The boredom is really a killer, huh?
I have some time off in the university, so I can lounge around all day. Wanted to use this time to get healthier.
I really wish you all the luck, hang in there. Try to go for ten days first. Then, if you feel ok, go for 14 days etc.
What's BM?
I don't use enemas, supplements or lemon water. I only drink cheap mineral water, but I do brush teeth with colgate total, haha. Yeah, I'm not a purist or a real believer. In the first three days of the fast I was also drinking oolong tea (before I've done my research).
It's mainly fatigue, really. Yesterday I crawled out of the bed and tried to watch a movie. after two minutes I tried to go back to my bed, stopped half way, sat down on the floor and stared at one point for two hours. So strange. (there are many more stories like this, but "ain't nobody got time for that")
The other bothersome thing is the taste in my mouth. It's as if I drink acetone instead of water and then sniffle on propane all the time. I think, I've become a fire hazard. And a sloth.
I'm a firm believer, I'll fully transform into a sloth after 40 days of fasting.
Sometimes I feel sick, sometimes dizzy, but these feelings go away after a while (1-2 hours), at least as of now.
The only things that keep me afloat are zen meditation + veeery light yoga.
I don't crave food anymore while I'm awake, but I dream of eating unhealthy foods every other night. The dreams are so realistic, that I wake up in cold sweat thinking I've eaten something :D But I think it's mostly zen meditation's fault.