Hi Hitch,
I will be glad to discuss your questions with you:
>>> is is necessary or recommended to go to sleep right after drinking the mixture, just like the olive oil and juice flush?
No, it is not necessary to sleep. The potion is like a normal drink. It won't make you feel indisposed, except just a bit tired and sleepy initially. So, if you feel that, just take a little nap!
>> Also is it necessary to lie on a certain side so the stones comes out?
Not at all. Just sleep as you feel is most comfortable for you.
>> And in terms of what you eat the day of (since i want to do this at night) is it best to have very little food in the body?
Yes, Yes, Yes. Try consuming mostly or only fruits, or if you must have other food, try to keep it light. It is best not to have anything for about 3 hours before taking your drink at night.
>> I am also wondering what you think about kidney cleanses, should one use herbs, what is the best method to get rid of stones in the kidneys.
I don't know much about kidney cleanses and from what i do know, most of the doctoral recommendations involve heavy herbs and tinctures as remedy. Personally I do not like to follow complicated methods of cleansing, believing that everything should be simple, easy and enjoyable. So, following this logic, I have heard of someone on this forum doing a very practial-sounding
kidney cleanse - every morning he drinks 1.5 litres of distilled water in a period of only 2 minutes. He then feels very toxic, with odor in the armpits and heavy coating on the tongue. He also then feels the urge to urinate heavily and there is a burning sensation in the process. THis sounds like he is passing kidney stones, but I have not experimented with it myself yet. Though I hope to do so very shortly.
>> I understand the benefits of enemas as you've stated, but i've also read they they should be used sparingly and can be dangerous as well, so i am scared to do one because of the dangers involved, aren't they habit forming and bad for intestinal muscles?
I don't think so. Anyone who eats cooked food, should do a daily enema and even that's not enough to keep you in good health. My drink formula of limes/yolks and oil should be sufficient to keep things moving and the enema is just crucial in the cleansing process. I feel that enemas are safe and they are also pleasant and and easy way to rid your body of toxic, decaying deposits, which would otherwise rot in your column and poison your blood...
I hope this answer has been helpful. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress :)