I see your point, however you are missing the fact that fruits, and carbs require insulin to balance the
Sugar that they either contain or are converted to, this requires adrenal action, therefore the foods you suggest are also highly stimulatory, fruit being the ultimate in stimulation, which is far worse to an AF ridden body than taking large amounts of energy to digest meat - however the plus side of this is sustained blood
Sugar for longer periods of time, which is prefable in AF.
I have never heard anyone who got better from advanced AF with a fruit diet. I do think CFS, which i believe to be the earlier stages of AF could be healped with this sort of diet, but not when the endocrine system has gone into such meltdown and dysfunction.
If I eat meat, I feel ok, if I eat sugar, I either get amped up and manic for hours, or fall alseep then wake up in completely anxiety franctic, then I crash. Advanced AF dosent do
Sugar :) Faith is a good example, for nearly two years she couldnt touch a spec of sugar or carbs, but through this time of her healing, she has moved from 3C to stage 2 and can tolerate small amounts of natural sugar and can do carbs again.
I do believe carbs and sugars, especially the natural power of fruit are needed as part of the healing transition, but definitely not in advanced AF, and I believe that is what you are referring to.
It might be a good idea for you to have a read of Dr Lams work, not Dr Larry Wilson, he is a nut job, but as much as I dislike Lam, his intelligence and logic is very good.
Maybe you could combine your medicine art with knowing more about the syndrome through Lams work and utilise it further?
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