(NaturalNews) Bee pollen is often referred to as nature’s most complete food. Pollen harvested from a diverse selection of geographic areas contains all the essential components of life in a good tasting, chewable, easily digested, and highly bio-available form that can be consumed by anyone from young children to the very old. All the nutritive and rejuvenating elements contained in expensive, whole food vitamin pills can be found in bee pollen. But since these elements are crafted into the most super of superfoods by nature, they have the added benefits of perfect synergy. Pollen also offers healing, with interesting research studies documenting its medicinal effects.
Bees Are Legendary
The bee was revered and deified in many religious cultures. The Hindu text, Rig-Veda, written in Sanskrit between 2000 and 3000BC, speaks of bees with awe. Vishnu, the powerful preserver and protector of the Hindu trinity, is frequently symbolized by a blue bee sitting on a lotus flower. Kama, the Indian god of love, carries a bow strung with a chain of entwined bees. Cultures worshipping fertility goddesses such as Venus, Diana, Ceres, or Iris, used the bee as a symbol for scared festivities. Next to man, no other living creature has been so highly esteemed by so many diverse cultures.
The bee is believed to be over 80 million years old. The Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the Talmund, the scrolls of the Orient, and the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans all praised the healing and health properties of foods created by bees. The bee’s nectar is mentioned 68 times in the Bible.
The old Caucasus mountaineers used to be beekeepers and knew that the waste matter from bees enhanced health. They would sell their bee products at the market and then eat the leftovers. They exercised every day by working outdoors, got plenty of fresh air, and ate a whole foods diet. Many of them were the same weight they were at age 18, had no disease, and were reported to be over 150 years old.
D.C. Jarvis, M.D. and Charles Mraz, a beekeeper in Vermont, searched to find cases of cancer or deaths from cancer among beekeepers. They were unable to find any deaths from cancer. One keeper had Hodgkins disease which he contracted before becoming a beekeeper. He was cured of it once he started his new occupation and began consuming bee products.
Pollen is the male seed of flowers. It is essential for the fertilization of most plants. All the varieties of flowers in the universe put forth a dusting of pollen, including the many fruiting agricultural crops. One teaspoon of pollen contains approximately 2.5 billion grains, each of which has the capacity to supply those factors necessary for the fertilization and reproduction of a particular species.
As with all species except man, bees seek out and create the most nutritious food to feed to their young. Pollen contains 40% protein, about half of which is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be assimilated and used by the body.
The Master Craftsmanship of the Bee
Gathering pollen is an arduous process. When bees arrive at flowers, they pick out the best pollen from the millions of grains that are present. Then they scrape the powdery loose pollen from the stamen with their jaws and front legs. They moisten the pollen with a sticky substance secreted from their stomachs so it will adhere to their rear legs. The jagged bristles of their rear legs are used to comb the powder from their coats and front legs. The outsides of their tibias form concave areas used as pollen baskets, into which they press their golden deposits. When each of these baskets is fully loaded, the microscopic dust has been tamped down into a single golden granule.
Many thousands of chemical analyses of bee pollen have been performed, but there are some elements present in bee pollen that are not yet identifiable. When man-made pollen is fed to young bees, they die, even though all the known nutrients are present in the lab synthesized version. These unknown elements may be the reason why bee pollen is so beneficial to so many diverse health conditions.
The Amazing Nutritional Properties of Bee Pollen
The Chinese consider pollen to be an energy enhancer and restorative tonic. Cultures around the world use pollen for improving vitality and endurance, aiding recovery from chronic illness, promoting longevity, regulating intestinal functioning, building blood, preventing infection with its Antibiotic properties, restoring lost sexua| desire and energy, alleviating menstrual cramps, promoting fertility, alleviating Depression and fatigue, alleviating migraine headaches, normalizing cholesterol levels, and treating cravings and addictions. There is mounting evidence that pollen can help overcome retardation and other developmental problems in children. Pollen prevents many side effects of radiation treatment and has anti-cancer properties.
Pollen is richer in protein than any animal source, and contains more free-form amino acids than beef, eggs or cheese of equal weight. It contains an abundance of pro vitamin A in the form of carotenoids, the B complex vitamins and folate (the natural form of folic acid), vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as a wealth of minerals, enzymes, lecithin, carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars, and fatty acids. The amino acids found in pollen are the most indispensable in our daily diet and cannot be manufactured or synthesized in our bodies. Pollen also contains lecithin, amines, nuclein, guanine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, vernine, waxes, gums, resins, hydrocarbons, sterols, polypeptides, ribose, desoxyribose, hexuronic acid, vegetable oils, and various growth factors.
Pollen is superior to both honey and royal jelly, and possesses a similar but more stable composition than that of royal jelly.
Researchers at the Institute of Apiculture, Taranov, Russia, report that “honeybee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in nature in a single food. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its content of rutin (a bioflavonoid) alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if for no other reason than strengthening capillaries”.
Pollen also provides a high content of the immune boosting nucleics RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). RNA and DNA are critical for health and longevity. They are responsible for directing cellular growth, renewal and repair, and deficiencies of them cause premature aging and compromised immunity. RNA-DNA is depleted in the body by exercise, stress, pollution, and poor diet. Replenishing RNA-DNA is critical to every aspect of bodily health and longevity.
Research on Bee Pollen Produced Compelling Results
Researchers have demonstrated that there is a substance in pollen that inhibits the development of numerous harmful bacteria. This Antibiotic property is effective against salmonella and other stains of bacteria. Clinical studies have shown a regulatory effect on intestinal function attributable to pollen.
Studies with lab animals have shown that ingestion of pollen has a positive affect on blood composition, promoting red and white cell increases. Pollen will raise the level of hemoglobin considerably in those who are anemic.
“Delay in Appearance of Palpable Mammary Tumors in C3H Mice Following the Ingestion of Pollenized Food” is the title of an article published back in 1948 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The study, led by Dr. William Robinson, began with mice that had been bred to develop and die from tumors. Mice of this strain developed tumors at ages ranging from 18 to 57 weeks, with an average age at appearance of 33 weeks. Tumor incidence was 100%. The pollen used for the study was of “the bee gathered type”. One group of mice was fed mice food only, while another group was fed mice food with the addition of a small amount of pollen.
Dr. Robinson reported his dramatic results, “In the untreated mice, mammary tumors appeared as expected at an average of 31.3 weeks. Tumor incidence was 100%. In the treated mice (the ones with the pollen in their food), the average onset of tumors was 41.2 weeks, a delay of 9.8 weeks. Seven mice in the pollen eating group were still tumor free at 56 to 62 weeks of age, when the tests were ended. Remember, these mice were bred to die from tumors. The mice without the protection of the pollen in their food developed tumors and died right on schedule.
It kind of makes you wonder why we don’t hear about this study now, when mammary tumors are so pervasive, doesn’t it?
In a study at the University of Vienna, twenty-five women with inoperable uterine cancer were treated with chemotherapy. The women who were given pollen with their food exhibited a significantly increased level of immune-system cells and antibody production, as well as a higher concentration of oxygen carrying red blood cells. These women experienced less nausea and hair loss from their chemotherapy. The control group experienced no comparable relief.
From Agronomic Institute in Romania come more results revealing the immune strengthening effects of pollen. Researchers documented an increase in the level of blood lymphocytes, gamma globulins, and proteins in those subjects given pollen in comparison with control groups. The results signified a strengthening in the resistance of the organic systems, particularly the lymphocytes. These are the white blood cells that are the guardians of the immune system, protecting the body from injurious or harmful substances, infected or diseased cells, mutant and cancerous cells, viruses, and metabolic debris.
A treatment for allergies, called desensitization, was developed at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London over 100 years ago. It improves allergies and controls asthma by helping to build immunity to allergens by using pollen as an antigen. A report from Dr. Leo Conway, a pioneer in the field of desensitization, documented that 94 percent of his treated patients were completely free of allergy symptoms.
Pollen is reportedly an agent for the relief of hay fever, bronchitis, ulcers of the digestive tract, colitis, and urinary disorders. It supports the endocrine system, helps protect the arteries of the heart from atherosclerosis, and treats prostate conditions. It is beneficial for the brain and nerves, Acne and fatigue.
Another study documented the ability of pollen to stimulate ovarian function. When given pollen supplementation of 2 parts per 100 in food, or 5 parts per 100 as substitution for animal protein, the intensity of ovulation increased. Pollen also increased the ability of eggs to withstand the incubation period.
The benefits of bee pollen extend to the area of weight loss. Pollen has been shown to have an ability to promote fat loss by rectifying the chemical imbalances that many overweight people have. Pollen also improves metabolism, and dissolves and flushes fat cells from the body due to is high percentage of lecithin. Because pollen is so nutritionally complete and balanced, it helps reduce food cravings.
What a Healthy Person Can Expect From Bee Pollen
When pollen is regularly ingested by healthy people, they can expect protection against any insufficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, particularly during times of intensive physical or mental work. Optimal physical and mental output may be expected. The body will receive greater reinforcement during its resistance toward any environmental insult or aggression. Internal metabolic disorders that may eventually generate disease conditions will be forestalled. It is a natural product that is well tolerated by the body. During its many years of testing, pollen has been notably free of harmful side-effects.
Buying and Using Pollen
Bee pollen in the form of tablets should be avoided, since heating of pollen during compression will destroy its enzymes and vitamin C content. Since pollen is a food, buy it in granules that can be chewed and eaten. Pollen has a slightly sweet, pleasant taste that will be agreeable with most children. For the very ill, pollen can be almost completely dissolved in the saliva of the mouth and swallowed.
Start slowly with a few granules and build up your consumption over time to as much as several teaspoons daily. Choose pollen that has been harvested from a diverse selection of geographic areas to achieve a nutritional profile that is balanced. Keep opened containers of pollen in your refrigerator. Unopened containers can be kept in your freezer. Pollen is very reasonably priced, at about 10 dollars a pound. It is an extremely effective and convenient way to supplement on a fairly low budget.
by: Barbara Minton
About the author
Barbara is a school psychologist, a published author in the area of personal finance, a Breast Cancer survivor using "alternative" treatments, a born existentialist, and a student of nature and all things natural.
Bee Pollen - A Budget Friendly Food for Health and Healing
(NaturalNews) Bee Pollen is one of the most well known superfoods on the planet. Its research began with the people of the Caucasus Mountains in the former Soviet Union. Doctors began to study them because of their optimum health and longevity. Many of them were healthily living to 125 years old. A large percentage of them were beekeepers, and it was discovered that the pollen they ate was their magic elixir.
Scientific studies have continuously revealed the incredible health enhancing benefits of bee pollen for decades.
Bee Pollen is a rich source of highly concentrated vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats. Most of the known vitamins in bee pollen exist in perfect proportion, so they optimally work together. This further enhances their value. This powerful superfood also contains a vast array of phytonutrients, many of which have yet to be identified.
Its nutritional diversity makes Bee Pollen an ideal dietary supplement and boost to a balanced diet. Scientists have labeled it the most nutritious supplement on the planet. In fact, many nutritional experts say bee pollen contains everything we need to live!
Studies have shown that Bee Pollen can Offer the Following Benefits:
* For mental clarity and concentration, bee pollen is one of the top superfoods. That is why the people of the Caucasus Mountains not only had long lasting physical health, but also vibrant mental health.
* Bee pollen is helpful for loosing weight because it naturally balances hormones and chemicals in the body. It also improves the metabolism and helps reduce cravings for food.
* Many studies have shown that bee pollen is very effective in lowering cholesterol levels.
* The sexua| health benefits of bee pollen are well documented. It boosts fertility and can relieve PMS.
