Try this basic paste recipe on problem area and other areas like LYMPH NODES, neck and clavicles.
1 cup Diatomaceous Clay
1/3 cup Borax
1 Tablespoon Nutmeg
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Corn Starch or Arrowroot
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
Use a rubber spatula in a glass or ceramic bowl(no metal).
Mix together dry ingredients, then add small amounts of water until you have a ~thick~ paste, ~Then~ add the olive oil and mix well. The oil keeps it from getting too crumbley. You want it somewhat thick, but not too thick...
Scoop a blob about the size of a ping-pong ball, and press it onto the bridge of your nose. Keep working it, pushing it around your nose area, even to the tip. Back and forth and between, under and above your eyes(careful). Your temple areas. You have to work it around and into pores, not just leave it on to dry. You can keep folding it over and use it until it won't draw anymore.
I SWEAR TO GOD this has helped me draw out so much! It's the nature of the mixture to be somewhat grainy, but you can tell that it's pulling out MORE "grit" along with fluid build-up, black specs, and other stuff I don't even know what it is... I try to do this for awhile at least every week, using up the whole mix at one sitting.
It's not a cure, but it does bring some relief by pulling stuff out dead or alive. Use a paper towel or fling it straight into the trash to dispose, because too much down a drain will clog it.
Some info on medicinal clays: