(NaturalNews) Much research has been done lately on superfoods. There is a lot of buzz about certain foods, and the truth is that it's very hard to decipher the truth behind the buzz; what foods are actually super? Well, the fact is that there are certain foods out there which have very powerful qualities. Some of them are things which you can find in just about any kitchen, like garlic and lemon. Others are things you'd have to order on the internet from a reputable source. The thing that each individual needs to do is to decide whether your body needs a particular superfood. Obviously different foods have different qualities. Here are three superfoods which may really deserve the title.
Chia seeds definitely seem to be what you'd have to deem a 'superfood'. They were once a staple of the Aztecs and were known, and are known, for their ability to increase endurance. For those that exercise a lot, chia is something worth trying out in the future. They have all the essential amino acids (protein), except for taurine, and are also a great source of omega-3 oils, which is not found in so many foods. It's important to get a good balance of omega-3 to omega-6 oils in your diet, and adding these seeds to salads and smoothies is a good way to provide that balance. They also have more antioxidants than blueberries!
Pure, raw chocolate is something which most people are content to read about. We've all heard before that dark chocolate had high levels of antioxidants, which it does. But this is due to the high quantity of pure cacao in it. Cacao beans, when eaten raw, are extra good for the body. It is said that cacao, like chia seeds, has higher levels of antioxidants than blueberries. It also has lots of minerals, like zinc, chromium and magnesium, and plenty of vitamins and beta-carotene too. It also has quite a kick and wakes you up in the same way tea does, but gives a steadier stream of energy. Plus, you can buy it raw in many different forms, like cacao nibs, cacao butter, cacao paste and in powder form, so you can make all kinds of raw deserts.
The last thing on today's list is...Goji berries. As we all know, berries in general are super good for our health, and are very easily added to a smoothie to make it extra healthy. Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are extra good though; they have 18 kinds of amino acids (the building blocks of protein); a high quantity of calcium, selenium, zinc, vitamin B2 and C, beta-carotene and potassium; and they are also thought to boost your immune system and help you lose weight. So, they seem to do just about everything.
Including all of the above foods in your diet may go a long way to increase your health and stamina, but make sure to try each individually first, so you can figure out which food is giving you the benefits.
About the author
Matt Monarch has been on a 100% Raw Vegan Diet since 1999; he eats only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and seaweeds. He is currently the owner of three different health-promoting websites.
In partnership with Raw Food Pioneer and Nutritionist Dr. Fred Bisci, Matt has co-created www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, which sells support tools to help people live free of degenerative disease. Matt’s other websites are www.RawSpirit.org and www.LivingNutritionals.com.
After eight years eating a 100% Raw Food Diet, Matt has written two books on the subject – Raw Spirit, and Raw Success. In recent years he has spent much of his time touring the United States, presenting well over 200 Raw Food Lectures. He is widely sought out as a speaker and gives talks worldwide on how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Matt has appeared as a key speaker at events including The Raw Spirit Festival and many other festivals and expos. He was featured in a Raw Food TV Spot that aired over 15 times on Al Gore’s TV Network, Current TV. This TV spot can be viewed at www.RawSpirit.org. As 6-year owner of The Raw Food World and Living Nutritionals, he is well versed in people's needs and concerns about health.
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Three Must-Have Superfoods
Living Fuel
Living Fuel founder KC Craichy and his wife Monica are featured in a new video interview now posted on YouTube. Living Fuel (www.LivingFuel.com) remains my top-recommended whole meal superfood product, and when I was invited to jump onto a video set and interview KC and Monica, I enthusiastically agreed!
The result is a video interview in which KC and Monica explain how they founded Living Fuel and how they use the products in their own lives.
What you need to know about this video: I was NOT paid to do this. I volunteered for this, and no money exchanged hands, nor do I earn any revenue from the sales of Living Fuel products. I own no shares in their company and I buy Living Fuel products like everybody else. My participation in this video was 100% volunteer and based entirely on my very high opinion of the Living Fuel company and product line (which I use almost every day at home and on the road).
This was filmed in a studio in Tampa, Florida, and it was a last-minute idea. I think I had something like a two-hour notice, which is why I have no special wardrobe and no makeup! I literally walked in with my hemp sandals and travel shirt, put on a microphone and started filming. Nothing was pre-planned in terms of questions. We just jumped right into a conversation and let it ride.
Living Fuel paid for the entire production, so even though I was not paid anything for doing this, neither did I have to spend money out of pocket to produce the finished video. They own the video content, not us. We decided to introduce it as the "NaturalNews Show" because that sounded like a fun way to set the scene.
I am willing to do the same thing for other companies I support, as long as it doesn't cost me anything out of pocket and it doesn't require me to make an extra travel trip (for this video, I happened to be in Tampa as part of a business trip that included visits to Vitacost.com and other companies). As an eco-conscious traveler, I really try to get multiple things done on every trip, and I rarely fly somewhere just for one meeting or one event.
I would NOT do this for a company I didn't support, regardless of how much I might be offered. If Merck offered me a million dollars to ask them friendly questions about their drug products, for example, I would politely decline.
Living Fuel is a great company with a fantastic product! Try it yourself and you'll feel the difference! www.LivingFuel.com
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KC Craichy from Living Fuel Interviewed by Health Ranger (video)
Blueberries are a commonly known antioxidant, but did you know that they might also be one of nature's powerhouse cure-alls? They may not be able to
alleviate every condition, but they have been proven to shrink tumors and much more.
The latest news comes from a study out of Ohio State University finding that blueberries may shrink blood vessel tumors in babies while doubling survival
rates. The research team fed blueberry extract to mice that had tumors. The mice receiving the extract lived twice as long as those mice that had blood
vessel tumors but didn't take the extract. Also, the tumors in the blueberry mice were 60 percent smaller than those in the control group.
Shrinking tumors isn't their only beneficial function, either. For instance, a 2005 study out of the University of Illinois found that wild blueberries
inhibited the initiation and proliferation of bladder and liver cancer cells, mostly due to an extremely powerful antioxidant in the blueberries called
anthocyanin. (By the way, a concomitant study at Cornell found that the greatest anti-cancer effect came from consuming foods such as berries in their
natural state rather than in taking highly concentrated extracts, because the whole food allows the array of phytochemicals in the foods to work in
A 2006 study found that another element in blueberries -- pterostilbene--a compound chemically related to resveratrol -- cut the development of liver
cancer lesions in half.
And in a 2007 study, pterostilbene reduced pre-cancerous lesions of the colon by 57 percent, while several studies simultaneously found that blueberries
help fight prostate cancer.
Still not convinced that it's worth the $4.99 or so to buy a bag of frozen berries? The list of benefits continues on and on. Blueberries have been shown
to cleanse the urinary tract and prevent bladder infections, lower cholesterol, promote intestinal health, fight inflammation related to gout and
arthritis, reduce nasal congestion, lower cholesterol, and protect against degenerative eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.
As if these pluses aren't enough, blueberries also offer profound benefits in the arena of cognitive function.
So, the lesson of the day? Maybe you should forget about apples and start using a few blueberries a day to keep the doctor away!
For the more information about this study or this topic,
rel="nofollow" href="/aa/?1085980" title="http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=28490372&msgid=447990&act=FKCQ&c=276998&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jonbarron.org%2Falternative-cancer%2Fbl090129%2Fnatural-health-news-blueberries-tumors"
click here
(NaturalNews) Move over calcium, there is a new bone builder in town. Research published in the
back in 2010 showed that blueberry compounds helped improve bone development in lab rats, and new research conducted by the same team of scientists is now
investigating how the fruit works in humans to boost bone development.
Jin-Ran Chen and his colleagues from the Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock recently received funding from the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) to explore bone development in humans during infancy, childhood, and early adulthood. Part of this includes studying how blueberry
compounds play a role in bone development.