Researchers have found that bee pollen is very effective in helping prevent prostate problems.
In one study, over 50% of men who were given bee pollen experienced a dramatic improvement in sperm count and were able to perform better sexually after just one month.
* Bee Pollen is a potent immune system booster, so the body can fight illnesses, and even allergies.
* It is a powerful detoxifier.
* There have also been a number of clinical trials that have been carried out using bee pollen on cancer.
You can buy bee pollen as golden colored granules. They are delicious and can be eaten plain, like a handful of sunflower seeds. You can also put them in smoothies or sprinkle them over yogurt.
Bee pollen is one of the oldest, most researched, healing foods on the planet. Its complete nutrition is beneficial for anyone looking to improve their mental and physical health, and overall wellbeing.
by: Sheryl Walters
About the author
Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.
Bee Pollen: The Healing Superfood for Optimum Health
(NaturalNews) Before our modern age of sterilization and sanitation, traditional medicine was based on healing herbal and food remedies that may seem eccentric by our "civilized" standards. And while substances like bee pollen were highly prized at one time, today the idea may seem quite bizarre at first glance. Bee pollen, however, is one of nature's best kept secrets.
Beekeepers of old knew this, and considered honey rich in pollen to be a source of health and longevity. A prime example is the beekeepers native to the Caucasus Mountains that stretch between the Black and Caspian Seas. These people, many of whom lived on a diet rich in honey filled with bee pollen, exhibited fine health and often lived well over 100 years old.
Bees package their pollen with nectar and enzymes that help it develop into a powerful superfood. In fact, bee pollen contains thousands of enzymes and co-enzymes which are necessary for true vitality. Bee pollen also contains 22 amino acids, including the eight essential ones. It is, in essence, a complete protein. You'll also find dozens of vitamins and minerals in bee pollen, as well as natural hormones and important fatty acids.
While Science has yet to thoroughly examine bee pollen for its benefits, many people have successfully used it to treat a variety of ailments, including:
- Asthma
- Indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and other digestive issues
- Anemia
- Low energy and fatigue
- Depression
- Skin conditions such as acne
- sexua| problems
- Hemorrhoids
- Obesity
- Rheumatism and arthritis
Bee pollen is also useful for improving the health of the heart, prostate, immune system and nervous system.
One of bee pollen's many intriguing benefits is its ability to improve allergies. It seems counterproductive to fight pollen allergies with pollen, but bee pollen seems to have an immunizing effect against these reactions. If you use bee pollen to treat allergies, proceed with care and start with only two or three granules per day. Slowly increase dosage as long as there is no reaction. However, those with a history of anaphylactic reactions should avoid bee pollen.
Even those without allergies should start with a small dosage of bee pollen to prevent any reactions as the body adjusts to the unique nutrients it's receiving. Gradually work up to a maintenance dose of about one tablespoon per day.
Selecting the right bee pollen makes all the difference in the benefits you receive. Here's some tips:
- Bee pollen can be taken in capsules or tablets, but bee pollen in granules is ideal. Pure, raw honey is also an excellent natural source of bee pollen.
- Look for color variations in bee pollen granules. This is preferred to a single color, because a variety of colors means a variety of sources. This provides a broader range of nutrients.
- Heat processing can destroy the enzymes and nutrients in the pollen, so it's important to choose a manufacturer that handles the bee pollen with the intent of preserving its valuable nutrients.
For More Information:
Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer, specializing in articles about health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent common illnesses. To learn more about nourishing foods, stop by Elizabeth's blog, which explores topics like traditional nutrient-dense foods, lacto-fermentation, cod liver oil, raw and cultured dairy, soaking grains, and much, much more. http://thenourishedlife.blogspot.com/
About the author
Kevin Gianni is one of my personal favorite health advocates ... the man is REAL. He has video blog. A few mins ago, he posted #31 - DAVID WOLFE (sorry, I LOVE that man) giving the amazing information on cacao. Take about 10 mins to view this!
http://www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, Today we had the HUGE party for the Raw Food Gathering at our house. Our good friends Kelly and Santiago brought FRESH cacao pods! Inside the cacao pod, the cacao beans were sprouting. I have never had a raw cacao bean from a pod and neither has Dave the Raw Food Truck Driver. Today we experiment with sprouted cacao beans straight from the pod and we discover if stimulation occurs even when it is in its rawest form. enjoy...
Carrots Cut Cancer Risk by a Third
(NaturalNews) Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables because they are easy to grow throughout the year in many climates, they can be eaten in a variety of ways, and they are incredibly delicious. This favorite superfood is one of the best vegetables for snacking and dipping, and their bright orange color adds extra vibrancy to any plate of food. A carrot is also a nutrient rich food that can improve our overall health and wellbeing.
Crunch on Carrots to Fight Cancer
A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that falcarinol, a natural phytonutrient in carrots, can reduce the risk of cancer by a third. Falcarinol helps to protect carrots from fungal infections and defend itself against harmful pests.
Dr. Kirsten Brandt from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who led the study, recommends that everyone eat at least one small carrot every day, together with other vegetables and fruits, to benefit from their health-giving properties.
Carrots also contain another natural antioxidant supplement called alpha-carotene. A study conducted in Bethesda, MD concluded that men who consume high amounts of alpha carotene have a lower incidence of lung cancer.
Vibrant Eyes
We all know that a rabbit’s favorite food will keep our eyesight strong. That is because it is packed full of beta carotene. Beta Carotene gives the carrot its name and orange color. The body converts it to vitamin A, which is the vitamin most essential for 20-20 vision.
The vitamin A forms a purple pigment called rhodopsin. This is needed for the eye to see in dim light. Rhodopsin production is spurred by vitamin A, raising the effectiveness of the light-sensitive area of the retina. Not getting enough vitamin A can actually lead to night blindness, as well as an overall reduction in vision health.
Smooth and Glowing Skin
Carrots are less well known for their positive effect on the skin. The PH balancing effect protects against Acne and aging. In fact, carrots can actually help to clear up skin problems, and keep the skin smooth and glowing. Adding carrot juice to skin care products is becoming increasingly popular.
Prevent Disease
In addition to fighting cancer, the beta-carotene in carrots has been shown to prevent conditions such as heart disease, and macular degeneration.
How Do You Eat Your Carrots?
Whether we decide to add them to a salad, dip them in hummus, or turn them into a fresh juice, eating carrots are a deliciously vital food for our health and wellbeing.
by: Sheryl Walters
About the author
Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.
And her latest website www.raiselibido.com offers a vast quantity of information on how increase sex drive and enjoy a vibrant sex life.
Carrots Cut Cancer Risk by a Third
By Dr. Mercola
To designate a vegetable, spice or other edible with the title “superfood” is to recognize that it has the sort of capabilities that far outdistances
others among their ranks.
Three superfoods that have gone out of their way to distinguish themselves nutritionally are ginger, turmeric and carrots. If you’re surprised by that last
one, what follows is a summation of all their attributes, as well as some of the potential they hold for you.
One of the most important bonuses they share: disease-fighting antioxidants. People who eat ginger, turmeric and carrots — especially all of them on one
plate — come away not just with lowered risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, but also numerous, so-called “less serious” but often debilitating
ailments such as pain andinflammation.
It may not be a surprise to learn that ginger and turmeric both belong to the same botanical family, Zingiberacea
Both have been used in culinary applications, and have been regarded as powerful remedies for numerous ailments, for millennia.
These two are particularly powerful used in tandem, such as turmeric-ginger tea (which involves a teaspoon of each, grated, in a cup of boiled water; using
ground spices requires a third of a teaspoon per cup.)
Note that the benefits of these foods — virtually every food, actually — come from the foods themselves — not a supplement or drug made from them.
Here are two more reasons these superfoods may make you raise your eyebrows:
You’ll find that in most stores, these amazingly healthy offerings from the earth are quite inexpensive, even if they’re organic — and organic is always
the better buy.
Another surprise may come when you learn how lovely these three foods taste together. So what singular benefits do these three superfoods impart?
Turmeric, aka Curcuma longa
is a tropical and subtropical rhizome, meaning the root contains the spice, although the leaves are also used in Chinese and East Indian Ayurvedic
It’s famous for its healing qualities, but there’s also the brilliant yellow hue, and the curry produced from turmeric that gives Indian and Chinese dishes
such unmistakable piquancy. Turmeric has no seeds; the roots are used for propagation.
Curcumin is probably the most important active ingredient in this powerful spice, giving it its impressive medicinal clout.
In fact, this compound has been estimated to contain around 150 different therapeutic benefits, including boosting your immunity, protecting your heart and
moderating the effects of autoimmune diseases. Here are a few more of the benefits you gain when you ingest turmeric.
: Research indicates turmeric may
cognitive decline and dementia.
One study on three Alzheimer’s patients who took turmeric powder capsules for 12 weeks showed remarkable improvement.
Researchers said, “Both the patients' symptoms and the burden on their caregivers were significantly decreased.”
: Three studies at a Japanese university determined that daily curcumin supplements could improve the risk factors for cardiovascular health to the same
degree as moderate aerobic exercise.
Helping to relieve stiffness caused by Arthritis is one of the main benefits of this spice.
: Studies demonstrate the remarkable potential turmeric has for AIDS patients, as turmeric is both an antioxidant and antimicrobial.
Research suggests it may help heal skin wounds, inhibit infection-promoting enzymes and proteins, reduce infected cells, and block multiplication of
infected T-cells, without the side effects of conventional drugs.
: Scientists found curcumin to have a neuroprotective affect on epilepsy and related disorders.
One of turmeric’s disadvantages is that curcumin is not quickly bioavailable, meaning that once ingested your body is unable to quickly absorb it to access
the benefits. Interestingly, studies show accessibility is increased when you add, say for a cup of tea, a teaspoon of a fat such as coconut oil or
flaxseed oil.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale
is essentially the part of the stem that grows underground — hence the name ginger root. It originated in Asia and spread to Europe via Roman traders,
making a name for itself as both a medicine and flavor enhancer.
Ginger is potently aromatic with a warm, “zingy” essence, which has made it one of the world’s most sought-after spices. Just a few thin slivers make an
incredibly healing tea. Ginger is often ground to a powder for easy sprinkling and can be added to nearly every type of food — soups to cookies to stir
The most powerful compound in ginger, aptly, is gingerol, the oil that also imparts the fragrance. One article notes that studies show:
Here are a few more advantages:
: Even pain from different types of Arthritis is lessened by ingesting ginger, by drinking ginger tea or adding a generous sprinkle on foods.
Participants in numerous studies reported reduced muscle soreness, improved agility and movement, and reduction in swelling, such as knee pain,
when using ginger regularly.
: Besides aiding digestion and soothing the tummy trouble known as colic, ginger is known as being able to relieve nausea.
This includes morning sickness and motion sickness, and it’s even been used successfully for patients after surgery or undergoing chemotherapy. The George
Mateljan Foundation reported:
: Researchers conducted a study to investigate the effects of ginger on the fasting blood Sugar of 41 participants. The end result of the randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial showed that just 2 grams of ground ginger decreased the patients’ fasting blood Sugar by 12 percent.
: Ginger has been shown to improve memory; in one study, 60 healthy, middle-aged women underwent doses of either plant extracts or a placebo over a
two-month period.
After being evaluated for their memory and cognitive function, researchers concluded that ginger extract “enhances both attention and cognitive processing
capabilities, with no side effects.
From the Umbelliferae family, carrots are a go-to veggie for innumerable hearty dishes, as well as a handy, crunchy snack. I generally recommend eating
carrots in moderation because they contain more Sugar than any other vegetable aside from beets.
