Story at-a-glance -
By Dr. Mercola
While all cells in your body can use glucose for energy, when you burn
fat as your primary fuel your liver produces ketones that burn far
"cleaner" in that they generate fewer reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
secondary free radicals than sugars. The conventional view is that you
need Sugar or glucose to satisfy your energy needs, but only a very
small amount of sugar is actually required. Because sugar represents
calories, excessive consumption will negatively affect your health.
If you haven't given much thought to how much sugar you consume and
what it may be doing to your health, now is the time to get educated.
Overconsumption of sugar is increasingly being linked to brain-related
health issues such as depression, learning disorders, memory problems
and overeating.
Writing in The Atlantic, neuroendocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig,
professor of pediatrics in the division of endocrinology at University
of California, San Francisco, states:
"… [T]he [U.S.] war on drugs has taken a back seat, but not
because it has been won. Rather, because a different war has
cluttered the headlines — the war on obesity. And a substance
even more insidious, I would argue, has supplanted cocaine and
The object of our current affliction is sugar. Who could have
imagined something so innocent, so delicious, so irresistible …
could propel America toward … medical collapse?"
Previous research involving humans and laboratory rats suggests consumption of sugar and
sweets can trigger reward and craving states in your brain similar to
addictive drugs. Not only can sugar and sweets substitute for drugs
like cocaine, in terms of how your brain reacts to them, they can be
even more rewarding.
The dramatic effects of sugar on your brain may explain why you may
have difficultly controlling your consumption of sugary foods when
continuously exposed to them. Another study suggests a high degree of overlap exists between brain regions involved
in processing natural rewards, such as sugar and sweets, and drugs of
"'Non-drug' or 'behavioral' addictions have become increasingly
documented … and pathologies include compulsive activities such
as shopping, eating, exercising, sexual behavior and gambling.
Like drug addiction, non-drug addictions manifest in symptoms
including craving, impaired control over the behavior,
tolerance, withdrawal and high rates of relapse."
An article published by CNN Health reminds us that the connection between your nucleus accumbens and
prefrontal cortex drives intentional actions, such as deciding whether
you will take another bite of chocolate cake, for example.
Your prefrontal cortex also activates hormones like dopamine,
triggering thoughts such as, "Hey, this cake is really good. And I'm
going to remember that for the future." Lustig explains the biological
process that takes place when you consume sugar or any addictive
"The brain's pleasure center, called the nucleus accumbens, is
essential for our survival as a species. … Turn off pleasure,
and you turn off the will to live. But long-term stimulation of
the pleasure center drives the process of addiction.
When you consume … sugar, your nucleus accumbens receives a
dopamine signal, from which you experience pleasure. And so you
consume more. The problem is with prolonged exposure, the
signal … gets weaker. So you have to consume more to get the
same effect — tolerance. And if you pull back on the substance,
you go into withdrawal. Tolerance and withdrawal constitute
addiction. And make no mistake, sugar is addictive."
Brain-injury survivor and author Debbie Hampton explains how habits are
formed around addictive behaviors:
"Every time you follow the same path, a specific pattern is
activated and becomes more defined … and it becomes easier to
activate the circuit the next time. … Pretty soon, the bad
habit neuronal pathway becomes the unconscious default, and
your brain, wanting to be efficient, just takes the easiest,
most familiar route. This is particularly true in the case of
In a depressed brain, there's less dopamine activity happening
in the nucleus accumbens, which means that things that used to
be enjoyable are not as pleasurable, and the only things that
motivate it have to have a big dopamine payoff, which are the
baddest of the bad habits, such as junk food, drugs, alcohol
[and] gambling."
Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the effects of high-glycemic index (GI) foods on brain
activity, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Twelve
overweight or obese men between the ages of 18 and 35 consumed one
high-GI and one low-GI meal.
Imaging was completed four hours after each test meal to assess the
cerebral blood flow as a measure of resting brain activity. The
researchers expected brain activity to be greater after the high-GI
meal in regions related to craving, eating behavior and reward.
According to the researchers:
"Compared with a … low-GI meal, a high-GI meal decreased plasma
glucose, increased hunger and selectively stimulated brain
regions associated with reward and craving in the late
postprandial period. … [T]he high-GI meal elicited greater
brain activity centered in the right nucleus accumbens."