In their first study, Chen and his colleagues observed that blueberry polyphenols, which are the pigments in the fruit that give them their bluish, purple,
and red colors, are clearly associated with building strong, healthy bones. Rats fed freeze-dried blueberry powder as ten percent of their diets developed
significantly more bone mass than rats not fed the powder, which spurred further research into which blueberry compounds were responsible for this amazing
Blood samples taken from the blueberry-fed rats revealed high rates of phenolic acids, the antioxidant compounds believed to help improve bone development.
When blood serum taken from the blueberry-fed rats was applied to lab cultures of osteoblasts, the cells responsible for forming bones, researchers noted
that osteoblasts formed into mature, functional bone cells much more quickly than they otherwise would apart from exposure to the polyphenol-rich serum.
TCF and LEF, two types of human genes, promote the synthesis of beta-catenin, a type of protein. Beta-catenin is responsible for telling osteoblasts to
form into fully mature bone cells, and it is blueberry polyphenols' interaction with these various human components that Chen and his team believe is
responsible for improved bone synthesis.
(NaturalNews) Men with early signs of developing prostate cancer were able to prevent tumor growth by eating broccoli four times a week, according to a
British study covered on MSN (
). But broccoli is not the only cruciferous vegetable with anti-cancer properties.
Cabbage has a long history of use both as food and medicine, according to The George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods. Manual laborers
were fed salted cabbage with their rice, according to William Duffy's "Sugar Blues", to keep them strong and healthy during the building of the Great Wall
of China (http://www.naturalpedia.com/cabbage.html). It was the only food they had
besides their rice. Cabbage was also grown in Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations that held it in high regard as a general panacea capable of treating a
host of health conditions.
Today, epidemiological studies provide evidence that diets rich in cruciferous vegetables are associated with lower risks of several types of cancer,
according to Oregon State University ( http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytoc...). Cabbage in
particular looks promising, boasting numerous cancer-preventing properties, including antioxidants and glucosinolates.
Red cabbage contains 36 different varieties of anthocyanins, a class of flavonoid phytonutrients that have been linked to protection from cancer, according
to a new study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and published in theJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( http://www.naturalnews.com/024487_cabbage_re...).
Anthocyanins are naturally occurring pigments that give fruits and berries their red, blue and purple color. Another study by the ARS found that some
varieties of the phytonutrient have twice the antioxidant effect of vitamin C ( http://www.naturalnews.com/024487_cabbage_re...).
Red cabbage is unique among the cruciferous vegetables in providing about 30 milligrams of the red
anthocyanin in each half-cup serving. But even white cabbage -- the most commonly eaten variety of cabbage in the U.S. -- provides about 50 milligrams in a
half-cup serving.
The cancer-preventing effects of cabbage are due, at least in part, to the antioxidant richness of the vegetable. Without enough antioxidants, we can
experience a metabolic problem called oxidative stress, which can be a risk factor for development ofcancer, according to The George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods ( http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foo...).
The anti-oxidant benefits of cabbage alone secure its position on the list of cancer-fighting foods but cabbage takes it a step further. The glucosinolates
found in cabbage can be converted into isothiocyanate compounds, and these compounds show preventative effects for variety of different cancers, including
bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer ( http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foo...).
Isothiocyanates (pronounced eys-so-thigh-o-sigh-an-ate) stop carcinogens in three different ways, according to The Cancer Project: They prevent carcinogens
from being activated, they counteract the effects of carcinogens once they have been activated and they speed up the removal of carcinogens from the body.
Studies have shown that risks of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tract can be reduced by consuming isothiocyanate-rich
vegetables, and the compounds are especially effective in fighting lung and esophageal cancers ( http://www.cancerproject.org/protective_food...).
Cabbage is also proving to aid in the prevention of cancer due to a compound called Indole-3-carbinol. The compound, I3C, which is released when we chew
cruciferous vegetables, has been shown to protect against the adverse effects of estrogen, according to The South African Journal of Natural Medicine. When one type of estrogen is broken down, it divides into metabolites, one which leads to high risk
Breast Cancer and the other which leads to low risk. I3C can reduce the risk of Breast Cancer by increasing the production of the safer metabolite.
Sources for this article include:
Story at-a-glance +
Imagine a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need to live, help prevent the annoying sniffling and sneezing of
allergies, reinforce your immune system, help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol, and help protect you from cancer. Does such a "super
food" exist?
Yes. It's called spirulina.
Unlike plants you may grow in your garden, this "miracle" plant is a form of blue-green algae that springs from warm, fresh water bodies.
Chlorella is another form of algae that is sometimes confused with spirulina. The fundamental difference between spirulina and chlorella is that
spirulina is many thousands of years older and does not possess the hard cell wall that makes chlorella closer to being a plant than algae.
Chlorella is
an excellent way to detoxify your body from mercury
, which most of you are contaminated with if you've ever had
dental fillings
, received a vaccine, used certain types of cookware or eaten fish. Spirulina simply is unable to remove heavy metals like chlorella does, as it lacks
a cell membrane.
Chlorella has also been proven to be of
benefit to those who suffer from degenerative disease
. This report, however, will focus on the specific benefits that can be attributed to spirulina in particular.
Spirulina is a simple, one-celled organism that got its name from the Latin word for 'helix' or 'spiral' because of its spring-like physical
characteristic. Its scientific name is Arthrospira platensis, and it belongs to the cyanobacteria family.
Most of us take clean, healthy drinking water for granted. Unfortunately, in some countries like Bangladesh, it is a luxury. As I stated in this
previous article,
much of the Bangladesh water supply is loaded with arsenic
and up until the mid-1990s, little could be done to treat dying arsenic poisoning patients.
Bangladeshi researchers conducted a three-month-hospital-based study, where spirulina was given to 33 patients while 17 received placebo doses. 82
percent of those taking spirulina showed tremendous improvement.
According to a study done by the Department of Aquataculture in Taiwan, spirulina shows significant immune-boosting properties. Researchers exposed white shrimp to seawater containing a hot-water extract of spirulina before
transferring them to seawater with a pH level of 6.8. The control group was not exposed to spirulina.
The shrimp exposed to the spirulina seawater showed a faster and more promising recovery rate to the high levels of pH than those not given the dose of
spirulina first.
Now, let's take a look at what this immune-system boosting power can mean for you:
If you have an autoimmune disease such as Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus or fibromyalgia,
chronic candida yeast can both cause and worsen your symptoms
. Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in your gut, which can help keep candida overgrowth under control.
Drugs such as AZT used to treat HIV and AIDS patients can actually cause the symptoms they are supposed to cure. However, spirulina has been
shown to help inactivate the human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.
If you suffer from seasonal or perennial allergies, you're not alone. Millions of people are allergic to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet dander, and a
myriad other environmental contaminants, ensuring the makers of Kleenex will always stay in business.
Unfortunately, many people who have allergic rhinitis treat it with prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that often do more harm than good.
Antihistamines are designed to suppress your immune system, which leads to decreased resistance to disease and dependence on the drug. Certain
asthma drugs have been linked to serious side effects
as well.
This is where natural methods such as the use of spirulina come in. According to one study,
patients treated with spirulina reported relief of symptoms commonly associated with allergic rhinitis, such as nasal discharge and congestion,
sneezing and itching, when given spirulina.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a serious health concern that affects millions of Americans today. If you have high blood pressure, you are at
increased risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke.
The good news is, following a healthy nutritional plan, getting adequate exercise and
applying stress modification techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help normalize blood pressure and get you back on track to
optimal health. According to a study done by the Department of Biochemistry in Mexico,
4.5 grams of spirulina given each day was shown to regulate blood pressure among both women and men ages 18-65 years with no other dietary changes made
during the six weeks the experiment was run.
Get more information about
high blood pressure
and how to normalize it without resorting to potentially dangerous drugs.
Are you on a cholesterol medication? Tens of millions of people take cholesterol-lowering medications every day and, according to "experts," millions
more should be taking them,
including children
! If you are skeptical about this recommendation please see this page, which contains a list of articles addressing the dangers of statin drugs.
Statin drugs are responsible for a host of unwanted and dangerous side effects including:
Sexual dysfunction
Immune depression
Pancreas or liver dysfunction (including a potential increase in liver enzymes)
Increased cancer risk
Cholesterol-lowering medications have also been linked to severe muscle problems such as polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet) and
rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition). There is even evidence to suggest that taking statins can increase your risk of
developing Lou Gehrig's disease.
Thankfully, there are
natural ways to lower your cholesterol
. Avoiding fructose and grains, and getting appropriate exercise top the list, but spirulina may also help. According to a study done on elderly male
and female patients ages 60-87, those given eight grams of spirulina per day for 16 consecutive weeks showed lower cholesterol levels than those who were given a placebo.
Those with sickle-cell anemia or congenital heart defects are at greater risk for a condition called brain ischemia or cerebral ischemia. Brain
ischemia refers to a lack of blood flow to your brain, which causes oxygen deprivation and can lead to a stroke. Just 10 seconds of interrupted blood
flow to your brain can cause unconsciousness and lead to serious health consequences.
In a study done at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology in India,it was found that a dosage of 180mg/kg of spirulina had a protective effect on the brain and nervous system of rats exposed to high amounts of free
radicals, compared to rats not given the spirulina before the experiment. This lab test shows the promising effect of spirulina on stroke prevention.
Cancer is the leading killer of adult Americans under age 70 and in the case of this frightening disease, prevention is worth much more than a pound of
cure. It could literally save your life.
My first recommendation in cutting your cancer risk is to eliminate sugar/fructose, grains, and processed foods from your diet. additives such as fructose feed cancer
cells and help them to thrive. I also recommend healthy sun exposure, which will boost your levels of
natural vitamin D and help cut your cancer risk by half
But spirulina may have potential benefits here as well. According to a study done in China, selenium-infused spirulina inhibited the growth of MCF-7 Breast Cancer cells.
When you think of protein, you probably imagine sitting down to a meal of organic eggs or grass-fed beef or maybe even drinking a whey protein shake.
If you're a vegetarian, you may turn to plant-protein sources such as nuts, beans, lentils, and soy products. Unfortunately, soy is not the health food
it claims to be. None of the above-mentioned sources of protein compare to the protein punch delivered by spirulina. Spirulina is 65-71 percent
complete protein compared to beef, which is only 22 percent, and lentils, which is only 26 percent.
In addition to being protein-rich, spirulina is an excellent source of vital amino acids and minerals easily assimilated by your body. You would need
consume only two tablespoons of spirulina as a protein substitute for a meal
There are many types of spirulina out there so it is important to do your homework before making a purchase. Since spirulina grown in an uncontrolled
environment has the potential to become contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins,
it is important to choose organic spirulina from a reputable source.
Spirulina comes in capsules, tablets, powders and flakes. The recommended daily dose is typically betweeen three to five grams. You can spread the dose
out to twice or three times a day if you like. It is safe to take higher doses, but this is a good place to start. Remember to increase your intake of
spring or filtered water when taking spirulina to help it absorb into your system.
In addition to being your powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals, spirulina is a potent detoxifier. For that reason, it is best to start with a
small dose and work your way up. Once you see how your body responds, you can then gradually increase your intake.
Spirulina is a safe source of protein, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that has been used for centuries. Though there are no known side effects
associated with spirulina, your body may react to it based on your current state of health. Let's take a look at some of those reactions, what they mean, and what you can do to alleviate them.
The most prominent reactions you may experience are:
Slight Fever
-- The high protein content in spirulina increases metabolism, which may elevate body temperature.
Dark Green Waste Matter
-- Spirulina can remove accumulated waste product in your colon, which may cause darker stool. Also, spirulina is high in chlorophyll. This will
also turn waste matter green.
Excessive Passing of Gas
-- This may indicate that your digestive system is not functioning properly or you have an extreme build-up of gas.
Feelings of Excitement
-- Your body is converting protein into heat energy, which may cause temporary feelings of restlessness.
Breakouts and Itchy Skin
-- This is caused by colon cleansing process and is only temporary.
-- This is caused by the detoxification process and may indicate your body is exhausted and needs better rest.
Remember, your body may go through an adjustment period with spirulina, and your best bet to reduce reaction is to dose gradually to see how your body
will react. Increase your water intake, reduce your stress levels, eat according to your nutritional type, and get plenty of rest.
Even though spirulina is entirely natural and generally considered a healthful food, there are some contraindications you need to be aware of. You
should not take spirulina if you have a severe seafood or Iodine allergy. And, if you are pregnant or nursing or have hyperthyroidism, consult your healthcare provider
before taking spirulina.
As you can see, spirulina can serve as a potent "super food." Just remember to do your research and arm yourself with knowledge. It is the best way to
take control of your health!
the good
the bad
the UGLY
(NaturalNews) Last week, NaturalNews published a Citizen Journalist article on agave nectar that criticized the sweetener, saying it was a refined sweetener much like syrup. That article created quite a stir and raised many questions from health-conscious consumers. To tell the other side of the story, we invited the president of Madhava, Craig Gerbore, to submit a response.
What follows is a very thoughtful rebuttal to the original article on agave nectar that appeared on NaturalNews (http://www.naturalnews.com/024892.html). It explains in great detail some of the behind-the-scenes issues involving agave nectar, and it describes how modern agave nectar processing is very different from the outmoded methods described in Nagel's article. It also points out many apparent errors and misrepresentations in the original article. I must emphasize that the original article was a Citizen Journalist article, not an in-house article, and thus it represented the opinions of its author, not NaturalNews. Here at NaturalNews, we continue to publish contributed articles that vary somewhat from our own opinions in order to allow the reader access to more diverse information on important topics.
NaturalNews has promoted agave nectar for many years, believing it to be a healthy, low-glycemic alternative to conventional sweeteners. We hope that this rebuttal from Madhava will help bring more clarity to the agave nectar issue. Here is the full rebuttal from Craig Gerbore:
In response, I must first point out that Mr. Nagel's article is based on the view of a sole individual, Russ Bianchi. I suppose we should thank Mr. Bianchi for pointing out some issues that may have contributed to Iidea's (the initial manufacturer of blue agave nectar) demise from the market, however I want to be clear, this is not about Madhava or our agave nectar. Once a dominant supplier, as of this past summer Iidea is no longer a major supplier in the agave syrup business. The distributors using them as a supplier have quietly switched to newly formed blue agave companies for their supply. Madhava has always worked exclusively with Nekutli, the producer of agave nectar from the agave salmiana, a very different species of the agave.
However, there is no mention of our agave nectar from salmiana in the article, nor of the differences in the plant, the collection and production of our product. So, the author has blurred the line with his all encompassing attack on blue agave nectar, by his failure to present complete information on the subject of agave nectars. For what purpose was this article written? If it were to educate the public, I think it would include all the information available. With the errors and misstatements and half-truths, I don't think this article is about education, it is an all out shotgun attack.
I believe Mr. Bianchi, presented as the sole authority on agave nectar, was initially introduced to Iidea's blue agave syrup product on their entry to the market in the late 90's. At that time, Iidea was promoting a 90% fructose agave syrup. This is what I believe Mr. Bianchi is referring to. Unfortunately, he ignores the fact that this is not the agave sold on the market today, nor is it representative of Madhava's product. In fact Mr. Bianchi has never even acknowledged the existence of our agave nectar from the salmiana variety. So, all his comments are apparently based on his experience with Iidea's product, but I find ourselves caught in the blast.
In their zestful attack against the blue agave syrup he was introduced to initially, Mr.'s Bianchi and Nagel have also made inaccurate comments which reflect on agave nectar generally. As such, I take issue with several of their statements and claims and want to clarify some things as regards Madhava's Agave Nectar from agave salmiana.
Their discussion of the processing of agave nectar is in no way reflective of how Madhava's agave nectar is produced. There are three ways to convert complex sugars into a simple Sugar sweetener such as agave syrup. It can be done thermally, chemically, or enzymatically as ours is. There are no chemicals whatsoever involved in the production of Madhava's agave nectar from agave salmiana, nor is it cooked. Our agave is subject only to low temperatures during the evaporation of excess water from the juice.
The author states "The principal constituent of the agave is starch, such as what is found in corn or rice."
This statement, which is the foundation of much of their argument comparing agave nectar to corn syrup, has no basis in scientific fact, THERE IS NO STARCH IN THE AGAVE.
How can the author and his source be so mistaken on this statement on which he bases his attack?
All plants store energy in one of two ways, as starches or fructans. All agave plants create fructans as their energy storing means.
So, agave plants have fructans, not starch. From Wikipedia: Inulins are a group of naturally occurring polysaccharides produced by many types of plants. They belong to a class of fibers know as fructans. Inulin is used by some plants as a means of storing energy and it typically found in roots or rhizomes. Most plants which synthesize and store inulin do not store other materials such as starch.
There is no starch in either species of agave, and agave nectar is not from starch as the author and Mr. Bianchi claim. They have tried very hard to propagandize the public with a false fact, either by design, or ignorance, for which there would be no excuse.
Such an error of fact certainly casts doubt on the validity of the rest of Nagel's article, as the lack of depth of his research has to be apparent to all. Really, he is just regurgitating the singular views of Mr. Bianchi.
I personally spoke with the author during his "research", as did at least one other in the industry. He chose not to include one word of the information given to him by us, which I will repeat below, and failed to make any distinction between Madhava's Nekutli agave nectar from salmiana and that from the blue agave plant. He only mentions blue agave. The plants differ, the locations differ, the methods and production differ greatly. The information we gave him did not fit his purpose and so was omitted in favor of a generalized attack.
Madhava's source is exclusively agave salmiana. If you haven't already reviewed our site at www.madhavasagave.com , you will find background information there. Briefly though, the native people supplying the juice collect it from the live plant, by hand, twice daily. There is no heat involved in the removal. The juice is immediately brought to the facility to remove the excess water as it will ferment rapidly if left standing. It is during the removal of the moisture that the only heat is applied. The juice is evaporated and moisture removed in a vacuum evaporator. The vacuum enables the moisture to be withdrawn at low temperatures. The temp is closely controlled. Subsequently, our agave is handled and packaged at room temperatures. No other heat is applied. And, rather than convert the complex sugars of the juice thermally, we use gentle enzymatic action. Just as a bee introduces an enzyme to flower nectar to make honey, we introduce an natural organic vegan enzyme for the same purpose. The technical term for the conversion of complex sugars into their simple Sugar components is hydrolysis. Inulin is a fructan which is hydrolyzed into the simple sugars composing agave nectar, fructose and glucose. Honey is composed of the same simple sugars.
The blue agave plant is harvested and the blue agave nectar is produced by a completely different method. I will have to leave it to the blue agave nectar sellers to comment on the production themselves. While I know of it, I have not witnessed it as I have Nekutli's. Unlike the author, I won't comment publicly on something I cannot verify.
To clarify further on another claim, "Agave Nectar as a final product is mostly chemically refined fructose". As regards Madhava's agave nectar, there are no chemicals involved in our production whatsoever. The sugars in our agave nectar come from the breakdown of the inulin molecule through the introduction of the enzyme to break apart that molecule. It is in no way chemically refined, there are no chemicals involved in any part of the production or packaging process. Our agave nectar is refined only in as much as the excess moisture is removed from the juice of the plant.
"HFCS is made with Genetically-Modified enzymes". Bianchi's states "they (agave and corn syrup) are indeed made the same way" This is another false assertion as regards Madhava's agave nectar at least. Our agave nectar is certainly and clearly not made the same way as corn syrup. There is no starch in our agave. There are no chemicals, no refinement beyond the evaporation of water. And, there are no GMO's whatsoever. The agave salmiana has never been subject to this and the enzyme is a natural, non Genetically-Modified organic, vegan enzyme.
Other points regarding fructose apply to sugars in general and are a consumption, or overconsumption issue. Certainly consuming large amounts of sweeteners of any kind will be detrimental to one's health. Suggesting fructose could cause health issues when concentrated amounts are eaten is a statement which should really apply to the overconsumption issue. The information the author links to agave nectar is the result of megadose testing of pure clinical fructose. Not the same thing as normal daily use of agave nectar in the course of our meals.
The antisweetener advocates just have to admit that it is the overconsumption of sugars that is the problem. Used in moderation, sugars serve a purpose, to make other foods and beverages more palatable. Imagine a world without sweeteners if you can. Affinity for sweet taste is a human trait that most want to satisfy. For those who use sweeteners, there are limited choices available and many choose agave for its particular attributes. It is a good choice. Madhava Agave's neutral flavor suits the purpose. It is in fact low glycemic, organically certified and non allergenic. Many with diabetes and other special diets find it suitable for their use where other sweeteners are not. It's easy to use and you can use less.
And, we guarantee the purity of our product. Attached is a letter from the CEO of Nekutli stating this guarantee that Nekutli agave syrup is pure and unadulterated, from the natural juice of agave salmiana.
While it remains up to the individual to maintain balance in their diet and monitor their overall consumption of sweets, Nekutli/Madhava's Agave Nectar does have advantages over other sweeteners and that is why it has become so popular and received so much attention today.Buzz up!29 votes
About the author: Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of energy efficient LED lights that greatly reduce CO2 emissions. He's also the founder of a well known HTML email software company whose 'Email Marketing Director' software currently runs the NaturalNews subscription database. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at www.HealthRanger.org
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Agave Nectar: A Rebuttal to Misinformed Attacks on this Natural Swe...
The popularity of agave syrup, also called agave nectar, is on a meteoric rise -- thanks in large part to clever marketing which positions the product as a healthy alternative to Sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Agave is also heavily promoted as a low glycemic food, enticing diabetics.
I’ll discuss just how “healthy” agave is in a minute.
The Amazing Power of Marketing
In case you doubt the influence of marketing in setting trends and consumer buying habits, look at these statistics:
~ Agave products more than tripled in number between 2003 and 2007.
~ McCormick & Co., a major food manufacturer, placed agave syrup in its “top 10 flavors” list for
Agave can now be found in prepared tea, energy and “health” drinks, nutrition bars, desserts, and other food items typically found in health food stores.
Agave is also quickly crossing over from the health food market to mainstream grocery chains, and consumers (especially vegans and raw food enthusiasts) are buying up bottles of the stuff to use in place of other sweeteners, like honey.
Why Agave Syrup is the Hottest New Trend in Sugar Alternatives
Taste: Agave has a subtle, delicate flavor many people enjoy.
Sweetness: Agave syrup can be up to three times as sweet as table sugar, so it takes less to sweeten a food or beverage.
Public perception: Highly effective agave product marketing campaigns have persuaded consumers the sweetener is a healthy alternative to sugar. As more and more people veer away from deadly artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup (but not from their Sugar addiction, unfortunately), they are on the hunt for safer, healthier alternatives.
About the Agave Plant
Agaves grow primarily in Mexico, but you can also find them in the southern and western United States, as well as in South America. Previously, it was most commonly known as a primary ingredient of tequila. Agaves are not cacti, but are actually related to the lily and amaryllis families of plants.
There are over 100 species of agave plants, in a wide variety of sizes and colors.
Edible parts of the agave are the flowers, leaves, stalks and the sap. It is the sap of the plant that is used to make agave syrup.
Commercially available agave syrup or nectar is thought to be produced primarily from blue agave plants grown in Southern Mexico. This is because the blue agave has a high carbohydrate content, which results in a high concentration of fructose in the final product.
Harvesting the Sap
When an agave plant is about seven to 10 years old, the leaves are removed to expose the core, or pina, of the plant. The harvested pina looks like a large pineapple and can weigh anywhere from 50 to 150 pounds.
Sap is removed from the pina, filtered, and heated to break down the carbohydrates into sugars.