However, when eaten as part of an overall healthy diet, the nutrients in carrots may provide multiple health benefits. Beta-carotenes (named after
carrots), their most prominent nutrient, aren’t manufactured in your body, so they’re required in your diet. One article adds:
Phytonutrients such as lutein and anthocyanins join vitamins and minerals for extraordinary health-boosting potential -vitamins A, B6, C and K as some of
the most beneficial and several minerals. Research has found that the more carotenoids you eat, the longer your life span! Here are some of the health
benefits carrots offer:
: According to the George Mateljan Foundation:
: A 10-year study from the Netherlands showed carrots can help prevent cardiovascular disease. The research focused on the color of foods: green,
purple/red, white and yellow/orange. The latter showed the most benefits. In decreased heart disease risk; patients who ate more carrots had a 32 percent
reduction rate.
: Phytonutrients in carrots such as falcarinol and falcarindiol have been shown to prevent inflammation, possibly by clumping red blood cells to cut the
risk of developing full-scale cancerous tumors.
: Pharmanews says, “Regular consumption of carrots helps in preventing gastric ulcers and digestive disorders.”
Beta-carotenes convert to vitamin A, which is important for vision, especially if you have a vitamin A deficiency; eating carrots helps prevent such a
Studies also indicate that beta-carotene protects against cataracts and macular degeneration.
Here are three excerpts from studies showing how these three superfoods were effective in both treatment and prevention of several cancers:
And now for a simple dish to get all three of these foods on one delicious plate: Steam a few cups of carrots in a few tablespoons of water, just until
tender-crisp. Add a few teaspoons of butter, Sea Salt to taste and a half-teaspoon each of grated turmeric and ginger (or half that amount of the ground
variety). To serve, mash lightly or serve whole for a wildly healthy, delicious side dish.
Interview with Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds
(NaturalNews) The following is part one of an interview with Dr. Wayne Coates, who is perhaps the world’s foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as a research professor at the University of Arizona spanned over twenty-five years. Dr. Coates holds a doctorate in Agricultural Engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. He is the co-author with Ricardo Ayerza of Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs(/I), 2005 (http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/books/bid1600.htm) .
Dr. Coates continues his research and publication of articles about chia seeds (http://www.EatChia.com) and currently operates Arizona Chia (http://www.ArizonaChia.com) , which offers the CHIAN brand of chia seeds and other chia products, from his store in southern Arizona. Chia seeds have become very popular in recent years because they offer balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, high-quality protein, antioxidants, and many other nutrients.
Dr. Fred Liers: It is my pleasure today to be speaking with Dr. Wayne Coates. Welcome, Wayne.
Dr. Wayne Coates: Thank you, Fred. Great to be speaking with you today.
Fred: You’ve probably done more than anyone to raise awareness about chia seeds as a functional food for health. I’ve enjoyed your book and the articles on your websites. To start, what do you tell people who have never heard of chia before? What do you tell people when they ask you how to use chia?
Dr. Coates: I tell people they can use chia seeds in any way they want. Chia is an incredibly versatile seed. I sprinkle it on my salads every day. You can mix the seeds into foods, sprinkle them onto foods, and include them when you’re making any kind of dish. You can be as creative as you want to be with chia because there’s no specific way it is meant to be used. Plus, there are no limitations to using chia in your diet. You can’t eat too much of it. You can even put it in orange juice, whatever works for you. It’s that simple!
Fred: People often ask about the nutritional value of chia seeds versus flax seeds. After they try chia, they’re almost always much happier with it than flax.
Dr. Coates: We absolutely see this happening. It’s about education. Our educational website is: (http://www.EatChia.com) . Among many other things we post on our site, we have charts comparing the nutritional value of chia seeds with flax seeds. People are switching to chia because it is a lot easier to use than flax, and doesn’t have the problems associated with flax.
Fred: I used to grind flax in a nut grinder and store it in the refrigerator. I had to grind it fresh daily. Now I use chia seeds both whole and ground, and I’ve noticed they remain fresh longer than flax seeds.
Dr. Coates: Yes, chia seeds can stay fresh for a very long time, especially when stored in a cool, dry place.
Fred: What is your commercial website, where you sell chia seeds and other products?
Dr. Coates: Our commercial site for our store in southern Arizona is: (http://www.ArizonaChia.com) .
That’s where people can learn about our chia seeds, chia oil, and other products. There is a link there that takes you to our site dedicated for online purchases: (http://www.ChiaSeedandOil.com) .
Fred: I noticed you offer a chia bar. You sell both chia seeds and chia bars?
Dr. Coates: Yes, in addition to selling chia seeds, we have two chia bars that are made in South America, and chia crackers that are made in Vermont. We sell them in our store (Arizona Chia) in Sonoita, Arizona, and on our commercial website.
Fred: I see more bars with chia seeds lately. What’s coming next?
Dr. Coates: Many companies are creating bars with chia now. There are going to be all kinds of other chia products coming out. I know so many people who are working on products, and they’re rolling them out, even as we speak.
Fred: That is wonderful.
Dr. Coates: Yes, it absolutely is wonderful because so many things can be done with chia. There are more people looking at it seriously and we are beginning to see the results. One of these days it will absolutely take off. That will happen as general public awareness gains critical mass. Very soon you will see a Trader Joe’s or a Whole Foods Market, or a company like that start selling it. Then it’s going to go crazy. Everyone will know about it.
Fred: What has contributed most to the rise in popularity of chia seeds?
Dr. Coates: Believe it or not, much of the increased interest is happening by word of mouth. For example, people call who tell us they heard about chia from friends or neighbors. And if someone hears something about chia and searches the Internet, they find lots of information, and many stores selling it.
So interest is spreading and that’s the whole goal. That’s why Ricardo Ayerza and I wrote our book Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs. We wanted to get information about chia seeds out there. That’s been our entire aim from the beginning.
Fred: Your book is a major resource and has lots of good information about chia. I enjoyed it and often refer to it.
Dr. Coates: Thank you. It is readily available in many stores. The paperback edition costs about $10.
Fred: Do carry the book on your website?
Dr. Coates: We carry it on our site, but you can obtain it from many places, like (http://www.Amazon.com) and University of Arizona Press (http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/books/bid1600.htm) . People come here to our store in southern Arizona to buy it. For us, it’s about making information available to the public.
There is also another book, James Scheer’s The Magic of Chia: Revival of an Ancient Wonder Food. It doesn’t provide the most up-to-date or the most accurate information. But the recipes in it are very good.
Fred: The Magic of Chia was the first book I read about chia. I remember thinking, “wow, I’ve got to learn more about chia seeds!” I later discovered your book, which kick-started my interest in chia seeds as a superfood.
Dr. Coates: I’ve spoken to Scheer. He called us after our book was published seeking information about chia.
Fred: He did an excellent job of raising awareness about the health benefits of chia.
Dr. Coates: That’s very true. Give him credit. His book raised awareness and helped people get started on the path looking for chia, and they found it! We have great appreciation for anyone who spreads the word about chia. It’s good for everyone.
Fred: What are some developments in the chia world since you published your book?
Dr. Coates: We are definitely writing and publishing more papers. You can find our scientific studies on our chia information site: (http://www.EatChia.com)
That’s our original site. We post all of our refereed papers there, as well as other non-refereed articles. We started our information site when we began writing articles about chia. Our idea was to create a website where people could learn more about chia seeds.
In April 2007, we published an article in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: Journal of Nutrition, Metabolic Diseases and Dietetics (Vol. 51: 27-34) on the effects of chia on rat plasma. The result was that chia had the effect of dramatically lowering the levels of fats in their blood. You can read the results and find links to the journal article here: (http://www.eatchia.com/nutrition.htm) .
Fred: The lipid profiles of the rats improved?
Dr. Coates: Yes, there were no problems, our rats did extremely well, and their blood changes were dramatic in a positive way.
Fred: Is more scientific research being done on the benefits of chia?
Dr. Coates: There is certainly more chia research happening. I’ve seen some good studies lately.
Fred: Do you and Ricardo Ayerza remain the primary researchers of chia?
Dr. Coates: We certainly have the most history studying chia. There are now a few other people. But in terms of who has published the most articles in refereed journals, we are by far the ones who have written the most.
Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds
Fred: Do you get much feedback from your customers? What do they tell you about their experiences with chia?
Dr. Coates: Yes, we get a fair number of calls. They tell us what chia seeds have done for their health. I always tell them to post their comments on our website, the commercial site for Arizona Chia.
Fred: I frequently hear from people about their experiences with consuming chia seeds available from Integrated Health (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com) . People have reported major benefits from chia seeds for their health and healing. Benefits like increased energy, better digestion, improved skin tone, and help for blood Sugar issues.
People also report that chia helps their pets. Dogs and cats have experienced remarkable results. Pet owners will grind the chia, and serve it to their pets mixed with food. Pets with blood Sugar control issues have been helped in particular. Diabetic pets can receive lower insulin dosages, and some go off it altogether.
Integrated Health has teamed up with an integrative veterinarian trained in acupuncture for animals, Dr. Randy Aronson (the “Radio Pet Vet”) and the Animal Care Center in southern Arizona. You can find information about Dr. Randy’s practice on his website (http://www.PawsTucson.com) . Dr. Randy offers pets with blood Sugar issues a comprehensive nutritional program that includes chia seeds, a Diabetes Defense formula, and a three-formula set of core formulas (Pet Mighty-Multi, Pet-C Plus, and Essential Fats for Pets). You can find these core pet formulas and equivalent core formulas for people at (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com) and (http://www.2Docs.net) (pet formulas).
Dr. Coates: We receive similar reports from customers. We’ve heard some truly amazing things, but generally we don’t go into much detail telling people about what to expect from chia. Everyone has their own perception of what chia seeds can do. Call it mind over matter. If nothing else, you can believe what you want, and if you really believe it, then that’s what it is. There’s no arguing against or changing a belief.
Let’s assume that chia affects a certain person in a specific way, and honestly it does. That is only the experience of that particular person because different people have different experiences with chia. Or it can depend upon the conditions they may have because then there can be different effects. For example, one person’s results using chia could depend upon how effectively their digestive system is working, but another person’s results could be entirely different.
Fred: Another person may reap a different set of benefits?
Dr. Coates: Exactly. So we’re not promoting chia for any particular purpose. We do say what it contains, like the balanced essential fats, and let customers decide whether chia may be helpful for them.
Now, what is true is that the nutrients in chia seeds have been shown to have certain effects. Fiber has been shown to have certain effects. Antioxidants have been shown to have certain effects. Essential fats have been shown to have certain effects. And so on. We say “These are the nutrients chia has in it.” Then people can decide.
Fred: I know that for myself, consuming chia seeds has given me a lot more energy. I take chia daily in my favorite superfood smoothies, green superfoods, or vegetable juices. I usually grind it first because it goes better in smoothies that way. I definitely notice that I become energized, have more endurance, and more brainpower. If I consume chia two or three times per day, then the effects are greater.
I find that a chia gel smoothie is a major power-up “lunch” or afternoon pick-me-up. I like to include green superfoods like chlorella, spirulina, or Rejuvenate right into my smoothies. I use a Vita-Mix machine, but any blender or shaker jar works. If I’m on-the-go, I may shake up some chlorella with my chia gel smoothie in a mason jar. For anyone interested, there is a basic recipe for a chia gel smoothie posted on the website: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/recipes...) .
Chia to me is very exciting because it is a superfood that truly makes life better. Almost anyone can eat chia and improve their health and their quality of life. In this regard, I think superfoods like chia can change the world for the better. Is that too big of a statement?
