It's all connected. You just have to put the connections together yourself to complete the puzzle.
>>What do you think is the best way to address the histamine problem?
When Newport says "Lead and mercury interfere with 2200 enzymatic processes", and he talks about "broken methylation", (due to metals)--the metals interfering with needed enzymes for processes to work through out the entire body like it was designed to, is also at the base of the histamine (hormone) imbalance.
Methionine is the other thing needed to break down, and detox histamine so it doesn't become excessive in the blood. "Broken methylation", low methylation, is found with most people with high allergies/asthma/hives. SAMe, supplies methionine, needed by the liver for the Methylation pathway to detox.
It's not by coincidence that SAMe is also used for depression, and for liver disease.
Compare what it says here:
>>It has been hypothesized that SAMe increases the availaibility of neurotransmitter serotonin and dopamine.
To what it says here:
>>In your hypothalamus, histamine stimulates the release of the important neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Another role of brain histamine is to counterbalance dopamine in that area of the brain that filters sensory information coming into your brain. With too little histamine, dopamine levels are elevated.>>
See the same neurotransmitters affected by both? What is it anti-depressants affect to make people feel better?
Serotonin. What is it that affects sleep? Melatonin
The copper connection (from that same article)
A recent client was living on two anti-depressant drugs, Wellbutrin and Effixor, but still felt anxious and depressed and had bouts of crying. Brett complained that he had lost his sex drive, tired easily, felt irritable and frustrated most of the time. His growing paranoia had affected his job relationships. Lab testing showed not only low histamine levels but abnormally high hair copper: eight times the normal level. The toxic effect of copper stems from its properties as a nervous stimulant. Excess copper creates histapenia (low histamine) by decreasing histamine in the brain. Copper contains the enzymes that regulate histamine, and too much copper allows histamine degradation to take place. The lowered histamine levels in turn, allow more copper to accumulate.
High copper in the brain can cause a state of restlessness, insomnia, violence, depression, irritability, paranoia, and high blood pressure.
The HRC formula for Low Histimine found in
Depression Free, Naturally includes generous amounts of zinc, manganese, niacin (B3) and Vitamin C, all of which lowers copper>>
Metals also interfere with the "mineral transport system", and interfere with our bodies being able to take up the available minerals it needs (imbalances).
From Larry Wilson, on Toxic (biounavailable) copper, and insomnia...
and.. there's that word again- the "neurotransmitters" copper messes with. Any wonder that all this stuff that is affecting the neurotransmitters, is causing depression, insomnia, and other mental issues? My Uncle that went mentally bonkers, also didn't sleep for days at a time.
Copper and Insomnia
>> A hallmark of copper imbalance is insomnia. Copper has a stimulating effect on the brain, causing the mind to race and exciting the emotions. High copper individuals often stay up late and have difficulty falling or staying asleep.
Copper appears to cause sleeplessness because it has a stimulatory effect upon the catecholamines, neurotransmitters that activate the central nervous system. Copper-toxic individuals frequently complain that their mind races when they try to sleep.
Copper imbalance on a hair analysis is often accompanied by elevated calcium and magnesium levels. Although one might assume this indicates excessive calcium in the body, the fact is, it indicates biounavailable calcium and magnesium. This means that the calcium is not in an ionic, or usable form, and precipitates into the soft tissues such as the hair.
The result of this phenomenon is that the individual often has symptoms associated with both a high calcium and low calcium level.
Fatigue, associated with excessive tissue calcium, is often present. However, muscle cramps and tightness and difficulty sleeping are also often present, due to bio-unavailable calcium as well as a copper imbalance.
Copper, Adrenals, and Chronic Fatigue:
Chronic Fatigue As A Cause Of Insomnia
Most of us have experienced being overtired and unable to sleep. Why does this occur? We find that a certain amount of energy is needed to relax and sleep. When the body is pushed to its energy limit, sleep is impaired. This may be due to copper accumulation which frequently accompanies adrenal weakness. Adequate adrenal activity is needed to maintain copper in a bio-available form. As one becomes more tired, adrenal activity lessens, and copper can build up in the tissues. Copper can act as a mental stimulant, helping us to keep going when under stress. However, as explained above, it is a stimulant that will impair the ability to sleep
Some people have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, but as evening approaches, they come to life. At bedtime they cannot slow down and go to sleep. They often stay up late watching television or reading until they finally fall asleep very late at night or during the early morning hours.
While some individuals just seem to be night people, most commonly this pattern is due to fatigue and specifically adrenal insufficiency