The same agave plant produces all three varieties of commercially sold syrup, depending on the amount of heat used in processing. These varieties include:
Raw (color is similar to maple syrup and flavor is similar to caramel)
Light (lighter color and flavor than raw)
Amber (similar in color and flavor to raw)
Many varieties of agave nectar are processed at relatively low temperatures (below 118°F) and are marketed as a “raw” food.
The Myth of Agave as a “Healthy” Sugar Substitute
Agave syrup is neither a natural food nor organic
Fully chemically processed sap from the agave plant is known as hydrolyzed high fructose inulin syrup.
According to Dr. Ingrid Kohlstadt, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition and an associate faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health:
“[Agave is] almost all fructose, highly processed sugar with great marketing.”
Agave syrup is not low calorie.
Agave syrup is about 16 calories per teaspoon, the same as table sugar.
Agave syrup may not have a low glycemic index.
Depending upon where the agave comes from and the amount of heat used to process it, your agave syrup can be anywhere from 55 percent to 90 percent fructose! (And it’s likely you won’t be able to tell from the product label.)
This range of fructose content hardly makes agave syrup a logical choice if you’re hoping to avoid the high levels of fructose
in HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).
Since most agave syrup has such a high percentage of fructose, your blood sugar will likely spike just as it would if you were consuming regular sugar or HFCS, and you would also run the risk of raising your triglyceride levels. It’s also important to understand that whereas the glucose in other sugars are converted to blood glucose, fructose is a relatively unregulated source of fuel that your liver converts to fat and cholesterol.
A significant danger here is that fructose does not stimulate your insulin secretion, nor enhance leptin production, which is thought to be involved in appetite regulation. (This was detailed in one of the most thorough scientific analyses published to date on this topic.)
Because insulin and leptin act as key signals in regulating how much food you eat, as well as your body weight, dietary fructose can also contribute to increased food intake and weight gain.
Therefore, if you need to lose weight, fructose is one type of sugar you’ll definitely want to avoid, no matter what the source is.
Other Dangers of Fructose
In addition, consuming high amounts of concentrated fructose may cause health problems ranging from mineral depletion, to insulin resistance, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and even miscarriage in pregnant women.
Fructose may also interfere with your body’s ability to metabolize copper. This can result in depletion of collagen and elastin, which are vital connective tissues. A copper deficiency can also result in anemia, fragile bones, defects in your arteries, infertility, high cholesterol and heart disease, and uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
Additionally, fructose consumption has been shown to significantly increase uric acid. Elevated levels of uric acid are markers for heart disease. It has also been shown to increase blood lactic acid, especially in diabetics. Elevations in lactic acid can result in metabolic acidosis.
Isolated fructose has no enzymes, vitamins or minerals and can rob your body of these nutrients in order to assimilate itself. Hence, consumption of fructose can also lead to loss of vital minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
Other Reasons You Should Steer Clear of Agave
1. There are very few quality controls in place to monitor the production of agave syrup. Nearly
all agave sold in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Industry insiders are concerned agave
distributors are using lesser, even toxic, agave plants due to a shortage of blue agave.
There are also concerns that some distributors are cutting agave syrup with corn syrup -- how
often and to what extent is anyone’s guess. In addition, the FDA has refused shipments of
agave syrup due to excessive pesticide residues.
2. Agave syrup is not a whole food-- it is fractionated and processed. The sap is separated from
the plant and treated with heat, similar to how maple sap is made into maple syrup. Agave
nectar is devoid of many of the nutrients contained in the original, whole plant.
3. Agave syrup is not a live food. The natural enzymes are removed to prevent agave syrup from
fermenting and turning into tequila in your food pantry or cabinet.
4. Agave is, for all intents and purposes, highly concentrated sugar. Sugar and sweeteners wreak havoc on
your health and are highly addictive.
© Copyright 2009 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola
***Personal note: Mercola is talking about UNraw, precessed/manufactured agave in this article. There is one line that shows you there is "raw agave" out there. readReadREAD - labels and about the different name brands. I do use agave, but sparingly. I use maple syrup very little, sorghum which isn't a raw sweeter and honey that is "manufactured" by bees, all of occasion. Stevia is my sweetener of choice, but here one must be careful too: stevia is a green leaf, so what have they done to make that white powder? or the clear liquid? My stevia is a clear greenish extract. I don't have a problem with after-taste.
Recently, we've noticed the conversation about agave nectar's health benefits has become more divided and vocal. We often use agave nectar in our favorite raw dessert recipes, so when one of our favorite experts on sweets, Vanessa from Gnosis Chocolate, posted an article on her visit to her source of agave nectar that perfectly detailed the production process and addressed people's concerns, we were thrilled. Here are the details of what Vanessa, also a Holistic Health Counselor, has to say:
· Agave nectar comes from the pina (heart) of the Agave plant and starts out with a much more dense, fibrous
· The process of creating agave nectar involves 3 main steps (all remaining below 118 degrees fahrenheit):
1. Shredding and crushing the pina. In this step, the pina is carefully broken down, then flushed with warm water and pressed to extract a light brown juice. All unused pulp is then composted in the facility she visited.
2. Filtering. The juice from the first step is poured into tanks with heating coils. The coils provide increased surface area and even heat distribution. This low temperature warming breaks down the juice into fructose through hydrolysis (think dehydration) and takes approximately 34 hours (cooked agave only takes 8 hours).
3. Evaporation. This is the fastest step of the process, where the juice is put into a pressure tunnel and the water is evaporated out within a vacuum to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 118 degrees. The extracted water is then recycled back to the first step of the process. This only takes a few seconds.
· The processes to create agave nectar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), although they may appear similar on the surface, are extremely different, with agave nectar using nothing more than the plant, water and time to achieve the end result.
· Choosing your agave nectar is very important. Make sure that it is truly raw, additive free and monitored for temperature throughout the production process.
· The color of agave nectar is in large part due to the filtering process and the particles that make it through. While temperature and time will increase the dark amber hues, the particles have the largest impact on color (and taste).
· Agave nectar is a low-glycemic sweetener unlike other artificially produced Sugar substitutes and does not have any aftertaste like other sweeteners, including stevia.
· While agave does have a low-glycemic index, it has a higher fructose content (around 90%). However, the fructose in agave nectar is not "free" fructose like in HFCS, which can be much more damaging. It's also important to remember that almost every fruit and vegetable in existence contains fructose.
The key to agave nectar, as with any sugar/sweetener, is moderation and doing what you feel is best for you. We hope this helps explain all the conversation around agave. For more, please read Vanessa's full Report on Agave Nectar and learn about The Raw Integrity Project.
FDA has not approved these statements. This report is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
More Reviews and Articles
For more articles and recipes or to sign up for David Wolfe's FREE NewsLetter, click here.
Weight loss expert Dr. Kendra Pearsall introduces the ENLITA.com newsletter and answers subscriber questions about saccharin and stevia.
Diet drinks for preventing diabetes?
Recent studies link the use of artificial sweeteners to a 2-fold increase in diabetes. Hard to believe that physicians often advise patients predisposed to diabetes to use artificial sweeteners as a means of prevention! Another example of how being misinformed, about the impact of food and nutrition on our health, does so much harm and is a major contributor to our healthcare crisis. ___________
June 15, 2009 (Washington, DC) -- People who use artificial sweeteners are heavier, more likely to have
diabetes, and more likely to be insulin-resistant compared with nonusers, according to data presented at
ENDO 2009, the 91st annual meeting of The Endocrine Society.
Sugars and other nutrients within the digestive tract activate sweet taste receptors called enteroendocrine cells, leading to the release of hormones like incretin and insulin. These hormones result in increased absorption of glucose and other caloric sugars. Non caloric (artificial) sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose have many of the same effects on these "gut taste receptors" as do energy (calorie) containing sugars.
