I'm so sorry. You're too young to suffer so much. I just watched Kennnedy's home movies on the History channel and he was a very sick young man with colitis, Addison's and lumbar spine so bad he got a metal plate and almost died. He suffered so much and still became president. His story may help you. Hang in there.
Have you looked into Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehlers–Danlos_syndrome
Or herpies viruses? HHV6 and CMV cause colitis and all kinds of problems.
I've been diagnosed wrong many MANY times. Keep searching and hang on to your colon as long as you can! Have you talked to HV in "The Truth in Medicine" forum on curezone? He'll probably tell you to try ozone because it cures this stuff.
Email me if you like. I'm suffering with this stuff too and still searching for a doctor who knows something!
Boswellia for ulc. Colitis?
1. Throw the Antibiotics in the toilet. They screw up your immune system.
2. Get some high class probiotics. www.customprobiotics.com I use the 6 strain. provides 260 billion CFU's per gram. Also cost more.
3. Go on extended distilled water fasts. Not hard if you learn a little self hypnosis [easy to learn} repetition is the key, and understanding that you can program your sub concious mind to allow you to do anything you want to do. Fasting becomes easy because you program the SCM that you are going to fast for x number of days, and it happens. Juice fasts, especially fruit has sugars which feed the bad bacteria. You have already killed the good bacteria with the antibiotics you have been taking, so the ratio of good to bad is out of wack. Sugary foods just makes it worse.
I have eliminated UC 3 times by extended water fasting. 10 to 15 days. The reason it returned is I didn't change my diet. Kept eating junk loaded with sweets, and junk food. That is until this last time. You will start having what is considered normal stools at some point which is said to be [sorry for the details] about the size of a babies arm 12 to 18 inches long. A good fiber helper will be good www.wellnessrecources.com
I eliminated all meat from my diet, but if you eliminated at least all processed meat that would probably be enough. And not to eat anything that wasn't organically grown including what ever meat you do eat.
Can't comment on your other medical problems because I am not familiar with them. I would bet that stopping all the medications would be a start coupled with a good diet.
I know this sounds like a big commitment, but just think of the alternative of having to empty that bag that sticks out of your side. That should be enough for anybody, and everything I have suggested is easy if you just make the effort.
I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I have only my own experience to go by. I am not in the medical profession., so go accordingly.
Best of luck
Hi Sam,
Yes there are other things like the exercise that are important to good health., and sugars, etc..
I was concentrating on known problems like the drugs, and bad meats, sugars, etc...
I can't emphasize enough about the distilled water fasts because they work. The reason is the immune system is reacting to something that is digested. If everything digested is eliminated because of only consuming water, the immune won't have anything to react to cause the UC. The first step is to stop the UC, then adjust the diet to healthy food as I suggested.
I have to agree with you about the meat, but some people have a hard time giving it up. I think meat is a carrier of parasites, especially non organically raised, and processed meats.
From his tone, he sounded like he was at his wits end, so I thought he might have enough commitment to doing the distilled water fast. Learning self hypnosis makes it easy, but some think it's easier to go to the doctor and get meds. Taking a pill is easier, but it does nothing but treat the symptoms [if that] while it does other damage.
Allopathic medicine is big on "If it don't work as expected, cut it out" Well anybody with a brain knows you were born with everything you need to live, so why get rid of it. Just give it the proper fuel.
I'd rather go down the vegetable juice fast than water fast.
Okay, we all get to make our own decisions. I truely hope it works for you.
When you get ready to eliminate your UC, and do the water fast which has a 3-0 record of success with me, you can make it easier by learning Self Hypnosis. Here is a short primer on the subject for less than $8.00.
You can also experience a short hypnosis session on "self confidence" by clicking on the sample tab. This is an audio book.
http://www.audible.com/pd/ref=sr_1_2?asin=B002V8N4KW&qid=1322246344&s... Again, Good luck whatever you decide.
BTW, there is no stress involved in doing a water fast. I have done many in the last 45, or 50 years. From 1 day fasts to 30 day fasts. Best to start slow, then go longer.
I recall doing a 10 day fast when I was near your age. I was working 8 or 9 hours a day doing heavy lifting. About the 5th day I started getting energy you wouldn't imagine. Come home after and run at a 7 minute mile for 2 1/2 miles. Then couldn't find enough things to do around the house. There are a lot of people who never fasted willing to bad mouth fasting, but they don't know what they speak of.
One last thing, there is no short cut. No pill or supplement will cure your UC.