The study demonstrates what you may experience when eating a high-GI
meal. After rapidly digesting net carbohydrates, your blood sugar
initially spikes, followed by a sharp crash later. As noted by
researchers, this crash in blood glucose stimulated greater brain
activity in the nucleus accumbens, the brain's pleasure center Lustig
mentioned above.
While insulin is usually associated with its role in keeping your
blood-sugar levels in a healthy range, it also plays a role in brain
signaling. In one animal study, when researchers disrupted the proper
signaling of insulin in the brain, they were able to induce many of the
characteristic brain changes seen with
Alzheimer's disease
, including confusion, disorientation and the inability to learn and
It's becoming increasingly clear that the same pathological process
that leads to insulin and
leptin resistance
, as well as
type 2 diabetes
, may also hold true for your brain. As you overindulge on sugar and
grains, your brain becomes overwhelmed by the consistently high levels
of insulin. Eventually insulin, leptin and signaling become profoundly
disrupted, leading to impairments in your memory and thinking
A study published in Diabetes Care found that type 2 diabetes is
associated with a 60 percent increased risk of dementia in men and
Research featured in the New England Journal of Medicine noted a mild
elevation of blood sugar, such as a level of 105 or 110, is also
associated with an elevated risk for dementia.
Dr. David Perlmutter, neurologist and author of the books "Brain Maker"
and "Grain Brain," believes Alzheimer's disease is primarily predicated
on lifestyle choices, including sugar consumption. He suggests anything
that promotes
insulin resistance
will ultimately also raise your risk of Alzheimer's.
Increases in processed fructose consumption, typically in the form of
high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
, seem to be running parallel to the spikes seen in
rates, so much so that diets high in it are thought to promote insulin
resistance and weight gain. The Journal of the American Medical
Association featured a study involving 20 adult volunteers who underwent magnetic resonance imaging
sessions at Yale University to identify neurophysiological factors
related to fructose versus glucose consumption.
The research suggests fructose — a type of sugar commonly extracted
from corn and found in sweetened products like soda — may activate
brain pathways that increase your interest in food, whereas glucose
ingestion appears to trigger your brain's satiation signal, effectively
telling you "you've had enough." When participants ingested glucose and
were then shown food pictures, their brains registered increased
measures of satiety and fullness. The researchers noted:
"Glucose … ingestion reduced the activation of the
hypothalamus, insula and striatum — brain regions that regulate
appetite, motivation and reward processing; glucose ingestion
also increased functional connections between the
hypothalamic-striatal network and increased satiety."
In contrast, when the participants consumed fructose and were presented
with images of food, more activity was noted in the orbitofrontal
cortex, an area linked to increased motivation to seek out rewards,
such as drugs or food.
Subsequent research, presented in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,
went a step further to investigate the effects of sugar on
food-approach behavior. After ingesting either fructose or glucose, 24
volunteers underwent two fMRI sessions while viewing pictures of
high-calorie foods and nonfood items in a block format.
After each block, participants were asked to rate their hunger and
desire for food, as well as perform a decision task. The decision task
involved choosing between an immediate food reward or a delayed
monetary bonus. Hormone levels were measured at baseline and 30 and 60
minutes after the sugars were consumed. The authors of the study noted:
"Parallel to the neuroimaging findings, fructose versus glucose
led to greater hunger and desire for food and a greater
willingness to give up long-term monetary rewards to obtain
immediate high-calorie foods. These findings suggest ingestion
of fructose relative to glucose results in greater activation
of brain regions involved in attention and reward processing,
and may promote feeding behavior."
Both of these studies underscore the importance of paying attention to
the type of sugars you consume. Clearly, fructose disrupts your brain's
signaling mechanism that is designed to tell you when you've had
enough. Because fructose fails to stimulate insulin, which in turn
fails to suppress ghrelin, or "your hunger hormone," which then fails
to stimulate leptin or "your satiety hormone," you are likely to eat
more and develop insulin resistance when consuming fructose.
The second body of research seems to indicate fructose intake can
influence you to act impulsively with respect to food, consuming more
and more of it even when your body should have told you it's had
enough. As you may imagine, continuing to consume large amounts of
fructose will become increasingly problematic if you've already
developed a bad habit of overeating.
is often consumed in liquid form, mostly as HFCS, its negative
metabolic effects are even further magnified. Energy drinks, fruit
juices, soda and sports drinks, as well as countless other sweetened
beverages, contain HFCS. Like all fructose, HFCS is metabolized as body
fat far more rapidly than any other sugar.
Similar to alcohol, the entire burden of metabolizing fructose falls to
your liver. This severely taxes and overloads it, introducing the
possibility of liver damage. Fructose also promotes a particularly
dangerous kind of body fat called adipose fat. This type of fat
collects in your abdominal region and is associated with a greater risk
of heart disease.
Although HFCS has about the same amount of fructose as cane sugar, it
is in a "free" form that is not attached to any other carbs. In
contrast, fructose in fruits and cane sugar is bonded to other sugars,
resulting in a decrease in metabolic toxicity. Consuming foods
containing high amounts of fructose — even if it's a natural product —
is the fastest way to trash your health. Among the health problems you
invite when you consume high amounts of fructose are:
In addition, unbound fructose, found in large quantities in HFCS, can
interfere with your heart's use of minerals like chromium, copper and
magnesium. Furthermore, as you likely know, HFCS is most often made
genetically engineered corn
, which is fraught with its own well-documented health concerns and
side effects, many of which are linked to glyphosate or Roundup
Sugar, in its natural form, is not inherently bad when consumed in
amounts that allow you to burn fat as your primary fuel. However, you
should avoid all sources of processed fructose, particularly processed
foods and beverages like soda. According to, 74
percent of processed foods purchased from the grocery store contain
added sugar.
Other sources have suggested it may be as high as 80 percent. I
recommend your diet be composed chiefly of naturally occurring whole
foods, with 10 percent or less coming from processed foods.
I also recommend severely limiting your consumption of refined
carbohydrates found in cereal, bread, pasta and other grain-based
foods, as they break down to sugar in your body, which increases your
insulin levels and causes insulin resistance. As a general
recommendation, I suggest you keep your total fructose consumption
below 25 grams per day, including whole fruit. Keep in mind while
fruits are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they naturally contain
If consumed in high amounts (especially if you are not burning fat as
your primary fuel), fructose from fruit worsens your insulin
sensitivity and raises your uric acid levels. Also, be sure to avoid
artificial sweeteners like
and sucralose due to the health problems associated with them, which
are worse than those associated with corn syrup and sugar. Below are
some additional tips to help you manage and/or limit your sugar
Increase your consumption of healthy fats, such as
, saturated and monounsaturated fats.
Your body needs health-promoting fats from animal and plant sources
for optimal functioning. In fact, emerging evidence suggests
healthy fats should make up at least 60 to 85 percent of your daily
Some of the best sources include avocado,
coconut oil
, free-range eggs, organic butter from raw milk, raw nuts like macadamia
and pecans,
(unheated) virgin olive oil and wild Alaskan salmon.
• Drink pure, clean water. Drinking pure water
instead of sugary beverages like fruit juice and soda will go a
long way toward improving your health. The best way to gauge your
water needs is to observe the color of your urine — it should be
light-pale yellow — and the frequency of your bathroom visits
should be around seven to eight times per day.
• Add
fermented foods
to your meals.
The beneficial bacteria in fermented foods will aid your digestion
and provide detoxification support, lessening the fructose burden
on your liver. Some of the best choices include fermented
vegetables, kefir made from grass-fed milk, kimchi, natto and
made from raw grassfed milk.
• Use the Emotional Freedom Techniques
(EFT). Join Julie Schiffman in a short EFT-video session to tap
your way free from a sugar addiction.
(NaturalNews) Put down the corn syrup-laden Aunt Jemima and reach for some 100 percent pure maple syrup. New research recently presented at the 241st
annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, Calif., highlights the amazing health benefits of maple syrup, including its ability to help
treat diabetes and prevent the onset of cancer.
Navindra Seeram and her colleagues from the University of Rhode Island last year discovered that maple syrup contains 20 unique health-promoting compounds,
13 of which have never before been identified in maple syrup. And according to a release from United Press International, five of the compounds
identified have never been previously identified in nature at all.
"I continue to say that nature is the best chemist, and that maple syrup is becoming a champion food when it comes to the number and variety of beneficial
compounds found it in," said Seeram in a statement. "It's important to note that in our laboratory research we found that several of these compounds
possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to fight cancer, diabetes and bacterial illnesses."