One theory suggests that ingestion of non caloric (artificial) sweeteners may prepare the gut for the presence of nutrients in the same manner as the nutrients themselves, but in the absence of a source of calories, the balance between taste receptor activation, nutrient assimilation and appetite may be disturbed, leading to an increase in appetite and overeating of unnecessary calories when they are readily available.[1]
A study analyzed data, from participants in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA), to determine whether weight status and health risk measurements differed among artificial sweetener users and non-artificial sweetener users. The primary sweetener consumed was Aspartame followed by saccharine and sucralose. Although the group who used sweeteners was younger and heavier, they did not consume any more calories than those who did not use sweeteners yet they were twice as likely to develop diabetes.[2]
Other reasons to avoid artificial sweeteners:
~ linked to cancer
~ triggers headaches and migraines
~ causes brain tumors and seizures in animals
All of the possible dangers of artificial sweeteners are still unknown. Utilizing such artificial products is gambling with your health. Aspartame also exposes us to a methyl ester that may have toxic effects. Play it safe and stick to natural foods.
The bottom line here is, try to enjoy your food choices without refined or artificial sweeteners of any kind. Fresh fruit and occasionally dried fruits or ground dates is the safest way to go to satisfy a sweet tooth. I recommend dropping colas, sodas, sweetened teas, and juices - diet or not. If they don't contain artificial sweeteners, they are loaded with sugar. Eat unrefined food and drink water. Melons blended with ice cubes and dates for added sweetness make delicious, cooling summer drinks.
Find out how this "big business" is maintained, avoids negative press, and contributes to keeping Americans in the dark about their health at htt://www.DiseaseProof.com
You might be shocked at what you read. Please add your comments!
Splenda: Big Business Protecting its Interests
FDA Not Worried About Aspartame
[1]Eagan J, Margolskee R. Taste Cells of the Gut and Gastrointestinal Chemosensation. Mol Interv. 2008;8(2) 78-81.
[2]ENDO 2009: The Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society: Abstract P2-478. Presented June 11, 2009.
The Dangers of Aspartame
(Artificial Sweeteners Sugarfree Diet Coke Zero No Sugar Added E951)
Aspartame (E951) is an artificial sweetener, used in
over 6000 products. The food industry claims that Aspartame helps in losing weight, but why is obesity then becoming such an ever increasing problem?
Aspartame is a very sweet chemical, responsible for
a host of health problems such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, brain diseases, migraines, ADHD, etc.
Aspartame breaks down into three components:
1. Methanol.
This is poisonous alcohol. In the body, methanol breaks down into formaldehyde, which is a poison.
2. Phenylalanine.
This decreases the amount serotonin in your brain, which leads to mood swings (depressions) and an increased appetite! That is why Aspartame is one
of the main causes for the current obesity epidemic.
3. Aspartic acid.
This is a neurological toxin comparable to MSG.
The US Department of Health has recorded 92 (!) symptoms following complaints about aspartame.
In fact, over 80% of all complaints filed with FDA
are related to aspartame consumption!
Some of the brand names for aspartame:
NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel,
Spoonful, Equal-Measure, etc.
Aspartame is used in any of the following products:
Sugarfree, Light, Diet, Zero (Coke, Sprite & Fanta), Coke 007, Pepsi Max, Crystal Clear, Low-Calorie, Crystal Light, No Sugar Added, Smint, Stimorol Ice, Stimorol Fusion, Freedent, Mentos, Sportlife, etc.
Do no longer believe the lies of the food industry and the 'main stream' media. Contrary to what so-called 'health experts' claim, aspartame is NOT safe!
In fact, aspartame is a sweet poison developed to make people sick so the pharmaceutical industry
can sell expensive medication to 'treat' the chronic diseases that are caused by it's use.
Avoid this toxic chemical for 60 days and discover
how your health will improve dramatically!
Shocking aspartame documentary 'Sweet Misery':
Aspartame videos:
Other artificial sweeteners that you should avoid:
Acesulfame K (E950), Cyclamate (E952), Isomalt (E953), Saccharin (E954), Sucralose or Splenda (E955), Alitame (E956), Neohesperidine (E959), Neotame (E961), Salt of Aspartame-Acesulfame (E962), Maltitol (E965), Lactitol (E966), Sorbitol (E420), Mannitol (E421), Glycerol (E422).
The dangers of Splenda (sucralose):
Natural based sweeteners and thus relatively safe:
Xylitol (E967), Thaumatin (E957).
Healthy Sugar replacements:
Organic raw sugar, organic maple syrup, honey and Stevia, the low calorie, all natural sweetener, used in Paraguay for centuries:
Healthy aspartame-free chewing gum, available at health food stores:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
"With all thy getting, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)
More information about aspartame:
How the public is being manipulated:
Do you find it difficult to lose weight and live healthy?
The solution is actually quite simple.
Avoid all artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers and (partially) hydrogenated oils/fats (trans fats) as they are the main causes of obesity and disease.
Do no longer use microwaves as they destroy up
to 97% of the nutrients and vitamins in your food!
Read the book 'Fit for Life' by Harvey Diamond. This book will transform your life, in fact you'll never have to get on a diet again for the rest of your life!
The cure for diseases and infections:
Dangerous food additives (E-numbers): http://www.foodreactions.org/allergy/...
Would you like to make a difference?
For all my health videos search for: health4me
More videos to follow!
health4me health4me health4me danger health4me epilepsy health risks health4me Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) health4me health4me health4me fibromyalgia health4me NWO health4me health4me
Aspartame, an artificial sweetener also known as NutraSweet or Equal, is used in more than 6,000 products. Research has shown that Aspartame is a
carcinogenic agent, and that its effects are increased when exposure starts before birth.
A new study looked at the effect of giving Aspartame to mice. They were exposed to Aspartame starting before their births (at 12 days of gestation) and
lasting until their deaths. At that time, autopsies revealed a significantly increased risk of liver and lung cancer.
According to the study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine:
"The results of the present study confirm that [aspartame] is a carcinogenic agent in multiple sites in rodents, and that this effect is induced in
two species, rats (males and females) and mice (males)."
What You Should Know About Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses
(NaturalNews) Because of its reputation for being used to prepare livestock feed and other commercial uses, molasses needs to be understood as a disregarded source of vital human nutrients lacking in most of our diets. Molasses provides a sweetener that is safe for most glucose or blood Sugar level issues and has several naturally available minerals. It has been used to help remedy many unhealthy conditions.
Ironically, molasses is the by product or "waste" from processing Sugar cane or beet into table sugar. Refined table Sugar creates blood sugar and insulin instability while providing no nutrients. Actually, refined sugar will pull nutrients, especially minerals, out of the body if consumed enough.
How Molasses is Made
Sugar canes are harvested and machines are used to press the juice out of the cane. The sugar cane roots go very deeply into the soil, commonly 15 feet down and ranging from 6.5 to 19 feet - deep enough to bypass nutrient depleted topsoils that have become the norm and take in more nutrients. That juice is boiled then put through centrifugal machinery to extract the sugar crystals from the liquid. There are three grades of molasses: sulphured, unsulphured, and blackstrap.
Sulphur is used to process unripe green sugar cane. This chemical sulphur is not so good for most human consumption. Sun ripened sugar cane is processed without using sulphur. So unsulphered molasses is a better choice. The third boiling necessary to extract table sugar from sugar cane or beet sugar produces a thick dark substance known as blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutrient dense of all.
Why Use It?
It is well established that synthetically derived or composed mineral supplements are not as beneficial as whole food sources naturally nutrient dense. Iron supplements, for example, tend to create constipation and other digestive problems. Minerals are not only removed by processing foods, they tend to be lacking in depleted topsoils used for raising crops.
Many health sources claim that minerals and enzymes are even more important than vitamins for our health. For example, magnesium is essential to the metabolism and synthesis of almost all the other minerals and vitamins. Yet several health practitioners have gone on record saying that most of the population is lacking even sufficient magnesium levels. Might there be some health problems associated with that?
So What's It Got?
