That's unfortunate to hear man.
But hey, listen up. Just try this. Don't stop just yet. Over the next few days I want you to cultivate enormous positivity. Firstly envision the pain and upset this condition has caused you, remember, look back, look at pictures, think about how this has affected your quality life, experience with love, quality of life, imagine the anger this has caused you, the upset, the misery. Be genuine with yourself, speak out loud, and reflect on the pain of exfoliative cheilitis.
Then imagine yourself free of this condition. Imagine yourself waking up tomorrow free of this condition forever! Imagine waking up to lips perfect! As they once were! Look at a picture, and pay attention to the bits which are as perfect as your entire lips used to be, and imagine waking tomorrow your entire lips looking like that! Imagine the freedom of never having to think about this thing again.
Just try this. Give yourself a half hour window, when no ones home if you live with anyone to speak freely out loud, and do this tomorrow, and the next day, and a couple more days after that. But just try this tomorrow. The placebo effect isn't made up. It indicates something true about our nature and how we work.
Give yourself enough time so that you get the point where you're truly moved by emotion, firstly frustration or worse, and then by true joy and happiness at the prospect and real reality that is perfect lips, that is triumph. Then don't think about it, other than to tell yourself the cells of your body know what to do whilst imagining waking with those perfect lips, if you do think about it.
Nothing to lose bro!