Maple syrup is already known for being rich in vitamins and minerals, but now it has become clear that the natural sweetener is loaded with a host of
powerful, disease-fighting antioxidants. And among maple syrup's various health-promoting compounds is a newly-identified one the team named Quebecol,
which is a compound uniquely created when Maple tree sap is boiled and turned into syrup.
"Quebecol has a unique chemical structure or skeleton never before identified in nature," Seeram said. "There is beneficial and interesting chemistry going
on when the boiling process occurs. I believe the heat forms this unique compound."
In its current work, the team also found that certain antioxidant phenolic compounds in maple syrup inhibit carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes associated with the onset of type-2
diabetes. So while maple syrup may typically be considered a sugary threat to diabetes, the new research seems to indicate otherwise.
Seeram's work, which was funded by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers, is set to be
published in the Journal of Functional Foods.
Sources for this story include:
Maple syrup compounds help fight diabetes, cancer
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Sugar is a hotly contested topic in the health world…
Is it good? Is it bad? Does it feed the brain or does it feed cancer? Can diabetics eat it or not?
This week, I’m going to address various viewpoints from the Sugar or no-sugar arguments so you can come up with your own conclusion.
Annmarie and I do eat sugars and the reason why is because I’ve found Science to support both sides – which leads me to believe that there is a little
truth in both. This evidence means that in moderation – as cliche as it sounds – is the best way to eat natural sugars (unless you have a medical condition
that advises against eating it.)
Today, I’m going to start the week with a Sugar hierarchy of sorts. This is a list from best to worst Sugar substitutes that we eat and don’t eat – with
commentary on the good and bad of each one.
So here we go…
1. Fruit!
Of course, the top of the list is real fruit. Full of nutrients, water, fiber, vitamin C and more, fruit provides sweetness to whatever you’re whipping up
in the kitchen – or just plain solo.
The Good:
There’s nothing like a fully ripe fruit – no matter what kind really. (I almost liked the ripe durian that author Paul Nison told me was the best he ever
tasted – that’s saying a lot, since I can’t stand the stuff.)
Ripe fruits have many nutrients, micronutrients and fiber – which helps slow the absorption of sugars into the blood stream keeping blood sugars in check –
as long as you don’t eat a lot of fat with your fruit.
Many fruits you find in the grocery store are hybridized to have more sugar, taste sweeter and stay on the shelf longer. This means that it’s best to look
out for heirloom fruits from your local farmer’s market. I remember being in the Ithaca farmer’s market just around apple season and 3-4 of the vendors had
at least 8-10 different apple varieties that I’d never heard from – each was better than the last. This fruits tend to be a little less sweet and more
nutrient dense.
Also fruits that you find in the store are usually picked too early and don’t ripen properly – many in fact are under-ripe when you eat them. While this
condition isn’t ideal (or the other ones above), it shouldn’t make anyone completely demonize this incredible source of calories and energy.
My favorite choices:
For sweetening? Heirloom dates and fresh figs. For eating? Everything except durian.
2. Dehydrated Fruit.
Next up, if you can’t find the freshest fruit or live in an area where it’s $100 for a couple of peaches and a tray of blackberries, dehydrated fruits are
a great way to sweeten up your recipes, smoothies, yogurts (vegan or non), and more.
The Good:
If you get a good dehydrated fruit or fruit powder, you can use it to sweeten your cereals, oatmeal, baked or non-baked goods and more. I prefer dehydrated
fruit or fruit powder to other sweeteners because they still have the fiber and are now a more concentrated source of nutrients.
Dried fruits and powders are also good because they’re usually dried when the fruit is very ripe. This allows you to get the maximum amount of nutrition
from the source.
The Bad:
Dehydrated fruit and fruit powder sweeteners don’t have much water (almost none!) You can overcome this challenge by drinking water to offset the lack of
hydration – so in some ways if the fruit that is being dried is heirloom quality, is dried at low temperatures and you drink some water with whatever
you’re eating – you could get very close to eating some of the highest quality sugar you can find.
My favorite choices:
Banana Powder, Lucuma Powder, Coconut Sugar (Raw palm sugar), Raisins, Dried Dates, Dried Figs, Dried Pineapple
3. Sugar Syrups.
Under this category, any sugar that is syrupy will fit just fine.
Sugar syrups are generally delicious and easy to use when making foods that require a soft or smooth consistency. Under this category, I will include
honey, yacon syrup, coconut sap, carob syrup and maple syrup.
The Good:
These syrups are sweet, delicious and easy to use.
The Bad:
They fall behind the top two because many of them have little to no fiber. Fiber is essential in slowing down the absorption of sugar into the body to keep
insulin levels stable. Any fiber-less or low fiber syrup should be eaten with fiber of some kind. Yacon syrup does have fructo-oligosaccharrides or FOS
which is a fiber-like substance in its action and slows the absorption of sugar into the body.
Other considerations:
Because this is a broad category, there are more considerations to figure into which one of these products you choose to sweeten with. Honey has the best
flavor profile, works great as a substitute to other – more processed – sugars, but it’s not vegan. Yacon, carob and coconut syrup are delicious but have a
stronger, more molasses flavor which may ruin delicate recipes. Finally, maple syrup has a great flavor profile as well, is a good source of minerals too,
but is slightly caramelized because of the cooking process – because of this I’d recommend this syrup more infrequently.
My favorite choice:
Honey, carob syrup
4. Stevia
Stevia, in green powdered form, is a great herbal sweetener that has almost no calories. You really don’t need much at all to give what you’re sweetening a
serious boost.
The Good:
This sweetener has almost no calories and does not cause any blood sugar spikes. It’s good for those on a no-sugar diet. I used a lot of stevia in my chia
porridge and just about everything else when I was on a no-sugar, anti-candida diet a few years back.
The Bad:
While there’s no evidence that eating too much stevia could be harmful in any way in humans, I would caution anyone using it every single day to take a
break from time to time. Most herbs are best used in smaller doses, so I think we should apply the same rules to stevia.
Another negative to stevia is that to some it just doesn’t taste the same as sugar. It has a more bitter and strikingly sweet combination of flavor. Many
people I know who use stevia “cut” it with another sweetener like honey to give it less bite.
The only choice:
Stevia in green leaf powder. (None of the white stuff!)
5. Other considerations… (You can use infrequently!)
These are some of the other sweeteners that we’ve come across and have tried, but don’t use regularly or at all, since we prefer the ones mentioned above.
This is an almost no-calorie, sweet mixture of non-GMO erythritol (sugar alcohol) and the extract of the luo han guo fruit. I like the taste of Lakanto,
but it’s hard to justify buying it since the price is incredible – about $30.00 for a pound at retail prices!
Is another sugar alcohol that is derived from corn or birch. I like the idea of using this sugar in dentistry or in gum (if have to chew it), but I
wouldn’t add a bunch of it to my smoothie and think I was doing something healthy.
6. The Bad (Never use or, if so, once in a blue moon)…
This list includes:
We don’t have any of these in the house and the only time one crosses our lips is generally when we are given something that we assume is clean, but turns
up to have a little agave or sugar in it. (The added sugar is definitely an issue in South America and Central America, so you have to be diligent.)
Which one to choose?
I think the best protocol is to stay in the top four of this list, have fun with them, use them moderately and don’t freak out. Of course, if you have a
health challenge that makes it best to not use any sugar at all, please listen to your health practitioner and not me.
If I didn’t list a sugar here in this list, that means we definitely don’t use it. That doesn’t mean it’s good nor bad, it just means we have either not
tried it or we like some of these others better.
(Although, it’s also entirely possible that I’ve forgotten one or two that I like as well – even though I’ve reviewed this list about 15 times.)
I want to know your thoughts: What is your favorite sweetener?
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That’s what everyone in our office is saying about our new banana powder. I don’t even think words will explain how good this product tastes.
You can try some today at a discount here…
Live Awesome!
Kevin Gianni is a health author, activist and blogger. He started seriously researching personal and preventative natural health therapies in 2002 when he
was struck with the reality that cancer ran deep in his family and if he didn’t change the way he was living — he might go down that same path. Since then,
he’s written and edited 6 books on the subject of natural health, diet and fitness. During this time, he’s constantly been humbled by what experts claim
they know and what actually is true. This has led him to experiment with many diets and protocols — including vegan, raw food, fasting, medical treatments
and more — to find out what is myth and what really works in the real world.
Kevin has also traveled around the world searching for the best protocols, foods, medicines and clinics around and bringing them to the readers of his blog — which is one of the most widely read natural health blogs in the world with hundreds of thousands of visitors a month from over 150
countries around the world.