Dr. Coates: No, not at all. That’s the whole thing. If people were eating superfoods like chia, they would be a lot healthier and have a lot fewer health problems. It certainly would help their health situation, let’s put it that way, in one way or another. I’m not saying exactly how it would help any particular individual, but it would definitely help them.
Fred: I agree. You know, I try to do a lot of good things for myself, and chia is a major component of my health regimen. I consume plenty of chlorella, fresh vegetable juices, salads, and nutrient-dense foods like chia seeds. My nutritional supplement regimen is based around several core supplements, which include a high-quality multivitamin, a vitamin C formula, and essential fats. Those are basics. Then I can add herbs or other supplements depending on more immediate requirements.
I’m also a big fan of Rejuvenate!. Integrated Health introduced this superfood formula in 2007. Rejuvenate contains chlorella, spirulina, nutritional yeast, chia seeds, rice bran solubles, and d-ribose. It also includes chlorella growth factor (CGF), seaweeds (organic dulse and kelp), magnesium, and vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. The idea for this formula started with investigating the health impacts of dietary nucleic acids and high-RNA diets, and developed into an effort to create a breakthrough high-RNA superfood.
Nucleic acids have been shown to offer a wide range of benefits. They can revitalize tissues, increase production of energy in cells, build strength, improve lung function, help regulate body temperature, and have other rejuvenating effects in humans and animals. You can learn more about this unique superfood on the website: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/feature...) .
There is a new high-protein, high-ORAC version called Rejuvenate! PRO that will be introduced next month. It complements regular Rejuvenate!, but has much less of a “green” taste and has a fantastic raspberry-cherry-vanilla flavor. It’s delicious. It is the best-tasting superfood. Integrated Health will offer Rejuvenate! PRO starting in March 2008, ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...)
Dr. Coates: That is interesting! Well, we know that chia is a food that has no known limits on its consumption, and it definitely combines well with many other foods.
Fred: With respect to chia seeds as a superfood, and the growing level of awareness of it among people interested in health, it is evident that many individuals are awakening to a greater understanding of the role of foods and nutrition in human wellness. I consider it a great awakening, since we in modern civilization have in many ways destroyed our health during the past century, mostly through mass surrender to junk foods, health-damaging lifestyles, stress, and extremely dysfunctional systems of medicine.
I definitely see changes happening, mostly for individuals who are seeking healthier ways of being, and who are willing to look way past conventional models of nutrition, the food pyramid, and all that propaganda. Given such positive changes in awareness, what do you see as the future of chia?
Dr. Coates: That is not so easy to predict because there are so many companies simply talking about it right now. As I said, when a player finally comes along like a Whole Foods Market or a Trader Joe’s - or a similarly-sized company - and they are selling chia and doing some promotion for it, that’s when we will see it take off.
Fred: We are not quite there yet?
Dr. Coates: Well, it is happening. But think of how many other products companies want to sell. I’m so busy with my projects, I don’t have the time to visit stores to make the case for chia.
Fred: That’s not part of your mission.
Dr. Coates: Well, it is my job in a sense. But actually it won’t be necessary for me to go to stores and persuade them to sell chia. Demand is becoming great enough that people are asking for it. Store owners and managers hear questions, such as “What is chia?” and “Do you carry chia?” That’s how it is happening.
Fred: Demand for chia is speaking for itself.
Dr. Coates: Yes, and soon larger companies will start seriously investigating it. Part of their reservation has been ensuring adequate supply. If they decide to go for it, but they have only 2,000 bags when they need 20,000 bags, then they get into trouble when their customers can’t be supplied.
Fred: Is the chia supply rising?
Dr. Coates: Yes, the supply is rising and we can ramp it up, if we want. But until buyers purchase large quantities, the question becomes who is going to produce chia if there is a likelihood that it will sit around waiting for a buyer? It’s always a chicken and egg question. What’s there: demand or supply?
That’s one of the basic issues with any of these “new” crops like chia seeds. That is, achieving a balance between demand and supply. Demand may be there, but then they say there’s no supply. Or the supply might be there, that is, we can grow the chia, but then the question will be who is going to buy it. The issue of supply and demand remains until we can work it out, and currently is fundamental with chia production and distribution.
This interview continues in subsequent articles....
About Integrated Health
Integrated Health (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com) is a specialty provider of high-end, high-purity nutritional supplements and superfoods, including chia seeds. NaturalNews readers receive a 10% discount on all products from Integrated Health by using coupon code NT2008.
Superfoods available from Integrated Health:
Chia Seeds: (http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec/chia.html)
Rejuvenate!: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/feature...)
Rejuvenate! PRO: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...)
Chlorella powder: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...)
Core Nutritional Supplement Formulas available from Integrated Health:
Multi Two (multivitamin): (http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec/two.html)
PRO-C (antioxidant and vitamin C formula): (http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec/proc.html)
Omega Plus (essential fatty acids): ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...)
Package Special on Core Supplement Formulas: ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/core-fo...)
© 2008 Health Products Distributors, Inc. (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com)
About the author
Dr. Fred Liers commitment to natural health and healing began when he realized that conventional medicine and mainstream nutrition are not viable options for himself or his family. A natural healing adventurer, Fred continues exploring alternative therapies, and he now shares his extensive knowledge in helping others to discover vibrant health and wellness. He formerly taught at UCLA and University of Arizona. He now devotes his efforts toward health education with Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI): www.IntegratedHealth.com.
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E-mail: fliers@integratedhealth.com
Interview with Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds (Part 1)
(NaturalNews) The following is part two of an interview with Dr. Wayne Coates, who is perhaps the world’s foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as a research professor at the University of Arizona spanned over twenty-five years. Dr. Coates holds a doctorate in Agricultural Engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. He is the co-author (with Ricardo Ayerza) of Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs , University of Arizona Press 2005, (http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/books/bid1600.htm) .
Dr. Coates continues his research and publication of articles about chia seeds (http://www.EatChia.com) and currently operates Arizona Chia (http://www.ArizonaChia.com) , which offers the CHIAN brand of chia seeds and other chia products, from his store in southern Arizona. Chia seeds have become very popular in recent years because they offer balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, high-quality protein, antioxidants, and many other nutrients.
Dr. Fred Liers: How did you become involved with chia seeds?
Dr. Wayne Coates: I have worked on many new crops over the years. Chia is one of them.
Fred: What are some new crops?
Dr. Coates: Jojoba is an example. We also have new crops like quinoa and amaranth. Chia is our main new crop. I also have experience with different aspects of standard crops, like cotton and lettuce.
I actually have been working with new crops since the beginning of my career at the University of Arizona in 1981. I am an agricultural engineer. I design machinery. My work with new crops relates to developing machinery to harvest them.
Fred: Where do you grow chia?
Dr. Coates: We grow it in South America -- in Argentina. That is where my research partner and co-author Ricardo Ayerza works most of the time.
Fred: What role does Ricardo play?
Dr. Coates: Ricardo works in Argentina on the production aspects of chia growing.
Fred: You grow chia in Argentina, but it came originally from Mexico.
Dr. Coates: Yes. Chia came originally from Mexico. Regarding chia production in South America, Mexico has small farms in most places, and it has been easier to grow larger quantities in Argentina. We started growing chia in South America, and we continue growing it in different countries down there because it works better for us. Ricardo lives there and so it is a lot easier for him to work there. The chia grows extremely well.
Fred: Do you seek out rich soils that yield nutrient-rich chia?
Dr. Coates: We know where chia grows best. We of course have to deal with other non-soil and non-climate related factors, such as finding the farmers who want to grow it.
Chia Seeds Compared to Chia Oil
Fred: You offer chia products other than chia seeds and chia bars. Do you sell chia oil?
Dr. Coates: Yes. We sell the oil in 250 ml bottles. It is available on our commercial website (http://www.chiaseedandoil.com) .
Fred: Is demand for chia oil rising as fast as demand for the seed?
Dr. Coates: Not as much because usually we downplay it. Why buy the oil?
Fred: When you can eat the seed.
Dr. Coates: You will pay a lot more for the same thing. In the seed you get the oil plus everything else. If you buy the oil, then you will only get the benefits of the oil. You will be paying for the work involved in pressing it and because there is all of the refuse leftover after making it that needs to be disposed.
If you eat the chia seeds, you will get a lot more bang for the buck, so to speak. That’s what I tell people. Some individuals, of course, for various reasons cannot eat the seeds, or they may not like the seeds, and they want chia oil. I mean, okay, the oil makes a great salad dressing. It tastes pleasantly mild, just like the seeds.
Fred: Do you sell chia oil in capsules?
Dr. Coates: Yes, we have two kinds of capsules, blister packs and bulk. We have been selling them all along. Not a lot of them. Again, we tell people who call us wondering what form they should use to buy the seeds, if they can. Again, you know, why buy the oil?
The oil is relatively more expensive because once you start putting it in capsules, then you are paying more because you have got to buy the capsules, and the packaging, etc. The cost effectiveness of chia oil is not even close to that of chia seeds, especially if you are primarily interested in omega-3 fatty acids.
Fred: Consuming whole chia seed makes much more sense from the perspective of nutrition, that is, consuming chia as a complete food, a functional food, and a superfood. If you press out all the oil, for example, then what happens to all the leftover solids, the core material, which really is an integral part of the seed. Is it composted?
Dr. Coates: Well, that’s another issue for concern. It certainly could be. But to date, there has been no use found for it. People are now talking about finding uses for it because it still has oil and protein, depending on how the oil is extracted. Plus, it contains everything else found in chia seeds, including the antioxidants.
Fred: I prefer consuming the seed, not only because it is a whole food, but because I enjoy using it in the kitchen. There seems to be unlimited uses for it. One of my favorite recipes is to mix chia seeds with fresh julienned fruit, nut butters, shredded coconut, walnuts, raisins, and sometimes cacao nibs. I usually add chlorella, Rejuvenate!, or other superfoods.
Regarding superfoods, you can find high-quality chlorella and two versions of Rejuvenate!, a nucleic-acid rich superfood containing chia seeds, at Integrated Health (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com) .
There is an original greens version ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...) . There is a new "raspberry-cherry-vanilla" version called Rejuvenate! PRO. Rejuvenate! PRO offers more protein, a super-high ORAC value, and it's geared toward those individuals who prefer a fruity taste. You can find it on the website ((http://www.integratedhealth.com/hpdspec...) .
Nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) have been shown to have very powerful health-building effects. These include boosting ATP production in the body, increasing lung capacity, and actually building functional strength. Simply increasing ATP production can by itself produce dramatic effects. Although not too many people know about the effects of dietary RNA, they have been studied extensively for many years, especially by nutritionists and pioneering doctors, including Dr. Garry Gordon and Dr. Benjamin S. Frank. It turns out that superfoods like chlorella contain extremely high levels of nucleic acids. Superfoods like Rejuvenate leverage the power of nucleic acids for greater human health. You can use these high-RNA superfoods in a variety of recipes, including delicious green drinks and superfood smoothies. Adding chia seeds to your high-RNA foods and superfoods is a great way to maximize the nutritional benefits of chia.
Speaking of recipes, I have discovered an amazing recipe for "chia fresca." I juice three organic limes. I put the juice into a blender with three tablespoons of chia seeds and fill the blender with pure water. I add a bit of Habanero pepper, then blend these ingredients on high speed for thirty seconds. You can let it sit for five or ten minutes. It's so delicious. I mean, the blend of chia, lime, and cayenne pepper is eye-opening! It has an immediate tonifying effect. In addition to the nutrients in the chia seeds, of course, there is the vitamin C from the lime, and you get this huge circulation boost from cayenne. "Chia fresca" leverages the nutritional power of chia seeds in a most satisfying way! And, of course, you can always add your favorite green superfood to it. You will find more chia recipes, including a chia gel smoothie, on the website: (http://www.integratedhealth.com/recipes.asp) .
