Your home silver should work OK, you just need more of it than the very best commercial products - though I advise making a fresh batch. You should be taking far more than what you are, at least over the short term. For a complete Hep-C protocol, see:
Beating Hepatitis Naturally - A Complete Protocol
And no, imo, Sovereign Silver is not among the better brands - what they have working for them is a strong marketing team that gets their product into many of the supplement outlets.
It's probably OK, but with homemade ionic/colloieal silver solutions being so easy and inexpensive to make, why not just make up a fresh batch? It is very, very hard to turn blue from CS. Basically you have to make it wrong, such as contaminating it with salt, and drink huge amounts for a long time.
I am not a fan of GSE, especially after seeing studies which found that it was the preservatives used in some GSE products which had the anti-pathogen effect and not the actual GSE. When it comes to pathogen killers, after colloidal silver I much prefer oil of oregano.
You really should take a good look at the Hep-C protocol I gave a link to earlier. It has been reported by a reliable member here that several people have completely eliminating Hep-C with the herbal combo from Florida in the protocol.
Thanks for the eye opener. It very well could be the missing link I've needed for quite some time.
Glutamine is very helpful in helping to heal the gut, and support intestinal function even in healthy guts(1,2, 3).
It can work wonders, especially for those who have the patience to consume a teaspoon, 2-4 times per day, every day.