I completely agree with him. And all of the extensive testing Ive done, and that many other have done, this is by far the most logical explanation.
What I find really interesting is that none of us have thought of the fact that perhaps the peeling is actually CAUSING the inflammation. And not the other way around.
This actually makes more sense to me. Especially since my peeling has gone down DRASTICALLY but the inflammation hasnt decreased as mucch.
My lips also got worse in the time period that I was constantly peeling them. And I think that is the case for most others. That is why people have often blamed it on Vaseline or Aquaphor in the past, because those are the products that they were using while constantly peeling their lips.
Anyways thanks for updating us, I think that he may be absolutely right that the peeling is causing the inflammation. I just cant believe that nobody has though of it before now.
One thing that I disagree with though, is that it will heal in weeks. Perhaps for you it could, since you havent had it that long, but if I were you, I would plan on it taking longer than that.
Good luck man, and keep us posted.