Dr. Coates: Yes, and chia seeds don’t have any strong flavor, per se, so they blend well with almost any food. That’s one of the greatest things about chia. Its flavor is innocuous. You do not change or dampen the flavors of foods when you use chia. You can mix it with whatever foods you want, really!
Black and White Chia Seeds
Fred: I notice you sell both black chia seeds and white chia seeds. What is the difference?
Dr. Coates: There is no major difference between black chia seeds and white chia seeds.
Fred: White seeds are popular. I have read claims that white seeds are nutritionally superior to black seeds. Some white seeds apparently have pending patents.
Dr. Coates: If you look at the research, the white seed simply is the white seed. It is the same as any other white. It all started in the same place. So not only is there no difference between black chia seeds and white chia seeds, but also there are no major differences among white chia seeds either. Regarding patents, I do not know how a patent could be pending.
Fred: If you tested white chia seeds and some patent-pending white seeds, there would be no major nutritional difference?
Dr. Coates: That is right. There would be no difference.
It would, of course, depend on the factors you test. There would be very minor differences. These differences would depend far more upon where the seeds were grown than upon the color of the seeds themselves.
Fred: I remember seeing in your book Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs (http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/books/bid1600.htm) the test results from a comparison of black chia seeds and white chia seeds showing that differences mostly depend on climate. Would you consider doing a study like that on a larger scale?
Dr. Coates: Possibly. There can be considerable costs, however, if you want to use a laboratory for analysis. There is no way of testing it other than using a commercial lab. The costs always depend on the types of analyses that will be done. For example, are you only looking at the fat content or are you interested in specific fatty acid composition? Do you also want to look at protein content? Then there are other factors like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
If you are comparing black chia seeds and white seeds, you might test black chia seeds from one location and white chia seeds from the same location. Then you might test some black chia and white chia from another location, and so on. You would need a variety of samples from different locations. These are some variables researchers would deal with when testing seeds. You see how complex a scientific testing process can be. It is never about testing a single factor.
But, as I said, we already know that it makes a much greater difference where the chia is grown than whether the chia is white or black. Those are the results we found in our own tests for our unpublished 2006 study, which is posted on our website (http://www.chiaseedandoil.com/blackwhite.html) .
The greatest differences regarding the nutrients found in chia seeds simply relate to where the chia seeds are grown.
Fred: Is it possible that chia will be patented?
Dr. Coates: Well, you cannot patent chia seed because it is a natural seed. It would be like if I took some wheat and then tried to patent it. You cannot just patent it.
An applicant for a patent on chia may claim to have unique varieties. But actually showing you have a unique variety is not an easy thing to prove.
Most of these types of patents are “pending” simply because that is the first step when filing for a patent. You file and the application is pending until you gain approval. The process can take years.
The patent may never gain approval either because there may be opposition to it, or because there may not be a justifiable claim. An applicant must make valid claims. If the claims are not justifiable, an applicant can forget the patent. So “patent pending” means very little because there are lots of pending patents that for many reasons never go anywhere.
Fred: Agribusinesses obtain patents for seeds they modify genetically. Most health-conscious consumers are concerned about genetically-modified seeds entering the food supply, especially their own personal food supply.
Dr. Coates: Yes. But that is totally different. In those cases they have somehow managed to prove they have something different.
But in the case of chia seeds, no one can patent a seed that is already out there and freely available to everyone.
I do not closely follow seed patents. Some companies claim they are breeding selected varieties of chia seeds, and I have seen claims in South America for a registered variety of chia seed.
Registration of selected seeds certainly can be done. Different countries have different policies. But in general to obtain registered status for a seed, a potential registrant must absolutely show that the seed has been selectively bred and is uniquely different. They must document a lot of specific markers.
I do not think that can be shown for chia seeds because there is nothing to show. There is no evidence for it. There is nothing to my knowledge that has ever been published in a refereed scientific journal that would support it. If papers exist, they have never been published in a refereed scientific journal.
Fred: What about instances where specific varieties of chia might be used in scientific studies, say, for diabetes or blood Sugar lowering effects?
Dr. Coates: Well, all chia is Salvia hispanica L. There are many trademarked names, some of which are registered trademarks. For example, our trademarked brand is “Chian,” which is the Aztec word for chia. There are plenty of other trademarked names. For example, there are names like "Benexia," "Salba," and "Aztec White." Sometimes you cannot tell from the label what is being sold. You would hardly know what is in it. Sellers are obliged to say it is Salvia hispanica, but if you are going that far, you might as well say it is chia seed, because there is no difference.
Fred: I noticed your CHIAN brand of white seeds. I see a few black seeds in it. Have you compared your brand to other brands of white seeds?
Dr. Coates: Yes. Some of them are lighter in color. And not solely because of the light color of the white seeds, but also because there may not be as many dark seeds in the container.
Fred: Other brands may be somewhat different in color than yours?
Dr. Coates: Yes. But ultimately it all came from the same source. That’s the thing. I do not know how the climate affects the color, per se, of white versus really white, if you know what I mean. We have not done any research into that topic because color differences don’t translate into major nutritional differences.
Fred: That ultimate source being Mexican chia seeds.
Dr. Coates: Ricardo Ayerza and I obtained the seeds. We started in 1991. We started actually in Argentina, and then we took it to Colombia and Peru.
Fred: Growers of other brand-name chia seeds, like "Salba," for example, obtained seeds from you?
Dr. Coates: We worked with them. We know them very well. The two Mealla brothers. They are the two brothers out of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We worked with them in the 1990s.
They planted the same seeds. The Mealla brothers were involved right from the beginning. We were doing other things with them, too, at that time.
Fred: Many people may not realize that nearly all chia grown today came from the same source.
Dr. Coates: Yes, consumers should be informed. They should ask questions like, “where is the data that substantiates claims that white chia is better?” Or ask, “where has the data been published to back up such claims?” Or ask whether such claims are not just based on private studies done in a particular company’s labs. A company can make all the claims it wants. But without independent, published research then there is no substantiating such claims.
Other questions might be “Who did the research? What methods were used? Where did the seed originate? Under what conditions was it grown?” And so on. Those kinds of questions.
I don’t personally have the time or interest to pursue these questions simply on my own. But I think if someone wants to do something that would benefit everyone, then those are types of questions one can pose.
Fred: What do you see as your mission, in a few words?
Dr. Coates: My mission is simply to disseminate information about chia to people and to help raise their awareness. And we make high-quality chia available at low cost. That is what we are up to basically.
Fred: And again, your websites are?
Dr. Coates: Anyone can visit either (http://www.ChiaSeedandOil.com) or (http://www.ArizonaChia.com) . These sites are very similar, and they link to each other. One is mostly for online orders, and the other is for our store. And our educational site is (http://www.EatChia.com) . That is where we post our articles and other scientific information.
Fred: I would like to thank you for spending time with me today, and for sharing your knowledge with me and with everyone who reads this interview.
Dr. Coates: It’s been my pleasure, Fred. Thank you very much.
About Integrated Health
Integrated Health (http://www.IntegratedHealth.com) is a specialty provider of high-end, high-purity nutritional supplements and superfoods, including chia seeds. NaturalNews readers receive a 10% discount on all products from Integrated Health by using coupon code NT2008.
Interview With Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds (Part 2)
(NaturalNews) Chia seed is an ancient superfood that is currently experiencing a glorious renaissance. It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans of the southwest.
"Chia" is actually the Mayan word for strength. The seeds were used by these ancient cultures as mega-energy food, especially for their running messengers, who would carry a small pouch of it with them. Chia has been called ‘Indian Running Food’ and gives an incredibly 'sustaining' surge of energy. I‘ve definitely noticed for myself the 'running energy' that chia seems to impart. If I eat chia, then run later that day, my endurance and ability to run further is greatly enhanced - pretty impressive stuff.
The chia we sell in our online store is imported from Mexico and is certified organic. In Mexico they say that one tablespoon of chia seeds can sustain a person for 24 hours. Chia also happens to taste great, looks cute (like tiny dinosaur eggs) and is ready to eat really quickly, besides which it has an off-the-scale nutritional profile.
Why would you want to eat Chia?
Chia seeds are said to have:
*2 times the protein of any other seed or grain,
*5 times the calcium of milk, plus boron which is a trace mineral that helps transfer calcium into your bones,
*2 times the amount of potassium as bananas,
*3 times the reported antioxidant strength of blueberries
*3 times more iron than spinach
*copious amounts of omega-3 and omega-6, which are essential fatty acids
They are a complete source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids in an easily digestible form. They are also a fabulous source of soluble fibre. Like flax, chia is highly hydrophilic: the seeds absorb water and create a mucilaginous gel. They can hold 9-12 times their weight in water and they absorb it very rapidly - in under 10 minutes.
One advantage of chia is that because it has such a high antioxidant content, the seeds stay stable for much longer, whereas flax, for example, may turn rancid. Chia seeds can easily be stored dry for 4-5 years without deterioration in flavour, odour or nutritional value. You can substitute chia in any recipe that calls for flax.
The taste of chia is very mild and pleasant. That means you can easily combine it with other foods without changing the taste dramatically. People add chia to their sauces, bread batters, puddings, smoothies and more. The flavour is retained, plus a lot more nutrition is added.
The "Dieter’s Dream Food"
Chia has been called a dieter’s dream food because when added to foods, it bulks them up, displacing calories and fat without diluting the flavour. Thus, someone can eat a typical serving, yet only consume about half the calories they might have eaten, because the food has been bulked up with chia. PLUS, the eater gets a bellyful of nutrient-rich superfood goodness, which hydrates and sustains them -
it's magic.
What are some other benefits of eating Chia?
* Provides energy
* Boosts strength
* Bolsters endurance
* Levels blood sugar
* Induces weight loss
* Aids intestinal regularity
Chia slows the impact of sugars on the system, if eaten together. Chia gel creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, which slows the conversion of carbs into sugar. That means the energy from the food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance. This is clearly of great benefit to diabetics in particular. It also means that I can combine chia with super-sweet tastes like apple juice and not get super-spiked.
Due to the exceptional water-absorption quality of chia, it can help you prolong hydration and retain electrolytes, especially during exertion.
Whole, water-soaked chia seeds are easily digested and absorbed. Their tiny dinosaur-egg-like shells break down quickly. They feel light in the body, yet energising. Their nutrients can be quickly assimilated into the body.
Chia seeds bulk up, then work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through your intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. Many people find their stools also become more regular once they eat chia.
Chia is a very reasonably priced, concentrated food. Our 1 lb. bags cost $8. 1/3 cup of dry chia seeds (2 ounces) makes about 17 ounces of chia gel. This costs about $1. Depending on how much gel you use, those 17oz will likely last, on average, about four days. That is about 25cents a day.
Chia can be used in so many kinds of recipes - savoury, sweet, it works with anything. You might want to try them in salad dressings, cookie mixtures, smoothies, crackers, ice creams, juices and so on.
Chia seed protein contains no gluten. This makes it ideal for anyone with a gluten sensitivity or simply wanting to find a replacement for gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats.
Which medical conditions can Chia help relieve or support?
Chia is reported to be beneficial for a vast range of issues, for example:
*weight loss/balance
*thyroid conditions
*celiac disease
*acid reflux
*lowering cholesterol
In the traditional cultures that consumed chia, like the Aztecs, chia was also regarded as a medicine. It was used in myriad ways – from cleaning the eyes to helping heal wounds, topically, to relieving joint pain and so on. It was considered extremely valuable for healing.
