Hello Phillyfly,
yes I have practiced the teachings of NH since my mid 20's with slight lapses here and there.
As time progressed I modified those teachings and practices via my own research: for example, Dr Joel Fuhrman MD who recovered his own health via
Herbert Shelton and NH, changed his career to medicine because of it, and discovered that in Sheltons latter years, his development of Parkinsons disease was thru a deficiency of DHA, or an essential fatty acid obtainable mainly from oily fish. Fish consumption was taboo within NH circles as was any meat or flesh foods.
Fuhrman has expanded Sheltons work, beliefs and practices of NH into a more more Scientific method and approach to living.
Amongst other things my research discovered todays nutritional depletion of soils, which led me to research nutritional supplements and Orthomolecular Medicine in particular. Whatever anyone may tell you, supplementation has become an absolute necessity because of nutritionally-deficient foods (even organic). This led me onto a supplement called Neurozan & Intramax, but in the long run the latter was just far too expensive here in the UK at £75.00 per bottle; the other option was to import Intramax more cheaply from the States, but there are huge shipping costs and then Customs Duties on top of that.
It is generally known that liquid nutrition is far more absorbable than food in its solid and original form, hence the value in Juice-Feasting.
Chlorella & Spirulina are two Superfoods that contain every nutritional element in abundance in their natural state, and that can be purchased in a powder form to mix with juice/water; they are far more bioavailable and absorbable to the body than any synthetically-manufactured nutritional substance.
They also have far superior healing qualities.
The perfect diet?
Is there one?
Your list here is a good one and where it is not only nutrition but lifestyle choices that determine our state of health. On that score NH principles have no equal.
-fresh air, sunlight, rest, relationships
-following body cycles
-proper food combining (although I am recently questioning our need for grains if you wouldn't mind addressing this too)
-eating mostly fruits and veggies
-organic/properly fed animal and fish protein a couple of times a week
-green juices once a day
-Intramax supplementation
and now add this Chlorella/Spirulina.
Except you can cut out the green juices, as this is what Choleralla & Spirulina are.
A weekly fast of 36 hours is a necessity for internal house-cleaning or even the "No breakfast plan", but I would also add that exercise to that regimen; I have found that rebounding as a form of exercise is superior to any other as it is the only cellular exercise there is. It exercises ALL of your bodily cells like no other, especially the Lymph system, and aids greatly in its drainage and circulation.
I know that many people in NH do not supplement, but I believe that to be a mistake. These Natural Hygienists are of the old school, but what they have failed to realize is that natural raw foods are more deficient now than they have ever been. According to Dr Al Sears MD, to receive the same nutrition from just ONE Orange grown 20 years ago, you would have to eat EIGHT today.!!!
Also, the nutritional value of foods that are transported around the globe lose much of their potency in transit, so there is a popular movement now to eat and grow food at the local level; this means the food will have retained much of its nutritional value. Farmers markets are very useful here if you cannot grow your own.
Please read the chlorella factor by Mike Adams and it will change your mind as it did mine.
Nothing can surpass the lifestyle principles of NH and they include ample rest and sleep; exercise; judicious sunbathing; fasting; fresh air; nutrition; warmth; loving relationships; emotional poise and others.
As far as I am concerned the original NH diet is the best: veggies and fruits of all kinds and varieties with the emphasis on veggies with some dairy such as goatsmilk yogurt, but also with the addition of essential fatty acids in the form of flaxseeds and their oils plus oily and coldwater fish. Grass-fed beef is an option but I do not subscribe by way of taste. There is far more protein within these two superfoods than any meat-source: including beef.
Chlorella and Spirulina contain all of the Essential Fatty Acids plus every known nutritional element. Meat can therefore said to be redundant; there are also ethical reasons not to eat meat as well.
That's about it.
Thank you for the welcome back.