Here is a remarkable case when it comes to taking dietary supplements for a yeast infection is the following, a person taking 37 different supplements and drugs combined, and telling me she was still feeling like "death warmed up", even on this regime. I cut her back to just three supplements, and we have had significant improvements because we changed her lifestyle.
Why do folks blow so much money in the fallacious belief that they are going to feel great swallowing all these pills?
Nystatin, Bi-Est Cream, Testosterone Cream, Progesterone Cream,
Genetically-Modified vaginal cream, Armor Thyroid, A.D.P Oil of Oregano, Candaclear (4 different supplements), Ortho Biotic Probiotics, Digestzyme V, Betaine HCL, Pepsin, B Complex, Berberine Complex,Boron,Super Bio Buffered C, Cal Mag Citrate Powder, Super Bio-Cucurmin, Vitamin D3 Liquid, Gamma E-Tocopherol, EPA DHA Liquid, Glucosamine Sulfate, Grape Seed Extract,DHEA,
Iodide Oligo Elements, Super K with K2,Complex, L-Glutamine Powder,Super R-Lipoc Acid, Magnesium Citramate, Osteoguard With Ipriflavone, Pregnenolone, Super Selenium Complex, Zeaxanthin, Super Avipaxin, DL-Phenalanine, Travacor