One woman we know uses chia therapeutically to manage her acid reflux. Because of the highly absorbent properties of chia, she can swallow a Tbsp of dry seeds with just a little water and they go into her stomach and absorb the excess acid. She makes sure to drink a glass of water a few minutes later, as the seeds are so hydrophilic that if they do not find enough to absorb in the stomach, they will draw from the tissues instead. By allowing the seeds to first absorb the acid, then drinking some more water, our friend is able to very simply, effectively and cheaply handle her condition.
Chia aids rapid development of tissue, due to its incredible nutrient profile and easy assimilation. It can be very beneficial for those healing from injuries, people like bodybuilders who are always re-forming tissues and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
How do you use Chia?
The most common way to eat chia is to first soak the seeds. They can very rapidly absorb a large amount of liquid, between 9-12 times their volume, in under 10 minutes.
The Basic Gel
To make a basic chia gel, simply add 1/3 cup of seeds (2oz) to 2 cups of water. Stir the mixture well, to avoid clumping, then leave it in your fridge, in a sealed jar. This will yield around 17oz of chia gel. You can begin to eat the gel almost immediately if you like. Just 10 minutes is enough time for the gel to be formed. More of the nutrients will be easily accessible after a few hours however, so many people like to make up a batch like this and leave it in the fridge. It will stay good for about three weeks. Then you can just reach into the fridge and take out some of the ready-made gel whenever you need it. You might add it to smoothies, mix it with salad dressings, puddings or granola, or simply take it by the spoonful.
As mentioned above, chia will absorb anything, it doesn’t have to soak in water. We like soaking it in things like apple juice for example. That way, the intense sweetness of the apple juice is also offset by the chia and it tastes yummy. We also often blend fruits; for example bananas and persimmons, then stir the chia into that mixture. Again, the longer the seeds are left to soak, the more their nutrients will be readily available to you, yet you could easily eat a meal like this 10 minutes or less after preparing it.
Whole Seeds
You can also sprinkle the dry seeds onto salads or add them to granola mixes. You may also want to experiment with grinding them first in a coffee grinder, to make a ‘chia flour’ you can then add to smoothies, soups and so on.
Ten Raw Chia Recipes
WARNING – these are 'hardcore' raw foodist recipes, developed and used by long-term raw food eaters. Some may seem quite peculiar or unfamiliar to those who are not accustomed to eating raw. We encourage you to try them out though and to perhaps use them as a 'spring-board' for creating and enjoying your own chia recipes. All of these recipes are based on one person eating.
Basic Chia Gel
Mix 1/3-cup chia seeds to 2 cups water. Stir. This is the 'basic gel' recipe that can be stored in your fridge and used as required.
Sweet Shortbread Chia
4-5 tbsps chia seeds
2 cups fresh apple juice
2 tbsp lucuma powder
1/4 cup dried mulberries
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
Soak the chia seeds in the apple juice. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.
'Chia Fresca'
2 tsp chia seeds
10oz pure water
juice of one lemon or lime
agave syrup or raw honey to taste
This is still a popular drink in modern-day Mexico. Simply stir the ingredients together and enjoy.
Fruity Chia
3 small or 2 big apples
8 dates, pits removed
4-5 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 cup dried mulberries
Blend the apples and six of the dates together. Transfer that mixture into a bowl and stir in the chia seeds and mulberries. Chop down the remaining 2 dates into pieces and stir those in too. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.
Bana-paya Chia
1 banana
3/4 cup papaya flesh
6 dried Turkish figs
4-5 tbsp chia, ground
Blend the banana and papaya flesh together. Put the figs in this mixture and leave it to soak overnight. Blend the whole mixture, including the figs, the next day. Stir in the ground chia seed. Serve.
Chia Gel 'Muesli'
1 cup of basic chia gel
2 bananas, mashed with a fork
1 tbsp lucuma powder
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
Mix together the ingredients in a bowl with a fork and eat.
Green Chia
8 dried prunes, soaked in 1 pint pure water
1 tbsp spirulina powder
1/3 cup chia seeds
Drain off most of the prune soak water and put the chia seeds to soak in the prune soak water. Blend together the prunes with the spirulina and a small amount of the soak water. Stir the spirulina/prune mixture into the soaked chia seeds. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.
Persi-nana Chia
4-5 tbsp chia seeds
1-2 bananas
1-2 persimmons
1tsp maca
1 tsp cinnamon
handful of goji berries
handful of pumpkin seeds
Blend together the bananas and persimmons. Pour out the mixture into a bowl. Stir in the chia seeds, maca, cinnamon, gojis and pumpkin seeds. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming.
Raw ‘Rice Pudding’
4-5 tbsp chia seed
2 cups almond milk
raw honey or agave syrup to taste
Combine the ingredients to your taste. Leave the chia to soak for at least 10 minutes before consuming. You can also add other flavours like vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom.
Banana-nut Bread
2 cups vegetable juice pulp (preferably at least half carrot)
8 tbsp ground chia
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
3/4 cup raisins
5 bananas
Mix together the veggie juice pulp and bananas in a food processor. Add in the ground chia and let the food processor run until the seeds are completely mixed in. Transfer the mixture to a bowl with the walnuts and raisins and mix them in thoroughly by hand. Shape into a loaf. For major yumminess, top with 'Cream Cheese' (see below).
Cream Cheese
Flesh of three avocadoes
9 dates
juice of 1 or 2 lemons
big handful of dulse seaweed
Organic chia seeds can be purchased from the RawReform Online Store here: ((http://store.rawreform.com/product_info...) . We sell them in 1 lb., 5 lb., 25 lb. and 55 lb. bags.
We also stock many of the other foods mentioned here, such as dried mulberries, dulse seaweed, lucuma powder, agave syrup, raw honey, goji berries, spirulina and maca.
Our range further includes juicers, blenders and dehydrators, to make your raw chia recipes, plus the fabulous book The Magic of Chia by James Scheer, in which you can learn much more about this 'ancient wonder food'
About the author
Award-winning raw food author and lifestyle consultant Angela Stokes lost an incredible 160lbs with a raw lifestyle, reversing morbid obesity. 29-year-old Angela started eating raw in May 2002 and has spent the last five years exploring and promoting raw foods and natural healthcare for weight loss. Her website, www.rawreform.com shares her own amazing story of recovery, along with guidance and inspiration for others. It includes videos, before/after pictures and she also blogs her raw adventures almost daily. Angela offers e-books, retreats, consultations and lectures internationally on raw foods. In February 2007, she completed a 92-Day Juice Feast and her book on this subject has inspired thousands of others to delve deeper into juicing. Originally from England, Angela received awards at both the House of Lords and the National Lottery to support her research and work. She can be contacted at angela@rawreform.com.
The Chia 'Cheat Sheet' and Ten Raw Chia Recipes
(NaturalNews) Recently I have been putting chia seeds into everything. I have always been into flax and hemp, but I find chia seeds so much more versatile and easy to use.
Chia seeds are an ancient super food that has been used by the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. In fact, Chia means “strength” in the language of the Mayans, and was considered running food because messengers could run all day with the help of these tiny seeds. Chia seeds were considered medicine and were actually prized more than gold due to their incredible health enhancing properties.
Independent and government researchers have studied chia seeds to identify its nutritional composition as well as its benefits to overall health and well being.
*Chia seeds are a complete source of protein. They actually have 2 times the protein of any other seed or grain.
*They are one of the best sources of fiber. They are fabulous colon cleansers and actually clear out the digestive tract so that you absorb more nutrients and eliminate waste more efficiently. It also prevents indigestion and heartburn without risk of harmful side effects.
*This is a super food for diabetics because they help stabilize blood Sugar levels.
*Chia seeds are great for weight loss because they easily bulk up the food without changing the taste. Because the carbohydrates re released incredibly slow, it make people feel full. They also bulk up and cleanse the body of old "junk" so the body can detox and lose weight.
*As well as improving endurance and physical fitness, they also help keep the body hydrated and the electrolytes balanced, so they are the perfect foods for athletes.
*These tiny seeds have are packed with calcium, and they also contain boron which is a trace mineral that helps calcium get into your bones.
*This super seed is a seriously potent antioxidant; in fact, it has 3 times more antioxidant activity than blueberries. Not only does this help you to fight disease and defy age naturally, it also keeps the chia seeds from going off like other seeds such as flax.
*Chias have 3 more iron than spinach, which is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs into the muscles and organs.
*These little super food seeds have incredibly high levels of omega 3 and omega 6, both of which are essential for brain function, reversing depression, and overall health. Because of its high amount of good fat, it manages to survive and thrive without any chemical interference. The bugs never touch it and so it needs absolutely no pesticides.
Improve Diabetes
Research done at St. Michael’s Hospital in Canada has concluded that the use of chia seeds significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems in people who have type 2 diabetes. Among these results was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure while maintaining good blood Sugar control. Head researcher Vladimir Vuksan said of Chia: “You add this to any food, even bad food, and it will improve your health.”
Lowers Cholesterol
In a study conducted at the University of Arizona chia seeds were fed to chickens and other livestock, significantly lowering the lipid content of the products produced from these animals. When the same study was done with flax seeds, there were fewer eggs produced, and when fish oil was used, there was fishy flavor in the eggs; neither problem was an issue in the chia seed research.
In another study done The University of Arizona, cholesterol levels and other heart disease risk factors were significantly lowered in rats that were fed chia seeds for a period of thirty days.
Chia seeds can be used in jams, smoothies, cakes, or just about anything else you can think of. They are incredibly versatile and they don’t change the flavor.
Chia Seed Chocolate Cake
Melt coconut butter in a double boiler (add boiling water to one pan, and then put the pan with the coconut butter inside). Add chia seeds and let stand for 5 minutes. Then add raw chocolate powder, Lucama (a powdered fruit), goji berries, and agave nectar. Stir it up and put in the refrigerator until it is hard. It is incredibly delicious and packed packed PACKED with super food goodness!
by: Sheryl Walters, citizen journalist
About the author
Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.
And her latest website www.raiselibido.com offers a vast quantity of information on how to increase sex drive and enjoy a vibrant sex life.
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Chia Seeds: The Ancient Wisdom of the Aztecs
by Doreen Spackman, MH
One of my favorite things to do is to eat, so I am always on the lookout for food with nutrition, flavor, and ease of fixing. The tiny chia seed is from the Salvia hispanica plant that grows in Southern Mexico and is part of the mint family. The Aztecs used to use this for their warriors when they were going on a forced march - they would eat only a teaspoon of this energy packed food.
The chia seed is fun to eat - you can put it on your tongue and it will turn into a gel substance (just as it will in any liquid). Whether I'm teaching classes on grains and nutrition or at family gatherings, the "magic chia seed" has been the biggest hit because it magically changes in your mouth to a gel and the flavor is mild even for those unaccustomed to eating grains and seeds in their whole and natural state.
It can absorb more than 12 times its weight in water, thus prolonging hydration. This helps in maintaining the balance and utilization of nutrients, moisture, and electrolytes in the body. This is great for digestion as it slows the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, so for those with diabetes or glycemic issues this is great news.
Dr. Wayne Coates states that the chia seed is 16% protein, 31% fat, and 44% carbohydrate, of which 38% is fiber. Most of its fat is the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, according to the (USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20 (2007).Chia provides fiber (about 2 tablespoons--25 g--give you 7 g of fiber) as well as other important nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, niacin, and zinc.
