgling. It seems as if it tight constantly, but I can hear that noise definitely from time to time. When air escapes, it gives that weird noise
List of supplements I currently take:
- Thorne Multivitamin (using it since 1 month and it's really good quality from what I heard. However, I'll see what it does to me)
https://www.thorne.com/products/dp/basic-nutrients-2-day (u can find the values here)
It has good amounts of B-vitamins in good forms such as P-5-P etc. U can find the info in the link. It does contain 400 mcg of Chromium though, but I use it nontheless.
Before this multivitamin I used another one, but it contained folic acid in synthetic form, aswell as cyanocobalamin b12 https://www.plantina.nl/multi-240tb.html />
- Iodine:
Nascent iodine (3 drops of 600 mcg = 1800 mcg daily)
- Salt:
Trying to do pushes as often as possible
- Vitamin C:
Did take 1g for a while, now I'm at approx 500mg a day
Used to take brazil nuts (x2) but now my multivitamin contains 200mcg of this, so I take 1 extra brazil nut (= anywhere between 50-200 mcg, depending on size).
-Vitamin D
Used to take approx 1200IU a day, but I am still at 76nmol/l which is 30ng/ml. I am taking 5000IU to see if I can hit higher values (until I reach 40-50) then I cut down to 2000IU-3000IU a day.
-Zinc 37mg
15mg bisglycinate (from Multi)
22mg picolinate (from solgar, use it every other day)
I used the solgar everyday, prior to this multivitamin because that other Multi only contained zinc citrate 10mg daily, so that would mean approx 32mg daily.
I will buy zinc picolinate 15mg and that would put me at 30mg daily
I almost never use it, but whenever I do, I always get nausea (dunno why, but I definitely do know that this causes me nausea, could anyone explain why???) 2.5mg
400-600mg a day. Mainly citrate, but I also use a complex (since 2 weeks) that contains malate,citrate and glycinate.
-Vitamin E:
Mixed tocopherols only 50-100IU a day. I don't want to dose too high on this, so I take low doses.
-Vitamin K2:
200mcg as MK7 (used it every day, but now using it once every 3 days)
45MG (yes u read that correctly 45000mcg) as Mk4 (I'm only doing this for 4 months, but that's another story)I will eventually cut this back to 5-9 mg daily
-Fish Oil
3 capsules a day providing:
2g EPA
1g DHA
Will cut this back to 1.8 EPA and DHA combined, so i.e. 2 capsules a day.
- Taurine: 1000mg to 2000mg a day
- Choline: 250-400 mg a day
- Inositol: 250-500 mg a day
- Boron: 2mg during off periods and 9mg during cycling periods
-cycling 3 days on and 3 days off (Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the days I am using it)
on the other days I only get 2mg boron (from the Multi)
If u have any other questions, plz let me know. I just hope someone can help me clarifying on what's happening to my throat. BTW, the sensation did start a bit prior to supplementing first (or at least when I started using the first stronger multivitamin, again: maybe because of the potassium iodide which I have never gotten before from a supplement even though it was only 150 mcg).
I am only like 3 months far now, doing this full protocol. Every now and then I started adding something to the regimen.
Thanks JT,
1) The doctor didn't say anything extra/specific about my TSH. That's so odd, I just didn't trust him on what he said. Maybe he didn't say anything, because at my age it might be more uncommon for people to have problems with their thyroid (aged 24) (I dunno, maybe that's just ignorant thinking and stupid of me but it's just a speculation) However, my TSH did show lower results on the second measurement (did stop iodine for a while during that period and before that). Somewhere on the internet, I read that a doctor said not to be concerned too much when first supplementing iodine, because it might induce higher TSH levels because of supplementation (at first). All of that should subside later on. I will definitely continue iodine and see what happens. I will up my dose to 25-50mg of iodide daily and use 1.8mg of nascent iodine (elemental iodine) with it. I dunno if that's too low on the (elemental) iodine part however. I just wonder whether I should add it up to 3mg daily (of nascent iodine).
2) Regarding the copper thingy, I'm so glad u pointed that out, because I just looked at the supplement and I've seen it's indeed a glycinate form. This one makes me nauseous indeed. It contains 2.5mg of bisglycinate copper. The Multi itself contains 750mcg, which is 0.75 mg. Together that would add up to 3.25mg. I just hope it's not too much. I take approx 30-37mg zinc with it (on a daily basis). I could pulse dose the copper and use it every other day. I will switch to another brand, perhaps that might help. Other brands contain typically 2mg of copper, which would add up to 2.75mg total.
3) Regarding the goiter thingy, I did place my hand there, and I don't feel anything in particular. Should the goiter have a special feel to it? I mean, I don't wanna fool myself but I don't think (and also hope) I feel a thing there.
4) More importantly: I went to the doctor today and kind of more demanded that he send me to a (throat)specialist. He agreed and they will take a look at my throat. Should they be looking at anything specific or is there a good chance that if they take a look, and let's say, perhaps find nothing. Then should that be a good indication that there isn't really going on down there, or should they do more checks. Ugh, as of typing this, I just feel so confused on what to do. It kinda pisses me off that the doctor is leaving it up to me (while he is the expert), he did however agree so I'm sorry I don't wanna come off as being ungrateful/unthankful but now I realize all too much that being healthy is one of life's greatest gift. Thanks people, and excuse me if my English sucks a bit.
5) Now that I read my post again, regarding point 4: I just meant to ask whether it was wise to ask for something like an ultrasound or anything? Would that rule out any possibilities of having something. I.e. what kind of investigation do I need to undergo (gold standard wise) to diagnose anything as good as possible (if there is such a thing).
Thanks again,
from the Netherlands.