First thing for the sugar wary (and weary) to consider is blackstrap molasses has a low glycemic index. This means the glucose and carbohydrates are metabolized slowly, demanding less insulin production and stabilizing blood sugar. The result is less lipids or fats occurring in the blood. And it means that you're chances of becoming diabetic while satisfying your sweet tooth is virtually nil.
Because of its high iron content, many use blackstrap molasses to holistically overcome anemia. Iron is essential to creating red blood cells. In addition to iron, blackstrap molasses contains folate, a natural source for folic acid, along with some other B vitamins, which all combine to form the synergistic mix that promotes red blood cell production.
Then there is magnesium in abundance, along with calcium. Both are densely packaged within this natural food source. Magnesium is important for balancing with calcium for bone production and energy. It is necessary for the smooth function of our nervous system. It is also helpful in maintaining heart health. Insufficient magnesium levels can result in muscle spasms, including the heart muscle, which of course relates to arrhythmia or even heart attacks.
Potassium is another mineral abundant in blackstrap molasses. A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. Potassium also helps maintain a calmly functioning nervous system. It too is important for the nervous system and heart health. Even the American Heart Association has included unsulphured blackstrap molasses as a food supportive of good heart health.
Manganese, a trace mineral, is very high in content with unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Manganese ions function with a number of enzymes, and are essential to combating unusual free radicals. Like magnesium, manganese also supports cellular absorption of nutrients, and is also beneficial to the nervous system.
There certainly are a lot of nervous system supporting nutrients in this sweetener! Seems that it would be a useful alternative and deterrent to the hyperactivity and ADD in youngsters who consume too much sugar. And unsulphured blackstrap molasses has been used successfully for just that!
This trace mineral also helps synthesize fatty acids and stabilize blood sugar levels. It's true that too much manganese can be toxic. But it takes consistent breathing of manganese dust from industrial sources for that to happen.
Other minerals that appear in abundance are copper and zinc. Zinc has been tagged as the male mineral because it helps support a healthy prostate. Working with zinc, copper helps eliminate the oxidation damage of superoxides.
All the minerals and nutrients of unsulphured blackstrap molasses are in their natural, balanced form to create a bio-accessible, nutritional synergy unavailable from supplements that are not food. Regardless of the amounts of nutrients listed in synthesized supplements, there is more bang for the buck with whole or super food sources.
A complete nutrient analysis is here:
Concerns and Claims
A few health professionals recommend a clinical determination of whether any anemic condition is actually caused by an iron deficiency. The cautious thinking is that in the rare cases iron deficiency is not the cause of anemia, one might add to an already high iron storage and create iron toxicity.
There are many testimonial anecdotes concerning the use of unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Most revolve around the fact that anemia was overcome or greatly lessened without the constipation or stomach problems from iron supplements. The result was better heart health, more energy, relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis , improved skin conditions, and even restored hair color!
Unsulphured blackstrap molasses can be incorporated with many food items as a sweetener despite its distinctive flavor. It works in teas or hot cereals, on pancakes and waffles or desert items, or used as a glaze for cooking. Some people take right to it. Others, especially those who have taste buds conditioned for years by sugar and artificial sweeteners, find it lacking as a sweetener.
Just like any transition from unhealthy processed "tasty" foods to healthier real foods, taste can be acquired even to a point of wondering why the junk food was consumed with so much relish while wholesome food was shunned! What is more important: a long lasting healthier condition, or immediately satisfying cravings that lead to serious health problems?
Unsulphured blackstrap molasses is easily managed as a tonic. Mixing a tablespoon or two with a glass of warm water works well as a mineral tonic. Some have used this mix three times a day as a remedy for extreme conditions. Restoring or maintaining health through natural foods requires a sustained intake over time, but is still less expensive than medications or even supplements. And the results are real and permanent without side effects.
The Mountain Laurel
The World's Healthiest Foods
Wikipedia: for glycemic index
Healing Foods: A Case Study About Molasses
Blackstrap Molasses The Iron-Rich Remedy
About the author
Paul Fassa has morphed from eating processed foods and popping vitamin pills to becoming a vegetarian who goes organic as much as possible. He now relies on right foods, juicing, herbs, and super foods for maximum nutrition and health.
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong daily, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. Paul understands working the energies of the subtle body is at least as important as good nutrition.
Youthful and energetic as he approaches his 67th year in this incarnation, he feels fortunate to have been exposed to the right things after years of youthful neglect and folly. Paul Fassa wishes to share some of those right things so others may make the right decisions for their health and welfare.
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What You Should Know About Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses
Exactly What is the New Sweetener Erythritol?
If you look at the ingredients of VitaminWater 10 (owned by Coca Cola), you might be pleased to see that it contains the natural sweetener stevia. However, you will also notice that it is loaded with crystalline fructose, sucrose, and a mysterious product called Erythritol.
Erythritol is a Sugar alcohol, a sweetener that does not provide as many calories as sugar. But the reason that Sugar alcohols provide fewer calories than Sugar is because they are not completely absorbed into your body. For this reason, high intakes of foods containing sugar alcohols can lead to abdominal gas and diarrhea.
Also, bear in mind that while sugar alcohols are lower in calories, gram for gram, than sugar, they are not calorie-free, and if eaten in large enough quantities, the calories can be comparable to sugar-containing foods.
Some sugar alcohols are reasonable to consume in moderate quantities -- for example, xylitol doesn't spike blood sugar levels in the way that high-fructose corn syrup might, and it is anti-bacterial and actually helps prevent dental cavities.
Medicine Net
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
As you may remember, Coca-Cola was actually sued just a few months ago in a class-action lawsuit that contends the VitaminWater line is being illegally promoted as a healthy product
And rightfully so.
The more you start investigating the list of ingredients in these beverages, the more you’ll realize you’re doing your body a great disservice falling for the illusion they’ve created. Because what you’re really drinking is something that resembles soda, rather than “water with vitamins.”
But VitaminWater has a couple of potentially hazardous ingredients that many soda’s don’t even have.
Nearly as ridiculous are the new diet waters. This concept was so crazy I actually did a video on this two and a half years ago. Since I shot that video there are many more products on the market that are actually “diet water.”
But let’s get back to Coke’s version of a ridiculous beverage, VitaminWater.
Danger # 1: Crystalline Fructose
The average person picking up a bottle of VitaminWater would easily think this is simply flavored water with added vitamins and minerals, which sounds like a good thing in theory.
But what you really get is 33 grams -- more than six teaspoons -- of sugar, including crystalline fructose
I recently began warning about this new variety of fructose, which may be even worse for your health than high fructose corn syrup
While many people mistakenly believe that fructose is an acceptable form of sweetener, it is far from healthy. Refined man-made fructose metabolizes to triglycerides and adipose tissue, not blood glucose. One major downside of this is that fructose does not stimulate your insulin secretion, nor enhance leptin production.
Together, insulin and leptin act as key signals in regulating how much food you eat, and several studies have linked dietary fructose to increased food intake and weight gain.
Additionally, fructose is also known to significantly raise your triglycerides, which puts you at an increased risk of heart disease.
Based on the latest research, crystalline fructose is definitely something you’ll want to avoid as much as possible.Whereas regular HFCS contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose, crystalline fructose is at minimum 99 percent fructose, which could only mean that all the health problems associated with fructose may be even more pronounced with this product.
And if that’s not bad enough, crystalline fructose may also contain arsenic, lead, chloride and heavy metals.
So in no way, shape or form is VitaminWater something I’d consider healthy. As litigation director Steve Gardner of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) previously stated:
"Coke fears, probably correctly, that they’ll sell less soda as Americans become increasingly concerned with obesity, diabetes, and other conditions linked to diets too high in sugar.
VitaminWater is Coke's attempt to dress up soda in a physician's white coat. Underneath, it’s still sugar water, albeit sugar water that costs about ten bucks a gallon."