The protein is easily digested and absorbed allowing it to get from tissue to cells quickly. This makes regeneration of tissue for many things in life better, whether you are an athlete, growing child or anyone needing the regeneration of tissue. It is also great for endurance. I have noticed a significant difference in my energy level throughout the day staying strong along with staying hydrated. The chia seed is definitely a great thing to eat on a daily basis.
In the article "Chia Seed-The Ancient Food of the Future" by William Anderson, it says the Chia seed is its high oil content, and the richest vegetable source for the essential omega-3 fatty acid. It has approximately three to ten times the oil concentrations of most grains and one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains. These oils, unsaturated fatty acids, are the essential oils your body needs to help emulsify and absorb the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K. Chia seeds are rich in the unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic, which the body cannot manufacture. When there are rich amounts of linoleic acid sufficiently supplied to the body trough diet, linoleic and arachidonic acids can be synthesized from linoleic acid.
Unsaturated fatty acids are important for respiration of vital organs and make it easier for oxygen to be transported by the blood stream to all cells, tissues, and organs. They also help maintain resilience and lubrication of all cells and combine with protein and cholesterol to form living membranes that hold the body cells together.
Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for normal glandular activity, especially of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. They nourish the skin cells and are essential for healthy mucus membranes and nerves. The unsaturated fatty acids function in the body by cooperating with vitamin D in making calcium available to the tissues, assisting in the assimilation of phosphorus, and stimulating the conversion of carotene into vitamin A. Fatty acids are related to normal functioning of the reproductive system. Chia sees contain beneficial long-chain triglycerides (LCT) in the right proportion to reduce cholesterol on arterial walls.
The Chia seed is also a rich source of calcium as it contains the important mineral boron, which acts as catalyst for the absorption and utilization of the calcium by the body.
I love living at a time where we have so many foods available to us from all over the world. They are fun to eat and so nutritious!
Enjoy Healthy Eating,
Printable Version: http://www.herballegacy.com/Chia_Seeds.pdf
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Chlorella Can Replace a Closet Full of Expensive Supplements
(NaturalNews) If you could only have one supplement, which one would you choose? For its high nutrient content and potent defense against disease and the ravages of aging, many people have put chlorella at the top of their list. Now there are even more reasons to cheer for chlorella. Scientists are documenting its potent cancer fighting abilities including its ability to repair damage to DNA and influence gene expression.
Carotenoids from chlorella make cancer cells die
Scientists in South Korea recently found that carotenoids from chlorella may be effectively used to prevent cancer in humans. They discovered the primary carotenoid from C. ellipsoidea is violaxanthin, while the major carotenoid from C. vulgaris is lutein. They examined the activity of semi-purified extracts of these carotenoids against human cancer and found they inhibited cancer cell growth in a dose-dependent manner.
When both were used together, appropriate programmed cell death, known as apoptosis, was enhanced. The reason cancer cells are so problematic is that they refuse to die on cue. Chlorella made sure they followed through when it was their time to die. The researchers also discovered that C. ellipsoidea extract was 2.5 times more effective than C. vulgaris at inducing the apoptotic effect. (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, November 26, 2008).
Chlorella influences how genes express themselves
Scientists in Malaysia backed up this study by finding that C. vulgaris kills cancer cells by decreasing expression of the Bcl-2 gene. When this gene is mutated, it prevents cells from dieing and allows cancers to develop. C. vulgaris also increased the expression of capsase 8, a gene that plays a central role in the execution phase of cell apoptosis (Journal of Zhejiang University, Science B, January).
These findings offer a graphic example of how what we chose to put into our bodies governs the way our genes express themselves. The more we are able to regulate gene expression, the greater the control we have over our physiological destiny.
More recent research has shown other anti-cancer bioactivity of chlorella, including its ability to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme that leads to cancer-causing inflammation and the pain that accompanies it. Chlorella was shown to have anti-thrombotic effects that can lead to increased blood flow and reduce the possibility of platelet aggregation that might induce blood clots. It reduces PLA2, an important marker of heart disease, and encourages the production of proteins that regulate cell function, and enzymes that regulate calcium in the body. Formation and production of tumors, and viral replication were inhibited by chlorella, and the anti-tumor response of the immune system was strengthened. (International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition), December 23, 2008.
Chlorella fights cancer by boosting the immune system
Cancer cells develop in everyone's body. People who have never been diagnosed with cancer have hundreds or thousands of cancerous cells in their bodies on a daily basis. It is the job of the immune system to make sure these dangerous cells are found and destroyed before they can develop into full blown cancers. When a person is diagnosed as having cancer, it means that something has gone seriously wrong with their immune system. Many health gurus have DE CLAREd that cancer is a result of immune system failure.
This means that one of the best ways to prevent cancer is to strengthen the immune system. For people who have had cancer and want to prevent recurrence, this is critical. The need for a strong immune system to destroy cancerous cells is why health advocates are so strongly against chemotherapy, which destroys the body's immune system and leaves the person wide open for more cancer.
Chlorella stimulates the immune system and the production of interferon, one of the body's greatest natural defenses against cancer. Increased production of interferon stimulates macrophages, T-cells and tumor necrosis factor, the battery of armed soldiers the body uses to fight off cancer. When the immune system is strengthened, the body becomes again able to fight off cancer as well as defend itself against viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and foreign proteins.
Chlorella has a distinguished history as a cancer fighter
Although Western medicine has generally ignored chlorella, scientists in the East have widely researched and documented its cancer fighting abilities. One such study involved mice given chlorella prior to being transplanted with breast tumors. The results indicated a 70 percent survival rate in the chlorella fed group, and a control group survival rate of zero.
In another study, fifteen patients with extremely deadly glioblastoma were treated with high levels of chlorella, in some cases combined with chemotherapy and radiation. There was an immediate increase in their health and immune status, and they experienced a 40 percent two-year survival rate, compared to the normal two year survival rate of 10 percent for this type of cancer.
Chlorella is a treasure chest of life enhancing properties
Chlorella is a tiny, single-celled water-grown green algae with a nucleus. It is chocked of nutrients including an immense amount of readily available chlorophyll, the life blood of plants. Chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sun to facilitate photosynthesis. It is central to plant metabolism and critical to plant functions such as growth and respiration. Without this green blood of plants, life as we know it would not exist. Chlorophyll is chemically similar in composition to human blood, except that the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium, while iron is the central component in human blood.
Chlorophyll neutralizes environmental toxins and pollutants. It helps the blood carry oxygen to all cells and tissues. Cancer cannot thrive in cells that are fully oxygenated. Chlorophyll plays a part in chlorella's ability to detoxify heavy metals, and is a natural wound healer. There is evidence that chlorophyll reduces the ability of carcinogens to bind with DNA in major organs. Its anti-mutagenic properties make it protective against toxins such as pharmaceutical drugs.
The vitamins and minerals in chlorella are plentiful. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, and is one of the few whole food sources of vitamin D. Chlorella has the complete vitamin B complex with more B-12 than liver by weight. Beta carotene and lutein, two carotenoids with a wealth of disease fighting benefits, are found in abundance.
Chlorella contains 58% highly digestible complete vegetarian protein. Zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, rare trace minerals, essential fatty acids including gamma linolenic acid (GLA), and polysaccharides are found in chlorella. One of the ways chlorella eases digestion is through its broad spectrum of enzymes that includes pepsin.
These nutrients were combined by nature, not a corporation. As such, they exist in natural harmony and synergy and are highly bioavailable for use in the body. This makes chlorella a better choice than isolated compounds taken individually, or combination compounds like multi-vitamin capsules. Chlorella can replace many expensive individual supplements and drastically lower the cost of supplementing while increasing its quality.
Just over 18% of chlorella is growth factor produced in its nuclei. Chlorella growth factor offers many of the benefits found in human growth hormone. Chlorella is up to 10% RNA, and up to 3% DNA.
There is plenty of fiber too. The fibrous outer cell wall of chlorella provides material to enhance digestion and keep the digestive tract healthy.
Chlorella provides natural detoxification, inflammation control, cholesterol regulation, immune system strength, estrogen balance, blood Sugar stabilization, and digestive bliss. It is loaded with antioxidants to keep you looking and feeling young, and even reduces the percentage of body fat.
Chlorella reduces body fat
Researchers in Kyoto, Japan fed chlorella for a 16 week period to 17 people with high-risk factors for lifestyle-related diseases, and 17 healthy subjects. They found that in both groups, chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentages, total serum cholesterol levels, and fasting blood glucose levels. They found that many genes influencing metabolism and insulin signaling pathways were influenced in their expression by chlorella. When chlorella was no longer ingested, the genes returned to their pre-ingestion state (Journal of Medicinal Food, September, 2008).
Chlorella is powerful detoxifier
The tough outer fiber rich cell wall of chlorella binds with toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals making chlorella an excellent choice for detoxification. It is useful in the breakdown of persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as DDT, PCBs, mercury, cadmium, and lead. These toxins remain in the environment for long periods of time and degrade very slowly. Many actually become more toxic as they degrade, such as PCBs' formation of dioxins.
These fat soluble toxins have accumulated in the food chain and permeated the food supply. Virtually all Americans have been shown to have excessive amounts of these chemicals stored in their body fat. Anyone who is trying to lose weight should be aware that environmental toxins are released from fat storage and dumped into the blood stream as fats cells are broken down. They need to be cleared from the body by a natural detoxification system such as that offered by chlorella. Such toxins are also harmful to thyroid function and one of the reasons so many Americans suffer from thyroid insufficiency. When the body is detoxified, many people find their thyroid condition improves.
One of the reasons new mothers are given for why they should not breast feed is the accumulation of dangerous levels of dioxin in breast milk. Scientists in Japan analyzed dioxin levels in breast milk and maternal blood samples from 35 pregnant women. They measured immunoglogulin A (IgA) concentrations in the milk and investigated correlations with dioxin concentrations. In addition, 18 of the 25 women took chlorella supplements during their pregnancies.
The scientists found that toxic equivalents were significantly lower in the breast milk of the women taking chlorella tablets than in the control group. The results suggested that supplementing with chlorella reduces transfer of dioxins to the child through breast milk, although the lowered levels seen may have been the result of more toxins being cleared from the bodies of the mothers taking chlorella. IgA levels were significantly higher in the chlorella group. Increased IgA levels in breast milk are considered a sign of reduced risk of infection in nursing infants (Journal of Medicinal Food, March, 2007).
Chlorella is a potent chelator, binding heavy metals and escorting them out
A group of 40 rats was divided into one control group and three groups that were treated with cadmium. One cadmium group received no chlorella, one received 5% chlorella, and one received 10% chlorella. After 8 weeks, the relative liver weight was significantly lower in the group receiving no chlorella compared with both groups receiving chlorella, indicating severe liver damage in the no-chlorella group. The group displayed significantly higher concentrations of cadmium in their livers than did the groups receiving chlorella. Liver RNA was high in the chlorella treated groups (Journal of Medicinal Food, September, 2008).
In another study assessing the chelating abilities of chlorella, levels of interleukine-6, a stimulator of red blood cell production, were investigated along with the number of adherent and non-adherent cells. Mice that had been drinking water containing 1300 ppm of lead acetate were treated with chlorella for 10 days. The researchers found that chlorella improved cellular function, increased the ability of cells to produce interleukin-6, and restored the reduced number of non-adherent cells. Monitoring of lead poisoning demonstrated that chlorella treatment significantly reduced lead levels in blood and tissues, completely restoring the normal levels of healthy fats in the liver, and decreasing abnormally high plasma levels of fats (Food Chemistry Toxicology, July, 2008.
