Study our testimonials for the AMAZING array of diseases cured by iodine. Many are totally unexpected, and most are also on the list of Candida diseases.
Just imagine the futility of trying to treat each individual symptom when iodine cures them all in one step.
IMO when you become iodine sufficient, your immune system goes into overdrive to kill off fungus, bacteria and even cancers. Yes iodine does kill cancers. I've witnessed it in my own neighborhood. See this:
The thyroid is a major storage area for iodine, and filters the blood every 15 minutes to kill fungus, bacteria, cancer cells & more.
YES every cell in your body requires iodine, but they have been taken over by the toxins of fluoride, bromide & chlorine. (thanks to the Sickness Industry)
I suggest you start the Dr. Brownstein Iodine Protocol asap. I would not be surprised if your problems then get cured by your own immune system as God intended.
IMO, you are playing right into the hands of the "Sickness Industry" by attempting to cure each ill individually. ALL of these ills are the result of a sickly immune system. Just as the "Sickness Industry" wants.
Also see this for optimal health:
That is a very controversial subject. How much calcium do they want you to take each day? A lot of foods contain calcium.
The main problem with calcium is missing Boron and Vitamin D3.
Also, as detailed here:
"Excess Calcium supplements > 2000mg a day are the problem"
So between your foods, boron, D3 & < 2000mg of calcium your bones should be in great shape. What do you think?