The deceptive maneuvering of VitaminWater is a good reminder of the importance of reading labels and not swallowing snazzy slogans hook line and sinker. Anytime you opt to buy any kind of processed food or beverage, make sure to flip it over and read the ingredients for yourself, regardless of how healthy it appears at first glance.
Concern # 1: Erythritol
Sugar alcohols (also known as polyols) like erythritol are regulated as either GRAS or food additives . Despite the name, sugar alcohols are neither sugar nor alcohol.
They vary in sweetness from about half as sweet as sugar to equally as sweet. They’re frequently combined with other low-calorie or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, saccharin, or as in the case of VitaminWater, crystalline fructose.
The reason sugar alcohols provide fewer calories than sugar is because they are not completely absorbed in your body. However, this fact has certain drawbacks, none of which are good.
High intakes of foods containing sugar alcohols can lead to adverse physical symptoms like abdominal gas and diarrhea. Some polyols are clearly worse than others. Sorbitol or mannitol-containing foods, for example, are so potent they must display a warning on their label stating "excess consumption may have a laxative effect."
But erythritol may offer an explanation to the many reports of ill after-effects from drinking VitaminWater, such as:
What are Your Best Sources for Vitamins and Fluids?
One of your best bet for your primary fluid replacement is just pure water, without the fancy trappings. Your body does not need anything added to the water to make it any “healthier” than it already is. Even better would be water juiced from vegetables, as that water is highly structured and full of biophotons and other important phytonutrients.
Remember, the food industry spends about $40 billion a year on advertising, with the intention of brainwashing you to believe that junk food is in some way good for you and your kids. And the beverage industry is part of that pack.
So if you want to get all of the great health benefits that VitaminWater promises -- reduced risk of chronic disease, more energy, a healthier immune system and so on – you simply have to start paying attention to what you’re eating
Proper nutrition is actually rather simple. Focusing on eating unprocessed, organic and locally grown foods that are best suited to your nutritional type will put you squarely on the path of optimal health and longevity.
Now, as a complement to your diet, a multivitamin can be beneficial, but not in the synthetic forms used in most energy drinks, flavored beverages and vitamin pills on the market.
Your body will only absorb and process the nutrients properly if the vitamins come in a natural whole food form, which is the only type I recommend taking.
Related Links:
Coca-Cola Sued for Marketing Vitaminwater as Healthy
How to Get Clean Water for Good Health
More Reasons You Should NOT Rely on Bottled Water
Should any of the links fail, visit here
© Copyright 2009 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format.
Don’t Believe the Hype
Fructose Truly is Much Worse Than Glucose
New research shows that there are big differences in how the sugars fructose and glucose are metabolized by your body. Overweight study participants showed more evidence of insulin resistance and other risk factors for heart disease and diabetes when 25 percent of their calories came from fructose-sweetened beverages instead of glucose-sweetened beverages.
A study looked at 32 overweight or obese men and women. Over a 10-week period, they drank either glucose or fructose sweetened beverages totaling 25 percent of their daily calorie intake.
Both the groups gained weight during the trial, but imaging studies revealed that the fructose-consuming group gained more of the dangerous belly fat that has been linked to a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. The fructose group also had higher total cholesterol and LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and greater insulin resistance.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
This is not the first study showing that fructose harms your body in ways glucose does not. Two years ago, another study concluded that drinking high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) -- the main ingredient in most soft drinks throughout the world -- increases your triglyceride levels and your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
And, just like this latest study, these harmful effects only occurred in the participants who drank fructose -- not glucose.
How Much Fructose are You Consuming?
Today, 55 percent of sweeteners used in food and beverage manufacturing are made from corn, and the number one source of calories in America is soda, in the form of high fructose corn syrup.
Food and beverage manufacturers began switching their sweeteners from sucrose (table sugar) to corn syrup in the 1970s when they discovered that HFCS was not only far cheaper to make, it’s also about 20 times sweeter than table sugar.
This switch drastically altered the average American diet.
Corn syrup is now found in every type of processed, pre-packaged food you can think of. In fact, the use of HFCS in the U.S. diet increased a staggering 10,673 percentbetween 1970 and 2005, according to a recent report by the USDA.
By USDA estimates, about one-quarter of the calories consumed by the average American is in the form of added sugars – the majority of which comes from high fructose corn syrup.
As I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions, processed foods account for more than 90 percent of the money Americans spend on their meals, so it’s no wonder the yearly Sugar consumption of the average American weighs in around 142 pounds a year.
This is a staggering amount, but if you eat mainly processed foods, you’re likely in this category whether you’re consciously aware of consuming that much Sugar or not.
Ironically, the very products that most people rely on to lose weight -- low-fat diet foods -- are often those that contain the most fructose!
My personal recommendation is to ideally limit your intake of added Sugar to about 5 pounds per year in order to optimize your overall health, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to focus on fresh, whole foods that have not been altered and processed.
Fructose is Metabolized Differently by Your Body
Despite the fact that this and other studies show clear differences in how fructose is metabolized by your body, researchers like principal investigator Peter J. Havel, PhD, and cardiologist James Rippe (who is also a consultant for the Corn Refiners Association), claim that the findings do not prove that HFCS is worse for your health than other sugars.
That simply makes no sense.
They keep claiming that HFCS is chemically similar to other widely used sweeteners, including table sugar (sucrose), honey, and even sweeteners made from concentrated fruit juices.
But this is clearly not true.
HFCS is a highly processed product that contains similar amounts of unbound fructose and glucose. Sucrose, on the other hand, is a larger sugar molecule that is metabolized into glucose and fructose in your intestine.
And whereas the glucose in other sugars are converted to blood glucose, fructose is a relatively unregulated source of fuel that your liver converts to fat and cholesterol.
There is over 35 years of hard empirical evidence, in addition to this latest study, showing refined man-made fructose like HFCS metabolizes to triglycerides and adipose tissue, not blood glucose.
The danger of that is that fructose does not stimulate your insulin secretion, nor enhance leptin production, which is thought to be involved in appetite regulation. This was detailed in one of the most thorough scientific analyses published to date on this topic.
Because insulin and leptin act as key signals in regulating how much food you eat, as well as your body weight, dietary fructose can also contribute to increased food intake and weight gain.
So, if you need to lose weight, fructose is one type of sugar you’ll definitely want to avoid, particularly in the form of HFCS.
Beware of New Super-Charged Fructose Sweetener!
Despite the evidence against fructose, industry has created a new high-octane version of HFCS that’s 99 percent fructose, called “crystalline fructose.”
Clearly, all the health problems associated with HFCS could become even more pronounced with this product.
Adding insult to injury, crystalline fructose may also contain arsenic, lead, chloride and heavy metals -- a virtual laundry list of toxic agents you clearly want to avoid at all cost. Especially if you have children, as all of these contaminants can impact your child’s development and long-term health.
Fructose Raises Your Risk of Heart Disease
Aside from the weight gain and increased risk of diabetes, fructose has been shown to increase your triglyceride levels. In one previous study, eating fructose raised triglyceride levels by 32 percent
in men.
Triglycerides, the chemical form of fat found in foods and in your body, are not something you want in excess amounts. Forty years worth of research has confirmed that elevated blood levels of triglycerides, known as hypertriglyceridemia, puts you at an increased risk of heart disease.
How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
Ideally I recommend that you avoid sugar, in all forms. This is especially important for people who are overweight or have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure.
But if you’re looking for the occasional sweet treat, I recommend:
1. The herb stevia (this is the best and safest sweetener, although illegal to use as a food additive, according
to the FDA)
2. Organic cane sugar
3. Raw, organic honey
I recommend avoiding all other types of sugar, including fructose, HFCS, and any type of artificial sweeteners. As I mentioned earlier, the absolute easiest way to do this is to stop drinking soda and avoid processed foods.
Small amounts of whole fruit, which do contain fructose, are typically not a problem. As long as you’re healthy, feel free to enjoy fruit and berries in moderation according to your nutritional type.
Don’t Believe the Hype -- Fructose Truly is Much Worse Than Glucose
© Copyright 2009 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format.