These findings make chlorella a highly desirable addition to any meal containing foods in which the presence of heavy metals is suspected, such as fish. Taking chlorella while undergoing removal of dental fillings containing mercury will allow the chlorella to bind with the mercury and escort it out of the body.
For more information:
Related Articles:
• Chlorella as a powerful defense against cancer
• Chlorella Reduces Body Fat, Total Cholesterol, and Blood Glucose ...
• UC Berkeley Wellness Letter authors remain nutritionally illitera...
by: Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
About the author
Barbara is a school psychologist, a published author in the area of personal finance, a Breast Cancer survivor using "alternative" treatments, a born existentialist, and a student of nature and all things natural.
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Chlorella can Replace a Closet Full of Expensive Supplements
The website Green Med Info has assembled a list of studies that found evidence of over 40 conditions that chlorella can help to prevent or ease.
The conditions include:
According to one of the studies on the subject:
“Chlorella vulgaris (CV) has been reported to have antioxidant and anticancer properties ... Our study shows that CV has definite chemopreventive
effect by inducing apoptosis ... in hepatocarcinogenesis [liver cancer] induced rats”.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Repairing nerve tissues | Increasing your energy levels |
Enhancing your immune system | Normalizing your blood sugar |
Improving digestion | Normalizing your blood pressure |
Promoting healthy pH levels in your gut, which in turn helps good bacteria to thrive | Removing potentially toxic metals from your body |
Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate | Eliminating bad breath |
Chlorella can also be of benefit to vegetarians and vegans looking for proteins and B vitamins from a non-animal source.
About 60 percent of it is protein, and because it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs, it's considered
to be a "complete protein."
Chlorella also rich in:
Vitamin B12
As mentioned earlier, chlorella has and still is being researched for a number of health conditions. Here's a list of six
common health problems and diseases where chlorella may be of particular benefit:
Insulin resistance
—Earlier this year, researchers discovered that
chlorella has the ability to improve fructose-induced insulin sensitivity
. As I’ve discussed on numerous occasions, excessive fructose consumption is the number one cause of insulin resistance
and type 2 diabetes. In this animal study, after being fed fructose-rich chow for four weeks, the rats were then given
chlorella three times a day for five days, which brought their elevated glucose-insulin values back to normal.
The authors concluded that: “Oral administration of chlorella has the ability to improve insulin sensitivity, which may
be used as an adjuvant therapy for patients with insulin resistance.”
Is particularly helpful when used in conjunction with an infrared sauna and taken two hours before you go in the sauna.
This way the chlorella will be in your intestine and read to bind to the toxins that are released when you are in the
sauna. It will bind irreversibly to the toxins and be safely excreted when you have your bowel movement.
—Additional evidence supporting the theory that chlorella can improve insulin sensitivity can be found in an earlier study. Here, the algae was found to
improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in the liver in type 1 diabetic rats. The authors suggest chlorella’s
hypoglycemic effects may be due to improved glucose uptake in the liver and the soleus muscles. Another mechanism may
be related to decreased levels of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), since insulin sensitivity is usually blunted by
elevated NEFA in type 1 diabetes.
—The results from a placebo-controlled, double-blind study published two years ago suggest that chlorella can
significantly decrease high-normal blood pressure and borderline hypertension. The authors proposed that it may be a
beneficial dietary supplement for preventing hypertension, with no apparent adverse side effects.
Anemia, proteinuria and edema in pregnant women
—Pregnancy-induced hypertension and anemia are common, and potentially dangerous. One of the primary causes for these
conditions is the woman’s nutritional status. A study published last year found that chlorella may help
improve both of these conditions in pregnant women, likely due to its high folate, B12 and iron content.
Subjects took six grams of chlorella per day, starting somewhere between the 12th to the 18th week of gestation, until
delivery. The chlorella group had significantly lower rates of anemia compared to the control group. They also had
fewer incidences of proteinuria and edema; two symptoms associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension. Here too, the
authors concluded that: “Chlorella supplement may be useful as a resource of natural folate, vitamin B-12 and iron for
pregnant women.”
—Although the individual results were varied, it may be worth considering chlorella if you suffer with fibromyalgia. A study published in 2000 tested the effectiveness of two
commercially available chlorella-based products on patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and the overall results showed
a 22 percent decrease in pain intensity. However, while seven patients reported improvement in their fibromyalgia
symptoms, six reported no effect at all, and five claimed their symptoms had worsened during the trial... So keep that
in mind if you decide to try it. While it may help some, it might not work at all for others.
Liver cancer
—A study published in 2009 discovered that chlorella triggers
cell death (apoptosis) in rat liver cancer cells, which suggests it may be useful in the prevention of liver cancer.
The authors concluded that: “Our study shows that chlorella has definite chemopreventive effect by inducing apoptosis
via decreasing the expression of Bcl-2 and increasing the expression of caspase 8 in hepatocarcinogenesis-induced
For additional research findings, check out Green Med Info's chlorella page, which lists
more than 40 health conditions for which chlorella may be of benefit.
Heavy metal toxicity, just like chemical toxicity, has become one of the most pressing health hazards of our day, and this
is where chlorella may be profoundly useful. Its ability to bind to heavy metal toxins, allowing them to be safely excreted
from your body, has been well established. It's particularly crucial for systemic mercury elimination, because the majority
of mercury is rid through your stool. Once the mercury burden is lowered from your intestines, mercury from other body
tissues will more readily migrate into your intestines where chlorella will work to remove it.
You can also add cilantro
, which works as a synergetic detoxification aid along with the chlorella. This combination is particularly useful to take
when you're consuming seafood, as most are invariably contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals. Ideally you would take
it with the meal so the chlorella can bind directly to the toxins while they are in your gut, before they absorbed
into your body.
In order to optimize heavy metal detox, you'll want to take at least four grams of chlorella every day,
Be aware that side effects may occur. As your body starts to detox, you may initially experience some slight nausea, and/or
mild diarrhea. If these symptoms are too bothersome, you may want to lower your dose initially, and slowly increase the
dose. As your body is cleansed of toxins, these side effects should disappear. Infrared saunas are another phenomenal detox
approach. I seek to do a 20 minute sauna virtually every day I am home. I will be writing more about this useful tool in
the near future.
The key to chlorella's detoxing abilities lies within its membrane, but the fibrous cell wall of chlorella is
actually indigestible to humans. This is why most chlorella products use the term "broken cell wall," to describe the fact
that the chlorella has been rendered digestible.
If a product does not specifically tell you that the cell wall has been broken, you are likely flushing your money down the
toilet as the chlorella will simply pass right through you without doing you any good. As
Ginny Banks explains in this previous interview
, it's in your best interest to make sure you're getting a high quality product for this reason.
While there are a number of proprietary methods to break the cell wall, the key comparison you need to pay attention to is
the nutritional profile of the end product. In addition to making sure it's "broken cell wall" chlorella, this is the other
factor that will help you evaluate the quality of any given product. Keep in mind that, according to the legal
requirements, a natural product may contain plus or minus 20 percent of the stated level of any nutritional component.
Therefore, I recommend sticking with reputable companies only, as they will adhere to certain processes that increase your
chances of getting the levels of nutrients stated on the label.
Recent changes to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) guidelines and the labeling requirements now make it much easier
for you to investigate and verify company claims, because companies are now required to list their phone number and website
on every label. They must also maintain a paper trail showing where the material came from and any testing that has been
Key questions to ask when calling a company directly include:
How often do you test batches for nutritional consistency?
Ask for a specification sheet ('spec sheet'), or the Certificate of Analysis, known as the 'C of A'. These are
documents that itemize every single test that the final product gets tested for.
How and where is the chlorella grown? Variations in climate and season can cause nutritional variations, but if the
chlorella is grown in artificial ponds the producer has greater control over consistency. You'll also want to make sure
the chlorella is grown in unpolluted areas, since chlorella binds to heavy metals.
Does the producer test for heavy metal contamination? A high quality producer will perform regular heavy metal
analysis', for which there should also be a verifiable paper trail. And organic producers must adhere to even more
stringent rules in order to become certified organic, which is another sign of a clean, high quality product.
Although I do not promote the use of many supplements in general, believing it is far better to get your nutrition from
food, there are exceptions to this rule. In this case though, chlorella truly is a food, but it must be properly
processed into supplement form in order to unlock its greatest health benefits. Whether you want to help reduce your toxic
burden, prevent a particular health ailment, or just boost overall nutrition, I believe chlorella can be a phenomenal
addition to a healthy diet.
Super Foods
The Truth about Coconut
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Ancient Superfood Reviewed for Anti-Aging and Immune Rebuilding Properties
(NaturalNews) Dr. Daniel G. Clark, author of Colostrum, Life's First Food states: " ... bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slows down and even reverses aging." Colostrum is in the milk that any mammal produces just before giving birth. It becomes part of the mother's first food for the newborn to provide defenses against pathogens and to stimulate growth. After a short time, this wondrous substance that supports rapid growth and disease prevention is no longer in the milk.
Bovine colostrum is gathered from cows' whole raw milk, usually within eight hours of a calf's birth - and not just from any cows. Factory dairies are not appropriate as colostrum supplement sources. It's important to exclude rBGH and Antibiotics . Only cows without added hormones and Antibiotics that graze on grass or non-GMO alfalfa in open pastures should be used for colostrum supplements.
Glutathione Is Provided by Colostrum
Glutathione, or GSH, is considered the ultimate antioxidant. But it cannot be supplemented orally because it gets disassembled in the gut before it can get into cells where it belongs. It has to be manufactured internally, mostly by the liver. People with serious debilitating diseases, including cancer and AIDS, usually have low glutathione levels.
GSH regulates other antioxidants and triggers the immune system response with lymphocytes, or T and B white blood cells to counterattack pathogenic invaders in our bodies. Glutathione is composed from three amino acid precursors - glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine. Cysteine is the missing link rarely found in our food.
Cysteine can be toxic in the gut, but cystine, which is two bound cysteine molecules, is abundantly present in colostrum, and it passes through the digestive system for the cells to break it down into two cysteine molecules. Yes, colostrum has these three amino acids raring to produce GSH for you!
It appears there are information feuds festering a bit between colostrum providers and whey based GSH precursor providers, each claiming their product outperforms the other. But research has shown no significant difference between properly processed colostrum and whey for glutathione production.
Colostrum outperforms whey in other areas to offer a complete package. Anti-aging depends more on certain hormones that diminish as we grow older. Enter the coveted growth hormones and growth factor isolates. A small amount of Growth Hormone (GH) is available. Since it's very potent, a small amount is good enough to have an impact.
In addition, there are five Growth Factors (GFs) attached: Platelet derived GF, insulin-like GF, transforming GF, epithelial GF, and fibroblast GF. Maintaining an adequate supply of Growth Hormone and associated factors promotes cellular growth and minimizes cellular destruction. Thus healing is promoted more quickly. Anti-aging factors beyond glutathione are very high in colostrum.
Immune System Enhancement
With colostrum you get glutathione plus other immunity factors. Remember, this is first food for just born mammals. They need all the immunity they can get.
Immunoglobulins found in colostrum destroy bacteria and neutralize microbes and toxins in the lymph and circulatory system. Lactoferrin, a protein in colostrum, is antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.
Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) in colostrum is a hormone essential to the thymus gland, which regulates the immune system up or down as needed.
Make sure the colostrum is complete with fats, and is taken from properly raised cows shortly after giving birth. In addition to matching whey's ability for providing glutathione production, colostrum offers even more anti-aging potential and rebuilds your immune system.
Sources for more information include:
Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
About the author
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others of the corruption of food and medicine in our time, and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com
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