I'm intolorence to cow milk and lactose. But I've been reading a lot about kefir and it's benefits as well as yogurt against candida. I went out and purchased the lactose free kefir and goat yogurt. I'm taking candex. Oil of oragano. Garlic. Coconut oil. You name it. My entire body itches and my stomach has been making a lot of noises lately. A lot of gas. Blue bling noise. I have some pressure on top of belly button. It's like a lot of gas builds up in my stomach since I've been taking to s of probiotics.
. I'm hoping that the kefir and yogurt will help with digestion. I remember a long time ago I started taking activia and had my best poops.
Kefir and other cultured foods are the best way to address Candida along with fibers to feed the bacteria. But some of the herbs you are taking can kill the bacteria and the Candex digests the fibers that you need to feed the flora creating more sugar to feed the Candida. Here is a thread on the subject:
If you do not want milk kefir you can also buy or make water kefir, coconut kefir, etc.
I just looked up water kefir but it seems to be made with sugar. How can that be good for candida?
I can't drink regular kefir as it really does not agree with me.
All kefirs are made with sugar sources. The sugars are fermented in the process of making the kefir, which leads to the formation of the beneficial acids. Just ferment the kefir a little longer than normal to reduce the sugar content more.